Change APNs for Tele2 Netherlands mcc204

According to requirements from Tele2 we shall add ims, xcap and
internet APNs for mcc204 mnc16, remove mms for mcc204 mnc02
and add an ims APN.

Test: adb shell content query --uri content://telephony/carriers --where mcc='204'
Bug: 202924232
Change-Id: Idb25c4fb7a4127efe099c7c976c06bf7b3e3572c
[FP3 A11:
 * Drop carrier_id, because it's not present in the carrier_list
 * Reorder/reformat with our tooling]
Issue: FP3-A11#360
(cherry picked from commit 2c7b861cea63493fd8649affa2435c01db37399b)
1 file changed