Drop irrelevant Qualcomm services and scripts [1/2]

Drop components that are for other platforms and device types only.

Issue: FP3-A13#14
Change-Id: I394fd90f21adcf643e48ea52078b1f8ace0232e6
diff --git a/device.mk b/device.mk
index 2292c2c..a4de616 100644
--- a/device.mk
+++ b/device.mk
@@ -631,13 +631,10 @@
 	init.legacy_prop.rc \
 	init.mdm.sh \
 	init.qcom.class_core.sh \
-	init.qcom.coex.sh \
 	init.qcom.early_boot.sh \
-	init.qcom.efs.sync.sh \
 	init.qcom.factory.rc \
 	init.qcom.post_boot.sh \
 	init.qcom.rc \
-	init.qcom.sdio.sh \
 	init.qcom.sensors.sh \
 	init.qcom.sh \
 	init.qcom.usb.rc \
@@ -645,37 +642,14 @@
 	init.recovery.qcom.rc \
 	init.target.rc \
 	init.veth_ipa_config.sh \
-	qca6234-service.sh \
 	ueventd.qcom.rc \
 #intialise PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG list for debug modules
-PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG += init.qcom.testscripts.sh
 #Add init.qcom.test.rc to PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG list
-PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG += init.qcom.test.rc
-PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG += init.qcom.debug.sh
-ifneq ($(strip $(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)),user)
-	$(FP_PATH)/rootdir/etc/init.qcom.testscripts.sh:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_PRODUCT)/etc/init.qcom.testscripts.sh
-	init.qcom.debug.sh \
-	init.qcom.debug-sdm660.sh \
-	init.qcom.debug-sdm710.sh \
-	init.qti.debug-msmnile-apps.sh \
-	init.qti.debug-msmnile-modem.sh \
-	init.qti.debug-msmnile-slpi.sh \
-	init.qti.debug-talos.sh \
-	init.qti.debug-msmnile.sh \
-	init.qti.debug-kona.sh \
-	init.qti.debug-lito.sh \
-	init.qti.debug-trinket.sh \
-	init.qti.debug-atoll.sh \
-	init.qti.debug-lagoon.sh \
-	init.qti.debug-bengal.sh
+	init.qcom.test.rc \
+	init.qcom.debug.sh
 # IP and iptables