Merge tag 'android-13.0.0_r32' into int/13/fp3

Android 13.0.0 release 32

* tag 'android-13.0.0_r32': (143 commits)
  Revert "Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/master' into goldfish-opengl-update"
  Handle display hotplug (connect/disconnect)
  Add HealthWatchdogs to VkEncoder and AddressSpaceStream
  Get it to build with new HealthMonitor files
  Add HealthMonitor and Metrics without changes
  platform: remove kernel 5.4 workaround
  Do not use auto to infer the thread id
  Revert "create secondary display with displayId specified."
  Centralize getCurrentThreadId to AndroidThreadInfo.cpp
  fix allocate memory return incorrect result.
  Add a manifest fragment to our c2 codecs
  hwc2: Fix hwcomposer.ranchu building warning -Wreorder-ctor
  Removed unused file
  Reformat generated code
  Reformat HostVisibleMemoryVirtualization files
  vulkan: use thread local VkEncoder to destroy CoherentMemory
  Revert^2 "Use rcGetHostExtensions() in HostConnection"
  Revert^2 "Add rcGetHostExtensions()"
  HWC2: reduce logging when another composition type is chosen in validate
  virtgpu: retry on wait ioctl if EBUSY is hit

Change-Id: I1983540a2f618e8da197b32a52586981398f58b9