Add webrtc streamer

Bug: 141887532
Test: locally
Change-Id: I2a0d927470ba1f68cc94b94987a0e0de8b74333e
diff --git a/host/frontend/gcastv2/webrtc/webRTC.cpp b/host/frontend/gcastv2/webrtc/webRTC.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e38333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/frontend/gcastv2/webrtc/webRTC.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#include <webrtc/AdbWebSocketHandler.h>
+#include <webrtc/DTLS.h>
+#include <webrtc/MyWebSocketHandler.h>
+#include <webrtc/RTPSocketHandler.h>
+#include <webrtc/ServerState.h>
+#include <webrtc/STUNMessage.h>
+#include <https/HTTPServer.h>
+#include <https/PlainSocket.h>
+#include <https/RunLoop.h>
+#include <https/SafeCallbackable.h>
+#include <https/SSLSocket.h>
+#include <https/Support.h>
+#include <media/stagefright/foundation/hexdump.h>
+#include <media/stagefright/Utils.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#if defined(TARGET_ANDROID)
+#include <gflags/gflags.h>
+        public_ip,
+        "",
+        "Public IPv4 address of your server, a.b.c.d format");
+        assets_dir,
+        "webrtc",
+        "Directory with location of webpage assets.");
+        certs_dir,
+        "webrtc/certs",
+        "Directory to certificates.");
+DEFINE_int32(touch_fd, -1, "An fd to listen on for touch connections.");
+DEFINE_int32(keyboard_fd, -1, "An fd to listen on for keyboard connections.");
+DEFINE_string(adb, "", "Interface:port of local adb service.");
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+#if defined(TARGET_ANDROID)
+    ::gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
+    (void)argc;
+    (void)argv;
+    SSLSocket::Init();
+    DTLS::Init();
+    auto runLoop = RunLoop::main();
+    auto state = std::make_shared<ServerState>(
+            runLoop, ServerState::VideoFormat::VP8);
+#if 1
+    auto port = 8443;  // Change to 8080 to use plain http instead of https.
+    auto httpd = std::make_shared<HTTPServer>(
+            runLoop,
+            "",
+            port,
+            port == 8080
+                ? ServerSocket::TransportType::TCP
+                : ServerSocket::TransportType::TLS,
+            FLAGS_certs_dir + "/server.crt",
+            FLAGS_certs_dir + "/server.key");
+    const std::string index_html = FLAGS_assets_dir + "/index.html";
+    const std::string receive_js = FLAGS_assets_dir + "/js/receive.js";
+    const std::string logcat_js = FLAGS_assets_dir + "/js/logcat.js";
+    const std::string style_css = FLAGS_assets_dir + "/style.css";
+    httpd->addStaticFile("/index.html", index_html.c_str());
+    httpd->addStaticFile("/js/receive.js", receive_js.c_str());
+    httpd->addStaticFile("/js/logcat.js", logcat_js.c_str());
+    httpd->addStaticFile("/style.css", style_css.c_str());
+    httpd->addWebSocketHandlerFactory(
+            "/control",
+            [runLoop, state]{
+                auto id = state->acquireHandlerId();
+                auto handler =
+                    std::make_shared<MyWebSocketHandler>(runLoop, state, id);
+                return std::make_pair(0 /* OK */, handler);
+            });
+#if defined(TARGET_ANDROID)
+    if (!FLAGS_adb.empty()) {
+        httpd->addWebSocketHandlerFactory(
+                "/control_adb",
+                [runLoop]{
+                    auto handler = std::make_shared<AdbWebSocketHandler>(
+                            runLoop, FLAGS_adb);
+                    handler->run();
+                    return std::make_pair(0 /* OK */, handler);
+                });
+    }
+    httpd->run();
+    uint16_t receiverPort = 63843;
+    std::string receiverUFrag = "N1NB";
+    std::string receiverPassword = "deadbeef";
+    uint16_t senderPort = 63844;
+    std::string senderUFrag = "ABCD";
+    std::string senderPassword = "wooops";
+    auto sender = std::make_shared<RTPSocketHandler>(
+            runLoop,
+            RTPSocketHandler::Mode::CONTROLLER,
+            AF_INET,
+            senderPort,
+            false /* isChrome */);
+    sender->addSession(
+            senderUFrag,
+            senderPassword,
+            receiverUFrag,
+            receiverPassword);
+    sockaddr_in addr;
+    memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
+    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+    addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+    addr.sin_port = htons(senderPort);
+    sockaddr_storage senderAddr;
+    memcpy(&senderAddr, &addr, sizeof(addr));
+    auto receiver = std::make_shared<RTPSocketHandler>(
+            runLoop,
+            RTPSocketHandler::Mode::CONTROLLEE,
+            AF_INET,
+            receiverPort,
+            false /* isChrome */);
+    receiver->addSession(
+            receiverUFrag,
+            receiverPassword,
+            senderUFrag,
+            senderPassword,
+            senderAddr);
+    sender->run();
+    receiver->run();
+    receiver->kick();
+    runLoop->run();
+    return 0;