Update the vnc_server's sequential frame number on frame updates

The vnc_server asks for frames newer than the last frame it got. The
last frame's sequential number was not being updated properly, which
caused the vnc_server to always ask for a frame newer than 0 causing
the call to return immediately and jpeg-encode and send to the client
the same frame repeatedly, hence overusing the CPU.

Bug: 132206213
Test: run locally, verified CPU usage is lower
Change-Id: I46380ba5934c3432d55cce6f4f767ee35891a947
1 file changed
tree: df0cccb37d4f4b9a664f3fdc9946dceb6e044bb3
  1. common/
  2. guest/
  3. host/
  4. tests/
  5. tools/
  6. Android.bp
  7. Android.mk