Drop USB audio HAL from the build

USB audio support isn't fully implemented or set up at the moment. It is
causing CTS verifier tests to fail. Drop this feature entirely until
it's fixed, eventually.

Issue: FP2P-478
Test: CtsVerifier manualTests#com.android.cts.verifier.audio.USBAudioPeripheralAttributesActivity and related
Change-Id: I01057c151bc6738073412444c2a9581131aeb0cb
1 file changed
tree: 63aa6440827cbf1dc9c272821c33e939788d9587
  1. build/
  2. dtbtool/
  3. media/
  4. rootdir/
  5. Android.mk
  6. bdroid_buildcfg.h
  7. build.sh
  8. common.mk
  9. common64.mk
  10. generate_extra_images.mk
  11. qcom.key
  12. README.md
  13. releasetools.py
  14. sdllvm-lto-defs.mk
  15. sec_config
  16. utils.mk
  17. vendorsetup.sh

Generic common qcom configuration tools

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