blob: eb390a81cae39c6ed64aa1cba90ab1a288831de6 [file] [log] [blame]
#Allow firmware_file access to load Non-HLOS images
allow ueventd firmware_file:dir search;
allow ueventd firmware_file:file { read getattr open };
#Allow persist_file access to wcnss bin
allow ueventd persist_file:dir search;
allow ueventd persist_file:file { read getattr open };
#for wifi to access wifi_data_file
allow ueventd wifi_data_file:dir search;
allow ueventd wifi_data_file:file { read getattr open };
allow ueventd sysfs_battery_supply:file w_file_perms;
allow ueventd sysfs_thermal:file w_file_perms;
allow ueventd sysfs_usb_supply:file w_file_perms;
allow ueventd sysfs_socinfo:file w_file_perms;