ARM: Exynos: Manta: add gps lib and configuration files

These files must be loaded in device for GPS operation. - gps lib
gpsd - gps daemon
gps.conf, gps.xml - gps configuration files,ueventd.manta.rc and init.manta.rc are used for copying lib&conf files and running gps daemon.

Change-Id: Ib4687a3b1309757f5c2c43bcde94457802ae9911
Signed-off-by: Bono Koo <>
diff --git a/ueventd.manta.rc b/ueventd.manta.rc
index 047c1ba..0e2c593 100644
--- a/ueventd.manta.rc
+++ b/ueventd.manta.rc
@@ -63,3 +63,6 @@
 /dev/video17              0660   system     system
 /dev/video18              0660   system     system
 /dev/video19              0660   system     system
+# GPS
+/dev/ttySAC1              0660   root      system