FP2-15: create Product ID for FP2 project

this modification is to show how many product it has.
all of products those be shown are based on msm8974

Change-Id: Ie0f57be340703d943eab64c751cc5df56a687d0b
diff --git a/envsetup.sh b/envsetup.sh
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index a9bd707..d909ae8
--- a/envsetup.sh
+++ b/envsetup.sh
@@ -336,6 +336,29 @@
 function chooseproduct()
+# Find the list of all products by looking for all AndroidProducts.mk files under the
+# device/, vendor/ and build/target/product/ directories and look for the format
+# LOCAL_DIR/<ProductSpecificFile.mk> and extract the name ProductSpecificFile from it.
+# This will give the list of all products that can be built using choosecombo
+    local -a prodlist
+# Find all AndroidProducts.mk files under the dirs device/, build/target/ and vendor/
+# Extract lines containing .mk from them
+# Extract lines containing LOCAL_DIR
+# Extract the name of the product specific file
+    prodlist=(`/usr/bin/find device/fairphone_devices device/qcom/msm8974 -name AndroidProducts.mk 2>/dev/null | \
+	    xargs grep -h \.mk| grep LOCAL_DIR| cut -d'/' -f2|cut -d' ' -f1|sort|uniq|cut -d'.' -f1`)
+    local index=1
+    local p
+    echo "Product choices are:"
+    for p in ${prodlist[@]}
+    do
+	    echo "     $index. $p"
+	    let "index = $index + 1"
+    done
     if [ "x$TARGET_PRODUCT" != x ] ; then
@@ -354,9 +377,16 @@
-        if [ -z "$ANSWER" ] ; then
-            export TARGET_PRODUCT=$default_value
-        else
+	if [ -z "$ANSWER" ] ; then
+		export TARGET_PRODUCT=$default_value
+	elif (echo -n $ANSWER | grep -q -e "^[0-9][0-9]*$") ; then
+		local poo=`echo -n $ANSWER`
+		if [ $poo -le ${#prodlist[@]} ] ; then
+			export TARGET_PRODUCT=${prodlist[$(($ANSWER-1))]}
+		else
+			echo "** Bad product selection: $ANSWER"
+		fi
+	else
             if check_product $ANSWER
                 export TARGET_PRODUCT=$ANSWER