AI 147666: CTS: add test cases for android.os.Message, Handler and Looper

Automated import of CL 147666
diff --git a/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/cts/ b/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/cts/
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+ * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package android.os.cts;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import android.os.Handler;
+import android.os.Looper;
+import android.os.Message;
+import android.os.SystemClock;
+import android.os.Handler.Callback;
+import android.util.Printer;
+import dalvik.annotation.TestLevel;
+import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass;
+import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetNew;
+import dalvik.annotation.TestTargets;
+public class HandlerTest extends TestCase {
+    public static final int MESSAGE_WHAT = 3;
+    // time when message should be handled.
+    static final int RUNTIME = 300;
+    // time when check whether the message is handled.
+    static final long DELAYED = RUNTIME + 50;
+    // Handler
+    Handler mHandler = new Handler();
+    MockHandler mHandler1 = new MockHandler();
+    @Override
+    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
+        mHandler1.reset();
+        super.tearDown();
+    }
+    @TestTargets({
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Handler}",
+            method = "Handler",
+            args = {}
+        ),
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Handler}",
+            method = "Handler",
+            args = {android.os.Looper.class}
+        ),
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Handler}",
+            method = "Handler",
+            args = {Callback.class}
+        ),
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Handler}",
+            method = "Handler",
+            args = {Looper.class, Callback.class}
+        ),
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "test constructor of Handler",
+            method = "toString",
+            args = {}
+        )
+    })
+    public void testConstructor() {
+        Callback cb = new Callback() {
+            public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        };
+        // new the Handler instance
+        new Handler();
+        new Handler(Looper.myLooper());
+        new Handler(cb);
+        new Handler(Looper.myLooper(), cb);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test postAtTime with params Runnable, uptimeMillis",
+        method = "postAtTime",
+        args = {Runnable.class, long.class}
+    )
+    public void testPostAtTime1() {
+        MockRunnable r = new MockRunnable();
+        assertTrue(mHandler.postAtTime(r, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME));
+        assertFalse(r.isRun());
+        sleep(DELAYED);
+        assertTrue(r.isRun());
+        mHandler.removeCallbacks(r);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test postAtTime with params Runnable, Object, uptimeMillis",
+        method = "postAtTime",
+        args = {Runnable.class, Object.class, long.class}
+    )
+    public void testPostAtTime2() {
+        MockRunnable r = new MockRunnable();
+        Object token = new Object();
+        assertTrue(mHandler.postAtTime(r, token, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME));
+        assertFalse(r.isRun());
+        sleep(DELAYED);
+        assertTrue(r.isRun());
+        mHandler.removeCallbacks(r);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test sendMessageAtTime with params Message, uptimeMillis",
+        method = "sendMessageAtTime",
+        args = {Message.class, long.class}
+    )
+    public void testSendMessageAtTime() {
+        Message msg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        assertTrue(mHandler1.sendMessageAtTime(msg, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME));
+        assertNull(mHandler1.message);
+        sleep(DELAYED);
+        assertSame(msg, mHandler1.message);
+        mHandler1.removeMessages(msg.what);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test dump function",
+        method = "dump",
+        args = {Printer.class, String.class}
+    )
+    public void testDump() {
+        final String prefix = "AndroidTest";
+        MockPrinter pw = new MockPrinter();
+        mHandler.dump(pw, prefix);
+    }
+    @TestTargets({
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "test hasMessages with params int",
+            method = "hasMessages",
+            args = {int.class}
+        ),
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "test hasMessages with params int",
+            method = "removeMessages",
+            args = {int.class}
+        )
+    })
+    public void testHasMessagesWithInt() {
+        Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage();
+        assertFalse(mHandler.hasMessages(msg.what));
+        mHandler.sendMessageAtTime(msg, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        assertTrue(mHandler.hasMessages(msg.what));
+        mHandler.removeMessages(msg.what);
+        assertFalse(mHandler.hasMessages(msg.what));
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test hasMessages with params int, Object",
+        method = "hasMessages",
+        args = {int.class, Object.class}
+    )
+    public void testHasMessagesWithObject() {
+        Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage();
+        msg.obj = new Object();
+        assertFalse(mHandler.hasMessages(msg.what, msg.obj));
+        mHandler.sendMessageAtTime(msg, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        assertTrue(mHandler.hasMessages(msg.what, msg.obj));
+        mHandler.removeMessages(msg.what);
+        assertFalse(mHandler.hasMessages(msg.what, msg.obj));
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test removeCallbacksAndMessages with null Object",
+        method = "removeCallbacksAndMessages",
+        args = {Object.class}
+    )
+    public void testRemoveCallbacksAndMessages() {
+        Message msg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        mHandler1.sendMessageAtTime(msg, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        sleep(RUNTIME / 2);
+        // Test the obj == null
+        mHandler1.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null);
+        sleep(RUNTIME / 2);
+        assertNull(mHandler1.message);
+        mHandler1.reset();
+        msg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        msg.obj = new Object();
+        mHandler1.sendMessageAtTime(msg, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        sleep(RUNTIME / 2);
+        // Test the obj == p.obj for message
+        mHandler1.removeCallbacksAndMessages(msg.obj);
+        sleep(RUNTIME / 2);
+        assertNull(mHandler1.message);
+        mHandler1.reset();
+        // Test remove a callback
+        final Object obj = new Object();
+        MockRunnable mr1 = new MockRunnable();
+        mHandler1.postAtTime(mr1, obj, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        sleep(RUNTIME / 2);
+        mHandler1.removeCallbacksAndMessages(obj);
+        sleep(RUNTIME / 2);
+        assertFalse(mr1.isRun());
+        // test remove a wrong callback
+        mr1 = new MockRunnable();
+        mHandler1.postAtTime(mr1, obj, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        mHandler1.removeCallbacksAndMessages(new Object());
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        assertTrue(mr1.isRun());
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test sendEmptyMessageAtTime with param Message and uptimeMillis",
+        method = "sendEmptyMessageAtTime",
+        args = {int.class, long.class}
+    )
+    public void testSendEmptyMessageAtTime() {
+        long uptime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME;
+        assertTrue(mHandler1.sendEmptyMessageAtTime(MESSAGE_WHAT, uptime));
+        assertEquals(0, mHandler1.what);
+        sleep(DELAYED);
+        assertEquals(MESSAGE_WHAT, mHandler1.what);
+        mHandler1.removeMessages(MESSAGE_WHAT);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test getLooper",
+        method = "getLooper",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testGetLooper() {
+        // new the Handler instance
+        Looper looper = Looper.myLooper();
+        mHandler = new Handler(looper);
+        assertSame(looper, mHandler.getLooper());
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test removeCallbacks with param Runnable",
+        method = "removeCallbacks",
+        args = {Runnable.class}
+    )
+    public void testRemoveCallbacks() {
+        // test remove right object.
+        MockRunnable r = new MockRunnable();
+        mHandler.postAtTime(r, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        mHandler.removeCallbacks(r);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        assertFalse(r.isRun());
+        // test remove wrong object.
+        r = new MockRunnable();
+        MockRunnable mr = new MockRunnable();
+        mHandler.postAtTime(r, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        mHandler.removeCallbacks(mr);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        assertTrue(r.isRun());
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test removeCallbacks with params Runnable and Object",
+        method = "removeCallbacks",
+        args = {Runnable.class, Object.class}
+    )
+    public void testRemoveCallbacksWithObject() {
+        // test remove right object.
+        MockRunnable r1 = new MockRunnable();
+        Object token = new Object();
+        mHandler.postAtTime(r1, token, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        mHandler.removeCallbacks(r1, token);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        assertFalse(r1.isRun());
+        // test remove wrong object.
+        r1 = new MockRunnable();
+        MockRunnable r2 = new MockRunnable();
+        mHandler.postAtTime(r1, token, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        mHandler.removeCallbacks(r2, token);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        assertTrue(r1.isRun());
+        // test remove with right callback and wrong token
+        mHandler.postAtTime(r1, token, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        Object wrongToken = new Object();
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        mHandler.removeCallbacks(r1, wrongToken);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        assertTrue(r1.isRun());
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test removeMessages with params Message",
+        method = "removeMessages",
+        args = {int.class}
+    )
+    public void testRemoveMessages() {
+        // test remove right message
+        Message msg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        msg.what = 100;
+        mHandler1.sendMessageAtTime(msg, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        mHandler1.removeMessages(msg.what);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        assertNull(mHandler1.message);
+        assertEquals(0, mHandler1.what);
+        mHandler1.reset();
+        // test remove wrong message
+        msg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        msg.what = 100;
+        mHandler1.sendMessageAtTime(msg, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        mHandler1.removeMessages(101);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        assertEquals(100, mHandler1.what);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test removeMessages with params Message, and uptimeMillis",
+        method = "removeMessages",
+        args = {int.class, Object.class}
+    )
+    public void testRemoveMessagesWithObject() {
+        // test remove right message
+        Message msg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        msg.obj = new Object();
+        msg.what = 100;
+        mHandler1.sendMessageAtTime(msg, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        mHandler1.removeMessages(msg.what, msg.obj);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        assertNull(mHandler1.message);
+        assertEquals(0, mHandler1.what);
+        mHandler1.reset();
+        // test remove wrong message
+        msg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        msg.obj = new Object();
+        msg.what = 100;
+        Message wrongMessage = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        wrongMessage.obj = new Object();
+        wrongMessage.what = 111;
+        mHandler1.sendMessageAtTime(msg, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        mHandler1.removeMessages(msg.what, wrongMessage.obj);
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        assertEquals(100, mHandler1.what);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test sendMessage with param Message",
+        method = "sendMessage",
+        args = {Message.class}
+    )
+    public void testSendMessage() {
+        Message msg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        assertTrue(mHandler1.sendMessage(msg));
+        sleep(DELAYED);
+        assertSame(msg, mHandler1.message);
+        mHandler1.removeMessages(msg.what);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test obtainMessage",
+        method = "obtainMessage",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testObtainMessage() {
+         Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage();
+         assertNotNull(msg);
+         assertEquals(mHandler, msg.getTarget());
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test obtainMessage function",
+        method = "obtainMessage",
+        args = {int.class}
+    )
+    public void testObtainMessageWithInt() {
+         // new the Handler instance
+         Handler handler = new Handler();
+         Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();
+         msg.what = 100;
+         Message msg1 = mHandler.obtainMessage(msg.what);
+         assertNotNull(msg1);
+         assertEquals(mHandler, msg1.getTarget());
+         assertEquals(msg.what, msg1.what);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test obtainMessage with params Message and Object",
+        method = "obtainMessage",
+        args = {int.class, java.lang.Object.class}
+    )
+    public void testObtainMessageWithIntObject() {
+        // new the Handler instance
+        Handler handler = new Handler();
+        Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();
+        msg.what = 100;
+        msg.obj = new Object();
+        Message msg1 = mHandler.obtainMessage(msg.what, msg.obj);
+        assertNotNull(msg1);
+        assertEquals(mHandler, msg1.getTarget());
+        assertEquals(msg.what, msg1.what);
+        assertSame(msg.obj, msg1.obj);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test obtainMessage with params Message,arg1 and arg2",
+        method = "obtainMessage",
+        args = {int.class, int.class, int.class}
+    )
+    public void testObtainMessageWithMutiInt() {
+        // new the Handler instance
+        Handler handler = new Handler();
+        Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();
+        msg.what = 100;
+        msg.arg1 = 101;
+        msg.arg2 = 102;
+        Message msg1 = mHandler.obtainMessage(msg.what, msg.arg1, msg.arg2);
+        assertNotNull(msg1);
+        assertEquals(mHandler, msg1.getTarget());
+        assertEquals(msg.what, msg1.what);
+        assertEquals(msg.arg1, msg1.arg1);
+        assertEquals(msg.arg2, msg1.arg2);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test obtainMessage with params Message, Object,arg1 and arg2",
+        method = "obtainMessage",
+        args = {int.class, int.class, int.class, Object.class}
+    )
+    public void testObtainMessageWithMutiIntObject() {
+        // new the Handler instance
+        Handler handler = new Handler();
+        Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();
+        msg.what = 100;
+        msg.arg1 = 1000;
+        msg.arg2 = 2000;
+        msg.obj = new Object();
+        Message msg1 = mHandler.obtainMessage(msg.what, msg.arg1, msg.arg2, msg.obj);
+        assertNotNull(msg1);
+        assertEquals(mHandler, msg1.getTarget());
+        assertEquals(msg.arg1, msg1.arg1);
+        assertEquals(msg.arg2, msg1.arg2);
+        assertSame(msg.obj, msg1.obj);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue with param Message",
+        method = "sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue",
+        args = {Message.class}
+    )
+    public void testSendMessageAtFrontOfQueue() {
+        Message lateMsg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        mHandler1.sendEmptyMessageAtTime(lateMsg.what, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + RUNTIME * 5);
+        Message msg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        msg.what = 100;
+        assertTrue(mHandler1.sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(msg));
+        sleep(DELAYED);
+        assertSame(msg, mHandler1.message);
+        mHandler1.removeMessages(msg.what);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test postDelayed with params Runnable, delaytime",
+        method = "postDelayed",
+        args = {Runnable.class, long.class}
+    )
+    public void testPostDelayed() {
+        MockRunnable r = new MockRunnable();
+        assertTrue(mHandler.postDelayed(r, DELAYED));
+        assertFalse(r.isRun());
+        sleep(DELAYED + 500);
+        assertTrue(r.isRun());
+        mHandler.removeCallbacks(r);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test postAtFrontOfQueue with param Runnable",
+        method = "postAtFrontOfQueue",
+        args = {Runnable.class}
+    )
+    public void testPostAtFrontOfQueue() {
+        MockRunnable r = new MockRunnable();
+        MockRunnable mr = new MockRunnable();
+        assertFalse(r.isRun());
+        assertTrue(mHandler.postDelayed(mr, DELAYED));
+        assertTrue(mHandler.postAtFrontOfQueue(r));
+        sleep(DELAYED / 2);
+        assertTrue(r.isRun());
+        mHandler.removeCallbacks(r);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test sendMessageDelayed with params Message, delaytime",
+        method = "sendMessageDelayed",
+        args = {Message.class, long.class}
+    )
+    public void testSendMessageDelayed() {
+        Message msg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        assertTrue(mHandler1.sendMessageDelayed(msg, DELAYED));
+        assertNull(mHandler1.message);
+        sleep(DELAYED + 500);
+        assertSame(msg, mHandler1.message);
+        mHandler1.removeMessages(msg.what);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test post with param Runnalbe",
+        method = "post",
+        args = {Runnable.class}
+    )
+    public void testPost() {
+        MockRunnable r = new MockRunnable();
+        assertFalse(r.isRun());
+        assertTrue(;
+        sleep(DELAYED);
+        assertTrue(r.isRun());
+        mHandler.removeCallbacks(r);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test sendEmptyMessageDelayed with params Message,delaytime",
+        method = "sendEmptyMessageDelayed",
+        args = {int.class, long.class}
+    )
+    public void testSendEmptyMessageDelayed() {
+        Message msg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        msg.what = 100;
+        assertTrue(mHandler1.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(msg.what, DELAYED));
+        sleep(DELAYED + 500);
+        assertEquals(msg.what, mHandler1.what);
+        mHandler1.removeMessages(msg.what);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test dispatchMessage with params Message, test its if branch",
+        method = "dispatchMessage",
+        args = {android.os.Message.class}
+    )
+    public void testDispatchMessage1() {
+        // new the Handler instance
+        MockHandler handler = new MockHandler();
+        MockRunnable callback = new MockRunnable();
+        Message msg = Message.obtain(handler, callback);
+        handler.dispatchMessage(msg);
+        assertNotNull(msg.getCallback());
+        // Test the if branch
+        assertTrue(callback.isRun());
+    }
+    @TestTargets({
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "test dispatchMessage with params Message, test its elsebranch",
+            method = "dispatchMessage",
+            args = {Message.class}
+        ),
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "test dispatchMessage with params Message, test its elsebranch",
+            method = "handleMessage",
+            args = {Message.class}
+        )
+    })
+    public void testDispatchMessage2() {
+        // new the Handler instance
+        MockHandler handler = new MockHandler();
+        Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();
+        handler.dispatchMessage(msg);
+        // Test the else branch
+        assertSame(msg, handler.message);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "test sendEmptyMessage with param int what",
+        method = "sendEmptyMessage",
+        args = {int.class}
+    )
+    public void testSendEmptyMessage() {
+        Message msg = mHandler1.obtainMessage();
+        msg.what = 100;
+        assertTrue(mHandler1.sendEmptyMessage(msg.what));
+        sleep(DELAYED);
+        assertEquals(msg.what, mHandler1.what);
+        mHandler1.removeMessages(msg.what);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test toString",
+        method = "toString",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testToString() {
+        assertNotNull(mHandler1.toString());
+    }
+    /**
+     * MockRunnable
+     */
+    private class MockRunnable implements Runnable {
+        // MockRunnable run
+        private boolean mIsRun;
+        public void run() {
+            mIsRun = true;
+        }
+        public boolean isRun() {
+            return mIsRun;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * MockPrinter
+     */
+    private class MockPrinter implements Printer {
+        String mOutput;
+        public void println(String x) {
+            mOutput = x;
+        }
+        public String getPrint() {
+            return mOutput;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * MockHandler
+     */
+    private class MockHandler extends Handler {
+        public Message message;
+        public int what;
+        @Override
+        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
+            message = msg;
+            what = message.what;
+        }
+        public void reset() {
+            message = null;
+            what = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    public void sleep(long time) {
+        try {
+            Thread.sleep(time);
+        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+            fail(e.getMessage());
+        }
+    }
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+ * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package android.os.cts;
+import android.os.Handler;
+import android.os.Looper;
+import android.os.Message;
+import android.os.MessageQueue;
+import android.os.SystemClock;
+import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
+import android.util.Printer;
+import android.util.StringBuilderPrinter;
+import dalvik.annotation.TestLevel;
+import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass;
+import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetNew;
+public class LooperTest extends AndroidTestCase {
+    public static final long WAIT_TIME = 1000;
+    private boolean mHasRun;
+    private Looper mLooper = null;
+    private boolean mHasQuit;
+    private Handler mLoopHandler;
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: dump",
+        method = "dump",
+        args = {Printer.class, String.class}
+    )
+    public void testDump() {
+        StringBuilderPrinter printer = new StringBuilderPrinter(new StringBuilder());
+        final String prefix = "LooperTest";
+        Looper.myLooper().dump(printer, prefix);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: getMainLooper",
+        method = "getMainLooper",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testGetMainLooper() {
+        Looper looper = Looper.getMainLooper();
+        assertNotNull(looper);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: loop",
+        method = "loop",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testLoop() {
+        MockRunnable run = new MockRunnable();
+        Handler handler = new Handler();
+        Message msg = Message.obtain(handler, run);
+        handler.sendMessageAtTime(msg, 0);
+        assertFalse(run.runCalled);
+        Looper.loop();
+        assertTrue(run.runCalled);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: myLooper",
+        method = "myLooper",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testMyLooper() throws Throwable {
+        TestThread t = new TestThread(new Runnable() {
+            public void run() {
+                assertNull(Looper.myLooper());
+                Looper.prepare();
+                assertNotNull(Looper.myLooper());
+            }
+        });
+        t.runTest(WAIT_TIME);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: myQueue",
+        method = "myQueue",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testMyQueue() throws Throwable {
+        MessageQueue mq = Looper.myQueue();
+        assertNotNull(mq);
+        TestThread t = new TestThread(new Runnable() {
+            public void run() {
+                try {
+                    assertNull(Looper.myQueue());
+                    fail("should throw exception");
+                } catch (Throwable e) {
+                    // expected
+                }
+            }
+        });
+        t.runTest(WAIT_TIME);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: prepare",
+        method = "prepare",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testPrepare() throws Throwable {
+        try {
+            Looper.prepare();
+            fail("should throw exception");
+        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
+            //expected
+        }
+        TestThread t = new TestThread(new Runnable() {
+            public void run() {
+                Looper.prepare();
+                try {
+                    Looper.prepare();
+                    fail("should throw exception");
+                } catch (Throwable e) {
+                    //expected
+                }
+            }
+        });
+        t.runTest(WAIT_TIME);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: prepareMainLooper",
+        method = "prepareMainLooper",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testPrepareMainLooper() throws Throwable {
+        try {
+            Looper.prepareMainLooper();
+            fail("should throw exception");
+        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
+            //expected
+        }
+        TestThread t = new TestThread(new Runnable() {
+            public void run() {
+                Looper.prepareMainLooper();
+                try {
+                    Looper.prepareMainLooper();
+                    fail("should throw exception");
+                } catch (Throwable e) {
+                    //expected
+                }
+            }
+        });
+        t.runTest(WAIT_TIME);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: quit",
+        method = "quit",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testQuit() throws Throwable {
+        TestThread t = new TestThread(new Runnable() {
+            public void run() {
+                mHasQuit = false;
+                Looper.prepare();
+                mLoopHandler = new Handler();
+                mLooper = Looper.myLooper();
+                Looper.loop();
+                mHasQuit = true;
+            }
+        });
+        // Here doesn't call runTest() because we don't want to wait the runTest finish.
+        // Just need to handle Looper#quit();
+        t.start();
+        Thread.sleep(WAIT_TIME);
+        int time = 100;
+        // Send message before Looper has quit.
+        assertTrue(mLoopHandler.sendEmptyMessageAtTime(0, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + time));
+        Thread.sleep(WAIT_TIME);
+        mLooper.quit();
+        Thread.sleep(WAIT_TIME);
+        // Send message after Looper has quit.
+        assertFalse(mLoopHandler.sendEmptyMessageAtTime(1, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + time));
+        assertTrue(mHasQuit);
+        t.checkException();
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: setMessageLogging",
+        method = "setMessageLogging",
+        args = {Printer.class}
+    )
+    public void testSetMessageLogging() throws Throwable {
+        mHasRun = false;
+        TestThread t = new TestThread(new Runnable() {
+            public void run() {
+                Looper.prepare();
+                MockPrinter mp = new MockPrinter();
+                Looper.myLooper().setMessageLogging(mp);
+                MockRunnable run = new MockRunnable();
+                Handler handler = new Handler();
+                Message msg = Message.obtain(handler, run);
+                handler.sendMessageAtTime(msg, 0);
+                Looper.loop();
+                assertNotNull(mp.str);
+                mHasRun = true;
+            }
+        });
+        t.runTest(WAIT_TIME);
+        assertTrue(mHasRun);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: toString",
+        method = "toString",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testToString() {
+        assertNotNull(Looper.myLooper().toString());
+    }
+    class MockPrinter implements Printer {
+        public String str;
+        public void println(String x) {
+            str = x;
+        }
+    }
+    private class MockRunnable implements Runnable {
+        public boolean runCalled = false;
+        public void run() {
+            runCalled = true;
+            Looper.myLooper().quit();
+        }
+        public void stop() {
+            Looper.myLooper().quit();
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/cts/ b/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/cts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..316dacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/cts/
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package android.os.cts;
+import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.os.Handler;
+import android.os.Message;
+import android.os.Parcel;
+import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
+import dalvik.annotation.TestLevel;
+import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass;
+import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetNew;
+import dalvik.annotation.TestTargets;
+public class MessageTest extends AndroidTestCase {
+    public static int SLEEP_TIME = 300;
+    public static final int WHAT = 1;
+    public static final int ARG1 = 1;
+    public static final int ARG2 = 2;
+    public static final String KEY = "android";
+    public static final int VALUE = 3;
+    private Message mMessage;
+    private boolean mMessageHandlerCalled;
+    private Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
+        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
+            mMessageHandlerCalled = true;
+        }
+    };
+    private Runnable mRunnable = new Runnable() {
+        public void run() {
+        }
+    };
+    final Object OBJ = new Object();
+    @Override
+    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+        super.setUp();
+        mMessage = new Message();
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Message}",
+        method = "Message",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testConstructor() {
+        new Message();
+    }
+    @TestTargets({
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "Test method: getWhen",
+            method = "getWhen",
+            args = {}
+        ),
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "Test method: getTarget",
+            method = "getTarget",
+            args = {}
+        ),
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "Test method: setTarget",
+            method = "setTarget",
+            args = {android.os.Handler.class}
+        ),
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "Test method: getCallback",
+            method = "getCallback",
+            args = {}
+        ),
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "Test method: describeContents",
+            method = "describeContents",
+            args = {}
+        ),
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "Test method: setData",
+            method = "setData",
+            args = {Bundle.class}
+        ),
+        @TestTargetNew(
+            level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+            notes = "Test method: getData",
+            method = "getData",
+            args = {}
+        )
+    })
+    public void testAccessMessageProperties() {
+        assertEquals(0, mMessage.getWhen());
+        mMessage.setTarget(mHandler);
+        assertEquals(mHandler, mMessage.getTarget());
+        assertNull(mMessage.getCallback());
+        Message expected = Message.obtain(mHandler, mRunnable);
+        assertEquals(mRunnable, expected.getCallback());
+        Bundle bundle = mMessage.getData();
+        assertNotNull(bundle);
+        Bundle expectedBundle = new Bundle();
+        mMessage.setData(expectedBundle);
+        assertNotNull(mMessage.getData());
+        assertNotSame(bundle, mMessage.getData());
+        assertEquals(expectedBundle, mMessage.getData());
+        assertEquals(0, mMessage.describeContents());
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: obtain",
+        method = "obtain",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testObtain() {
+        Message message = Message.obtain();
+        assertNotNull(message);
+        assertEquals(0, message.what);
+        assertEquals(0, message.arg1);
+        assertEquals(0, message.arg2);
+        assertNull(message.obj);
+        assertNull(message.replyTo);
+        assertNull(message.getTarget());
+        assertNull(message.getCallback());
+        assertNull(message.peekData());
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: obtain",
+        method = "obtain",
+        args = {Message.class}
+    )
+    public void testObtain2() {
+        Message message = Message.obtain(mHandler, WHAT, ARG1, ARG2, OBJ);
+        Message expected = Message.obtain(message);
+        assertEquals(message.getTarget(), expected.getTarget());
+        assertEquals(message.what, expected.what);
+        assertEquals(message.arg1, expected.arg1);
+        assertEquals(message.arg2, expected.arg2);
+        assertEquals(message.obj, expected.obj);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: obtain",
+        method = "obtain",
+        args = {Handler.class}
+    )
+    public void testObtain3() {
+        Message expected = Message.obtain(mHandler);
+        assertEquals(mHandler, expected.getTarget());
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: obtain",
+        method = "obtain",
+        args = {Handler.class, Runnable.class}
+    )
+    public void testObtain4() {
+        Message expected = Message.obtain(mHandler, mRunnable);
+        assertEquals(mHandler, expected.getTarget());
+        assertEquals(mRunnable, expected.getCallback());
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: obtain",
+        method = "obtain",
+        args = {Handler.class, int.class}
+    )
+    public void testObtain5() {
+        Message expected = Message.obtain(mHandler, WHAT);
+        assertEquals(mHandler, expected.getTarget());
+        assertEquals(WHAT, expected.what);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: obtain",
+        method = "obtain",
+        args = {Handler.class, int.class, Object.class}
+    )
+    public void testObtain6() {
+        Message expected = Message.obtain(mHandler, WHAT, OBJ);
+        assertEquals(mHandler, expected.getTarget());
+        assertEquals(WHAT, expected.what);
+        assertEquals(OBJ, expected.obj);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: obtain",
+        method = "obtain",
+        args = {Handler.class, int.class, int.class, int.class}
+    )
+    public void testObtain7() {
+        Message expected = Message.obtain(mHandler, WHAT, ARG1, ARG2);
+        assertEquals(mHandler, expected.getTarget());
+        assertEquals(WHAT, expected.what);
+        assertEquals(ARG1, expected.arg1);
+        assertEquals(ARG2, expected.arg2);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: obtain",
+        method = "obtain",
+        args = {Handler.class, int.class, int.class, int.class, Object.class}
+    )
+    public void testObtain8() {
+        Message expected = Message.obtain(mHandler, WHAT, ARG1, ARG2, OBJ);
+        assertEquals(mHandler, expected.getTarget());
+        assertEquals(WHAT, expected.what);
+        assertEquals(ARG1, expected.arg1);
+        assertEquals(ARG2, expected.arg2);
+        assertEquals(OBJ, expected.obj);
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: toString",
+        method = "toString",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testToString() {
+        assertNotNull(mMessage.toString());
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: peekData",
+        method = "peekData",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testPeekData() {
+        Bundle expected = new Bundle();
+        assertNull(mMessage.peekData());
+        mMessage.setData(expected);
+        assertNotNull(mMessage.peekData());
+        assertEquals(expected, mMessage.peekData());
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: copyFrom",
+        method = "copyFrom",
+        args = {Message.class}
+    )
+    public void testCopyFrom() {
+        Message message = Message.obtain(mHandler, WHAT, ARG1, ARG2, OBJ);
+        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
+        bundle.putInt(KEY, VALUE);
+        message.setData(bundle);
+        mMessage.copyFrom(message);
+        assertEquals(WHAT, mMessage.what);
+        assertEquals(ARG1, mMessage.arg1);
+        assertEquals(ARG2, mMessage.arg2);
+        assertEquals(OBJ, mMessage.obj);
+        assertEquals(VALUE, mMessage.getData().getInt(KEY));
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: recycle",
+        method = "recycle",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testRecycle() {
+        Message message = Message.obtain(mHandler, WHAT, ARG1, ARG2, OBJ);
+        message.recycle();
+        assertEquals(0, message.what);
+        assertEquals(0, message.arg1);
+        assertEquals(0, message.arg2);
+        assertNull(message.obj);
+        assertNull(message.replyTo);
+        assertNull(message.getTarget());
+        assertNull(message.getCallback());
+        assertNull(message.peekData());
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: writeToParcel",
+        method = "writeToParcel",
+        args = {Parcel.class, int.class}
+    )
+    public void testWriteToParcel() {
+        Message message = Message.obtain(mHandler, WHAT, ARG1, ARG2);
+        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
+        bundle.putInt(KEY, VALUE);
+        message.setData(bundle);
+        Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain();
+        message.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);
+        parcel.setDataPosition(0);
+        mMessage = Message.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel);
+        assertNull(mMessage.getTarget());
+        assertEquals(WHAT, mMessage.what);
+        assertEquals(ARG1, mMessage.arg1);
+        assertEquals(ARG2, mMessage.arg2);
+        assertEquals(VALUE, mMessage.getData().getInt(KEY));
+        message = Message.obtain(mHandler, WHAT, ARG1, ARG2, OBJ);
+        try {
+            message.writeToParcel(parcel, 1);
+            fail("should throw excetion");
+        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
+            //expected
+        }
+    }
+    @TestTargetNew(
+        level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
+        notes = "Test method: sendToTarget",
+        method = "sendToTarget",
+        args = {}
+    )
+    public void testSendToTarget() {
+        try {
+            mMessage.sendToTarget();
+            fail("should throw exception");
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            //expected
+        }
+        Message message = Message.obtain(mHandler);
+        assertFalse(mMessageHandlerCalled);
+        message.sendToTarget();
+        sleep(SLEEP_TIME);
+        assertTrue(mMessageHandlerCalled);
+    }
+    private void sleep(long time) {
+        try {
+            Thread.sleep(time);
+        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+            fail(e.getMessage());
+        }
+    }