Modify CTS tests for AlarmClock to include testing for
CompleteVoiceRequest and AbortVoiceRequest hanlding by whatever
Clock app is included (DeskClock in stock Android case).

There are 3 CTS tests: one for each of the intents: SET_ALARM, DISMISS_ALARM, SNOOZE_ALARM

Design details
1. The various activities/services involved are:
     1.1. CTS_Test starts TestStartActivity
     1.2. That starts VoiceInteractionMain
     1.3. That starts MainInteractionService (the voice_interaction_service)
     1.4. That starts MainInteractionSession
     1.5. which fires an intent, based on the given test case type, to handle one of the intents: SET_ALARM, DISMISS_ALARM, SNOOZE_ALARM

2. Each of the 3 tests is a separate CTS test - so for each of the
tests, the above chain is started and is terminated at tne end of the

3, DISMISS_ALARM test first sets an alarm to be dismissed. So, it really
is a set of 2 tests: first one is to set the alarm and next one is to
dismiss it.

Change-Id: I61e2d14d28c65eb8c37ec5cb2a414d3e5c15c9b3
24 files changed