blob: 74628cdd5043ed93be9df9ce3d59e021b60b2734 [file] [log] [blame]
* Benchmark version.
* @type {string}
version: 'RH-A1',
* List of product, application and library tags.
* name: Short human readable name of tag.
productTags: {
name: 'Google Spreadsheets'
name: 'Google Presentations'
name: 'Google Maps'
YUI: {
name: 'YUI'
name: 'jQuery'
name: 'Ember'
name: 'Handlebars'
name: 'Metamorph.js'
name: 'Cappuccino'
* List of technology tags.
* name: Short human readable name of tag.
technologyTags: {
name: 'Table'
DOM: {
name: 'DOM'
name: 'CSS Selectors'
name: 'Canvas'
name: 'Scrolling'
SVG: {
name: 'SVG'
JS: {
name: 'Javascript'
name: 'Math'
* List of benchmarks. Array of objects.
* name: Short human readable name of benchmark.
* description: Description of benchmark.
* filename: Filename of benchmark, each benchmark file must implement a test
* function and may implement a setUp and tearDown function.
* runs: List of parameters to feed to test, setUp and tearDown
* functions. For each entry a test run is constructed and the
* parameter in the second field is fed to the test function.
* The first field is a short human readable description of the
* parameter.
* weight: Weight of test as relative to the other tests in the file.
* A percentage weight will be computed based on the relative
* weight of each benchmark.
* baselineTime: Baseline time, in milliseconds.
benchmarks: [
name: 'Add Rows to Table',
issueNumber: 10,
description: 'Tests adding rows to an existing table',
filename: 'tests/addrow.html',
runs: [
['250 rows', 250],
['1000 rows', 1000]
weight: 2,
baselineTime: 49.68,
extended: false
name: 'Add Columns to Table',
issueNumber: 11,
description: 'Tests adding columns to an existing table',
filename: 'tests/addcol.html',
runs: [
['250 columns', 250],
['1000 columns', 1000]
weight: 1.5,
baselineTime: 45.29,
tags: ['G_SPREADSHEETS', 'TABLE', 'DOM', 'YUI'],
extended: false
name: 'Descendant Selector',
issueNumber: 12,
description: 'Tests descendant selectors at different DOM depths',
filename: 'tests/descendantselector.html',
runs: [
['1000 nodes deep', 1000]
weight: 2,
baselineTime: 87.19,
tags: ['DOM', 'CSS_SELECTORS', 'YUI'],
extended: false
name: '2D Canvas toDataURL',
issueNumber: 14,
description: 'Test converting a 2D canvas to a data URI',
filename: 'tests/canvastodataurl.html',
runs: [
['256x256, 1000 lines', [256, 1000]],
['512x512, 1000 lines', [512, 1000]]
weight: 2,
baselineTime: 304.56,
extended: false
name: '2D Canvas clearRect',
issueNumber: 43,
description: 'Test clearing a 2D canvas',
filename: 'tests/canvasclear.html',
runs: [
['256x256', 256],
['512x512', 512]
weight: 2,
baselineTime: 16.73,
extended: false
name: 'innerHTML Table',
issueNumber: 15,
description: 'Test table render speed after innerHTML.',
filename: 'tests/createtable.html',
runs: [
['200x10', [200, 10]],
['200x50', [200, 50]],
['200x100', [200, 100]]
weight: 2,
baselineTime: 283.53,
extended: false
name: 'Table scrolling',
issueNumber: 16,
description: 'Test scrolling speed using scrollTop',
filename: 'tests/table_scrolltop.html',
runs: [
['500x10', [500, 10]],
['500x50', [500, 50]],
['1000,10', [1000, 10]],
['1000,50', [1000, 50]]
weight: 2,
baselineTime: 964.37,
extended: false
name: 'Resize columns',
issueNumber: 17,
description: 'Test resizing columns in a table',
filename: 'tests/resizecol.html',
runs: [
['500x10', [500, 10]],
['500x50', [500, 50]]
weight: 2,
baselineTime: 2739.90,
tags: ['DOM', 'TABLE', 'G_SPREADSHEETS', 'YUI'],
extended: false
name: 'SVG resize',
issueNumber: 18,
description: 'Test resizing SVGs',
filename: 'tests/svgresize.html',
runs: [
['50 SVGs', 50],
['100 SVGs', 100]
weight: 2,
baselineTime: 502.73,
tags: ['SVG', 'G_PRESENTATIONS', 'YUI'],
extended: false
name: 'Object Scope Access',
issueNumber: 31,
description: 'Test different methods to access variables from an object',
filename: 'tests/object_scope.html',
runs: [
['100,000 runs', 100000],
['1,000,000 runs', 1000000],
['10,000,000 runs', 10000000]
weight: 1,
baselineTime: 100.0,
tags: ['JS'],
extended: false
name: 'ES5 Property Accessors',
issueNumber: 19,
description: 'Test ES5 getter/setters',
filename: 'tests/property_accessors.html',
runs: [
['Getter', 'GET'],
['Setter', 'SET'],
['Combined', '']
weight: 1,
baselineTime: 89.57,
tags: ['JS', 'EMBER'],
extended: false
name: 'Argument instantiation',
issueNumber: 21,
description: 'Test referencing the arguments array',
filename: 'tests/varargs.html',
runs: [
['100 Instantiations', 100],
['1000 Instantiations', 1000],
['1000000 Instantiations', 1000000]
weight: 2,
baselineTime: 315.13,
tags: ['JS', 'YUI', 'JQUERY', 'EMBER', 'CAPPUCCINO'],
extended: false
name: 'Animated GIFS',
issueNumber: 22,
description: 'Test scrolling lots of animated GIFs',
filename: 'tests/animated_gifs.html',
runs: [
['20x10 GIFs', [20, 10]],
['100x10 GIFs', [100, 10]],
['100x100 GIFs', [100, 100]]
weight: 0.25,
baselineTime: 127.69,
tags: ['DOM', 'SCROLLING'],
extended: false
name: 'offsetHeight triggers reflow',
issueNumber: 30,
description: 'Test the affect of forcing a reflow by calling offsetHeight',
filename: 'tests/offsetreflow.html',
runs: [
['100 Reflows', 100],
['1000 Reflows', 1000],
['10000 Reflows', 10000]
weight: 3,
baselineTime: 723.69,
extended: false
name: 'DOM Range API',
issueNumber: 9,
description: 'Test replacing a number of DOM nodes using the Range API',
filename: 'tests/range.html',
runs: [
['50 Nodes', 50],
['100 Nodes', 100]
weight: 1,
baselineTime: 103.79,
tags: ['DOM', 'YUI', 'METAMORPH'],
extended: false
name: 'Write to localStorage',
issueNumber: 23,
description: 'Test the localStorage write performance',
filename: 'tests/localstorage_write.html',
runs: [
['50 Writes', 50],
['100 Writes', 100],
['1000 Writes', 1000]
weight: 2,
baselineTime: 49.84,
tags: ['JS', 'YUI'],
extended: false
name: 'Read from localStorage',
issueNumber: 24,
description: 'Test the localStorage read performance',
filename: 'tests/localstorage_read.html',
runs: [
['50 Reads', 50],
['100 Reads', 100],
['1000 Reads', 1000]
weight: 2,
baselineTime: 33.93,
tags: ['JS', 'YUI'],
extended: false