blob: 6c1873d8e62c86f0947a00c99ee67904dadbb8d3 [file] [log] [blame]
require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/Entry.php");
* Generates Markdown from JSDoc entries.
class Generator {
* An array of JSDoc entries.
* @memberOf Generator
* @type Array
public $entries = array();
* An options array used to configure the generator.
* @memberOf Generator
* @type Array
public $options = array();
* The entire file's source code.
* @memberOf Generator
* @type String
public $source = '';
* The Generator constructor.
* @constructor
* @param {String} $source The source code to parse.
* @param {Array} $options The options array.
public function __construct( $source, $options = array() ) {
// juggle arguments
if (is_array($source)) {
$options = $source;
} else {
$options['source'] = $source;
if (isset($options['source']) && realpath($options['source'])) {
$options['path'] = $options['source'];
if (isset($options['path'])) {
preg_match('/(?<=\.)[a-z]+$/', $options['path'], $ext);
$options['source'] = file_get_contents($options['path']);
$ext = array_pop($ext);
if (!isset($options['lang']) && $ext) {
$options['lang'] = $ext;
if (!isset($options['title'])) {
$options['title'] = ucfirst(basename($options['path'])) . ' API documentation';
if (!isset($options['lang'])) {
$options['lang'] = 'js';
$this->options = $options;
$this->source = str_replace(PHP_EOL, "\n", $options['source']);
$this->entries = Entry::getEntries($this->source);
foreach ($this->entries as $index => $value) {
$this->entries[$index] = new Entry($value, $this->source, $options['lang']);
* Performs common string formatting operations.
* @private
* @static
* @memberOf Generator
* @param {String} $string The string to format.
* @returns {String} The formatted string.
private static function format($string) {
$counter = 0;
// tokenize inline code snippets
preg_match_all('/`[^`]+`/', $string, $tokenized);
$tokenized = $tokenized[0];
foreach ($tokenized as $snippet) {
$string = str_replace($snippet, '__token' . ($counter++) .'__', $string);
// italicize parentheses
$string = preg_replace('/(^|\s)(\([^)]+\))/', '$1*$2*', $string);
// mark numbers as inline code
$string = preg_replace('/ (-?\d+(?:.\d+)?)(?!\.[^\n])/', ' `$1`', $string);
// detokenize inline code snippets
$counter = 0;
foreach ($tokenized as $snippet) {
$string = str_replace('__token' . ($counter++) . '__', $snippet, $string);
return trim($string);
* Modify a string by replacing named tokens with matching assoc. array values.
* @private
* @static
* @memberOf Generator
* @param {String} $string The string to modify.
* @param {Array|Object} $object The template object.
* @returns {String} The modified string.
private static function interpolate($string, $object) {
preg_match_all('/#\{([^}]+)\}/', $string, $tokens);
$tokens = array_unique(array_pop($tokens));
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$pattern = '/#\{' . $token . '\}/';
$replacement = '';
if (is_object($object)) {
preg_match('/\(([^)]+?)\)$/', $token, $args);
$args = preg_split('/,\s*/', array_pop($args));
$method = 'get' . ucfirst(str_replace('/\([^)]+?\)$/', '', $token));
if (method_exists($object, $method)) {
$replacement = (string) call_user_func_array(array($object, $method), $args);
} else if (isset($object->{$token})) {
$replacement = (string) $object->{$token};
} else if (isset($object[$token])) {
$replacement = (string) $object[$token];
$string = preg_replace($pattern, trim($replacement), $string);
return Generator::format($string);
* Resolves the entry's hash used to navigate the documentation.
* @private
* @memberOf Generator
* @param {Number|Object} $entry The entry object.
* @param {String} $member The name of the member.
* @returns {String} The url hash.
private function getHash( $entry, $member = '' ) {
$entry = is_numeric($entry) ? $this->entries[$entry] : $entry;
$member = !$member ? $entry->getMembers(0) : $member;
$result = ($member ? $member . ($entry->isPlugin() ? 'prototype' : '') : '') . $entry->getCall();
$result = preg_replace('/\(\[|\[\]/', '', $result);
$result = preg_replace('/[ =\'"{}.()\]]/', '', $result);
$result = preg_replace('/[[#,]/', '-', $result);
return strtolower($result);
* Resolves the entry's url for the specific line number.
* @private
* @memberOf Generator
* @param {Number|Object} $entry The entry object.
* @returns {String} The url.
private function getLineUrl( $entry ) {
$entry = is_numeric($entry) ? $this->entries($entry) : $entry;
return $this->options['url'] . '#L' . $entry->getLineNumber();
* Extracts the character used to separate the entry's name from its member.
* @private
* @memberOf Generator
* @param {Number|Object} $entry The entry object.
* @returns {String} The separator.
private function getSeparator( $entry ) {
$entry = is_numeric($entry) ? $this->entries($entry) : $entry;
return $entry->isPlugin() ? '.prototype.' : '.';
* Generates Markdown from JSDoc entries.
* @memberOf Generator
* @returns {String} The rendered Markdown.
public function generate() {
$api = array();
$compiling = false;
$openTag = "\n<!-- div -->\n";
$closeTag = "\n<!-- /div -->\n";
$result = array('# ' . $this->options['title']);
$toc = 'toc';
// initialize $api array
foreach ($this->entries as $entry) {
if (!$entry->isPrivate()) {
$name = $entry->getName();
$members = $entry->getMembers();
$members = count($members) ? $members : array('');
foreach ($members as $member) {
// create api category arrays
if (!isset($api[$member]) && $member) {
$api[$member] = new Entry('', '', $entry->lang);
$api[$member]->static = array();
$api[$member]->plugin = array();
// append entry to api category
if (!$member || $entry->isCtor() || ($entry->getType() == 'Object' &&
!preg_match('/[=:]\s*null\s*[,;]?$/', $entry->entry))) {
$member = ($member ? $member . ($entry->isPlugin() ? '#' : '.') : '') . $name;
$entry->static = @$api[$member] ? $api[$member]->static : array();
$entry->plugin = @$api[$member] ? $api[$member]->plugin : array();
$api[$member] = $entry;
else if ($entry->isStatic()) {
$api[$member]->static[] = $entry;
} else if (!$entry->isCtor()) {
$api[$member]->plugin[] = $entry;
// custom sort for root level entries
// TODO: see how well it handles deeper namespace traversal
function sortCompare($a, $b) {
$score = array( 'a' => 0, 'b' => 0);
foreach (array( 'a' => $a, 'b' => $b) as $key => $value) {
// capitalized keys that represent constructor properties are last
if (preg_match('/[#.][A-Z]/', $value)) {
$score[$key] = 0;
// lowercase keys with prototype properties are next to last
else if (preg_match('/#[a-z]/', $value)) {
$score[$key] = 1;
// lowercase keys with static properties next to first
else if (preg_match('/\.[a-z]/', $value)) {
$score[$key] = 2;
// lowercase keys with no properties are first
else if (preg_match('/^[^#.]+$/', $value)) {
$score[$key] = 3;
$score = $score['b'] - $score['a'];
return $score ? $score : strcasecmp($a, $b);
uksort($api, 'sortCompare');
// sort static and plugin sub-entries
foreach ($api as $entry) {
foreach (array('static', 'plugin') as $kind) {
$sortBy = array( 'a' => array(), 'b' => array(), 'c' => array() );
foreach ($entry->{$kind} as $subentry) {
$name = $subentry->getName();
// functions w/o ALL-CAPs names are last
$sortBy['a'][] = $subentry->getType() == 'Function' && !preg_match('/^[A-Z_]+$/', $name);
// ALL-CAPs properties first
$sortBy['b'][] = preg_match('/^[A-Z_]+$/', $name);
// lowercase alphanumeric sort
$sortBy['c'][] = strtolower($name);
array_multisort($sortBy['a'], SORT_ASC, $sortBy['b'], SORT_DESC, $sortBy['c'], SORT_ASC, $entry->{$kind});
// compile TOC
$result[] = $openTag;
foreach ($api as $key => $entry) {
$entry->hash = $this->getHash($entry);
$entry->href = $this->getLineUrl($entry);
$member = $entry->getMembers(0);
$member = ($member ? $member . ($entry->isPlugin() ? '.prototype.' : '.') : '') . $entry->getName();
$entry->member = preg_replace('/' . $entry->getName() . '$/', '', $member);
$compiling = $compiling ? ($result[] = $closeTag) : true;
// assign TOC hash
if (count($result) == 2) {
$toc = $member;
// add root entry
$openTag, '## ' . (count($result) == 2 ? '<a id="' . $toc . '"></a>' : '') . '`' . $member . '`',
Generator::interpolate('* [`' . $member . '`](##{hash})', $entry)
// add static and plugin sub-entries
foreach (array('static', 'plugin') as $kind) {
if ($kind == 'plugin' && count($entry->plugin)) {
'## `' . $member . ($entry->isCtor() ? '.prototype`' : '`')
foreach ($entry->{$kind} as $subentry) {
$subentry->hash = $this->getHash($subentry);
$subentry->href = $this->getLineUrl($subentry);
$subentry->member = $member;
$subentry->separator = $this->getSeparator($subentry);
$result[] = Generator::interpolate('* [`#{member}#{separator}#{name}`](##{hash})', $subentry);
array_push($result, $closeTag, $closeTag);
// compile content
$compiling = false;
$result[] = $openTag;
foreach ($api as $entry) {
// add root entry
$member = $entry->member . $entry->getName();
$compiling = $compiling ? ($result[] = $closeTag) : true;
array_push($result, $openTag, '## `' . $member . '`');
foreach (array($entry, 'static', 'plugin') as $kind) {
$subentries = is_string($kind) ? $entry->{$kind} : array($kind);
// title
if ($kind != 'static' && $entry->getType() != 'Object' &&
count($subentries) && $subentries[0] != $kind) {
if ($kind == 'plugin') {
$result[] = $closeTag;
'## `' . $member . ($kind == 'plugin' ? '.prototype`' : '`')
// body
foreach ($subentries as $subentry) {
// description
Generator::interpolate("### <a id=\"#{hash}\"></a>`#{member}#{separator}#{call}`\n<a href=\"##{hash}\">#</a> [&#x24C8;](#{href} \"View in source\") [&#x24C9;][1]\n\n#{desc}", $subentry)
// @param
if (count($params = $subentry->getParams())) {
array_push($result, '', '#### Arguments');
foreach ($params as $index => $param) {
$result[] = Generator::interpolate('#{num}. `#{name}` (#{type}): #{desc}', array(
'desc' => $param[2],
'name' => $param[1],
'num' => $index + 1,
'type' => $param[0]
// @returns
if (count($returns = $subentry->getReturns())) {
$result, '',
'#### Returns',
Generator::interpolate('(#{type}): #{desc}', array('desc' => $returns[1], 'type' => $returns[0]))
// @example
if ($example = $subentry->getExample()) {
array_push($result, '', '#### Example', $example);
array_push($result, "\n* * *", $closeTag);
// close tags add TOC link reference
array_push($result, $closeTag, $closeTag, '', ' [1]: #' . $toc . ' "Jump back to the TOC."');
// cleanup whitespace
return trim(preg_replace('/ +\n/', "\n", join($result, "\n")));