Tests to verify runtime storage permissions.

Create host-side test to start verifying runtime permissions behavior
using two versions of a package that targets both modern and legacy
API levels.

The modern app uses UI automation to request and grant the storage
permission to itself, which verifies that we grant permission without
killing the app.

Bug: 21858077
Change-Id: Ie5a44aa63398874b4366d60c595d356375babff7
diff --git a/CtsTestCaseList.mk b/CtsTestCaseList.mk
index e8acf2d..8f07f5c 100644
--- a/CtsTestCaseList.mk
+++ b/CtsTestCaseList.mk
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
     CtsDocumentClient \
     CtsExternalStorageApp \
     CtsInstrumentationAppDiffCert \
+    CtsUsePermissionApp \
+    CtsUsePermissionAppCompat \
     CtsPermissionDeclareApp \
     CtsPermissionDeclareAppCompat \
     CtsReadExternalStorageApp \