Add support for running host java tests to runtest.

With this change, also refactored runtest as follows: Modified the
test suite schema and python implementation to have an inheritance
structure.  Each test type has its own python module, which will
also handle the logic of running the test.
diff --git a/testrunner/ b/testrunner/
index 03eddbf..34f979f 100755
--- a/testrunner/
+++ b/testrunner/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 import errors
 import logger
 import run_command
-import test_defs
+from test_defs import test_defs
 class TestRunner(object):
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@
     self._known_tests = self._ReadTests()
-    self._coverage_gen = coverage.CoverageGenerator(
-        android_root_path=self._root_path, adb_interface=self._adb)
+    self._options.host_lib_path = android_build.GetHostLibraryPath()
+    self._options.test_data_path = android_build.GetTestAppPath()
   def _ReadTests(self):
     """Parses the set of test definition data.
@@ -196,18 +196,14 @@
     if target_set:
       if self._options.coverage:
-        self._coverage_gen.EnableCoverageBuild()
-        self._AddBuildTargetPath(self._coverage_gen.GetEmmaBuildPath(),
-                                 target_set)
+        coverage.EnableCoverageBuild()
       target_build_string = " ".join(list(target_set))
       extra_args_string = " ".join(list(extra_args_set))
-      # log the user-friendly equivalent make command, so developers can
-      # replicate this step
-      logger.Log("mmm %s %s" % (target_build_string, extra_args_string))
-      # mmm cannot be used from python, so perform a similiar operation using
+      # mmm cannot be used from python, so perform a similar operation using
       cmd = 'ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE="%s" make -C "%s" files %s' % (
           target_build_string, self._root_path, extra_args_string)
+      logger.Log(cmd)
       if self._options.preview:
         # in preview mode, just display to the user what command would have been
@@ -221,7 +217,9 @@
   def _AddBuildTarget(self, test_suite, target_set, extra_args_set):
     build_dir = test_suite.GetBuildPath()
     if self._AddBuildTargetPath(build_dir, target_set):
-      extra_args_set.add(test_suite.GetExtraMakeArgs())
+      extra_args_set.add(test_suite.GetExtraBuildArgs())
+    for path in test_suite.GetBuildDependencies(self._options):
+      self._AddBuildTargetPath(path, target_set)
   def _AddBuildTargetPath(self, build_dir, target_set):
     if build_dir is not None:
@@ -249,206 +247,6 @@
     return tests
-  def _RunTest(self, test_suite):
-    """Run the provided test suite.
-    Builds up an adb instrument command using provided input arguments.
-    Args:
-      test_suite: TestSuite to run
-    """
-    test_class = test_suite.GetClassName()
-    if self._options.test_class is not None:
-      test_class = self._options.test_class.lstrip()
-      if test_class.startswith("."):
-        test_class = test_suite.GetPackageName() + test_class
-    if self._options.test_method is not None:
-      test_class = "%s#%s" % (test_class, self._options.test_method)
-    instrumentation_args = {}
-    if test_class is not None:
-      instrumentation_args["class"] = test_class
-    if self._options.test_package:
-      instrumentation_args["package"] = self._options.test_package
-    if self._options.test_size:
-      instrumentation_args["size"] = self._options.test_size
-    if self._options.wait_for_debugger:
-      instrumentation_args["debug"] = "true"
-    if self._options.suite_assign_mode:
-      instrumentation_args["suiteAssignment"] = "true"
-    if self._options.coverage:
-      instrumentation_args["coverage"] = "true"
-    if self._options.preview:
-      adb_cmd = self._adb.PreviewInstrumentationCommand(
-          package_name=test_suite.GetPackageName(),
-          runner_name=test_suite.GetRunnerName(),
-          raw_mode=self._options.raw_mode,
-          instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
-      logger.Log(adb_cmd)
-    elif self._options.coverage:
-      self._adb.WaitForInstrumentation(test_suite.GetPackageName(),
-                                       test_suite.GetRunnerName())
-      # need to parse test output to determine path to coverage file
-      logger.Log("Running in coverage mode, suppressing test output")
-      try:
-        (test_results, status_map) = self._adb.StartInstrumentationForPackage(
-          package_name=test_suite.GetPackageName(),
-          runner_name=test_suite.GetRunnerName(),
-          timeout_time=60*60,
-          instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
-      except errors.InstrumentationError, errors.DeviceUnresponsiveError:
-        return
-      self._PrintTestResults(test_results)
-      device_coverage_path = status_map.get("coverageFilePath", None)
-      if device_coverage_path is None:
-        logger.Log("Error: could not find coverage data on device")
-        return
-      coverage_file = self._coverage_gen.ExtractReport(test_suite, device_coverage_path)
-      if coverage_file is not None:
-        logger.Log("Coverage report generated at %s" % coverage_file)
-    else:
-      self._adb.WaitForInstrumentation(test_suite.GetPackageName(),
-                                       test_suite.GetRunnerName())
-      self._adb.StartInstrumentationNoResults(
-          package_name=test_suite.GetPackageName(),
-          runner_name=test_suite.GetRunnerName(),
-          raw_mode=self._options.raw_mode,
-          instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
-  def _PrintTestResults(self, test_results):
-    """Prints a summary of test result data to stdout.
-    Args:
-      test_results: a list of am_instrument_parser.TestResult
-    """
-    total_count = 0
-    error_count = 0
-    fail_count = 0
-    for test_result in test_results:
-      if test_result.GetStatusCode() == -1: # error
-        logger.Log("Error in %s: %s" % (test_result.GetTestName(),
-                                        test_result.GetFailureReason()))
-        error_count+=1
-      elif test_result.GetStatusCode() == -2: # failure
-        logger.Log("Failure in %s: %s" % (test_result.GetTestName(),
-                                          test_result.GetFailureReason()))
-        fail_count+=1
-      total_count+=1
-    logger.Log("Tests run: %d, Failures: %d, Errors: %d" %
-               (total_count, fail_count, error_count))
-  def _CollectTestSources(self, test_list, dirname, files):
-    """For each directory, find tests source file and add them to the list.
-    Test files must match one of the following pattern:
-      - test_*.[cc|cpp]
-      - *_test.[cc|cpp]
-      - *_unittest.[cc|cpp]
-    This method is a callback for os.path.walk.
-    Args:
-      test_list: Where new tests should be inserted.
-      dirname: Current directory.
-      files: List of files in the current directory.
-    """
-    for f in files:
-      (name, ext) = os.path.splitext(f)
-      if ext == ".cc" or ext == ".cpp":
-        if"_test$|_test_$|_unittest$|_unittest_$|^test_", name):
-          logger.SilentLog("Found %s" % f)
-          test_list.append(str(os.path.join(dirname, f)))
-  def _FilterOutMissing(self, path, sources):
-    """Filter out from the sources list missing tests.
-    Sometimes some test source are not built for the target, i.e there
-    is no binary corresponding to the source file. We need to filter
-    these out.
-    Args:
-      path: Where the binaries should be.
-      sources: List of tests source path.
-    Returns:
-      A list of test binaries built from the sources.
-    """
-    binaries = []
-    for f in sources:
-      binary = os.path.basename(f)
-      binary = os.path.splitext(binary)[0]
-      full_path = os.path.join(path, binary)
-      if os.path.exists(full_path):
-        binaries.append(binary)
-    return binaries
-  def _RunNativeTest(self, test_suite):
-    """Run the provided *native* test suite.
-    The test_suite must contain a build path where the native test
-    files are. Subdirectories are automatically scanned as well.
-    Each test's name must have a .cc or .cpp extension and match one
-    of the following patterns:
-      - test_*
-      - *_test.[cc|cpp]
-      - *_unittest.[cc|cpp]
-    A successful test must return 0. Any other value will be considered
-    as an error.
-    Args:
-      test_suite: TestSuite to run
-    """
-    # find all test files, convert unicode names to ascii, take the basename
-    # and drop the .cc/.cpp  extension.
-    source_list = []
-    build_path = test_suite.GetBuildPath()
-    os.path.walk(build_path, self._CollectTestSources, source_list)
-    logger.SilentLog("Tests source %s" % source_list)
-    # Host tests are under out/host/<os>-<arch>/bin.
-    host_list = self._FilterOutMissing(android_build.GetHostBin(), source_list)
-    logger.SilentLog("Host tests %s" % host_list)
-    # Target tests are under $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/bin.
-    target_list = self._FilterOutMissing(android_build.GetTargetSystemBin(),
-                                         source_list)
-    logger.SilentLog("Target tests %s" % target_list)
-    # Run on the host
-    logger.Log("\nRunning on host")
-    for f in host_list:
-      if run_command.RunHostCommand(f) != 0:
-        logger.Log("%s... failed" % f)
-      else:
-        if run_command.HasValgrind():
-          if run_command.RunHostCommand(f, valgrind=True) == 0:
-            logger.Log("%s... ok\t\t[valgrind: ok]" % f)
-          else:
-            logger.Log("%s... ok\t\t[valgrind: failed]" % f)
-        else:
-          logger.Log("%s... ok\t\t[valgrind: missing]" % f)
-    # Run on the device
-    logger.Log("\nRunning on target")
-    for f in target_list:
-      full_path = os.path.join(os.sep, "system", "bin", f)
-      # Single quotes are needed to prevent the shell splitting it.
-      output = self._adb.SendShellCommand("'%s 2>&1;echo -n exit code:$?'" %
-                                          full_path,
-                                          int(self._options.timeout))
-      success = output.endswith("exit code:0")
-      logger.Log("%s... %s" % (f, success and "ok" or "failed"))
-      # Print the captured output when the test failed.
-      if not success or self._options.verbose:
-        pos = output.rfind("exit code")
-        output = output[0:pos]
-        logger.Log(output)
-      # Cleanup
-      self._adb.SendShellCommand("rm %s" % full_path)
   def RunTests(self):
     """Main entry method - executes the tests according to command line args."""
@@ -462,10 +260,8 @@
       for test_suite in self._GetTestsToRun():
-        if test_suite.IsNative():
-          self._RunNativeTest(test_suite)
-        else:
-          self._RunTest(test_suite)
+        test_suite.Run(self._options, self._adb)
     except KeyboardInterrupt:
     except errors.AbortError, e: