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<h2>In this document</h2>
<ol id="auto-toc">
Android's audio HAL connects the higher level, audio-specific
framework APIs in <a href=""></a>
to the underlying audio driver and hardware.
The following figure and list describe how audio functionality is implemented and the relevant
source code that is involved in the implementation:
<img src="images/audio_hal.png">
Application framework
At the application framework level is the app code, which utilizes the
<a href=""></a>
APIs to interact with the audio hardware. Internally, this code calls corresponding JNI glue
classes to access the native code that interacts with the auido hardware.
The JNI code associated with <a href=""></a> is located in the
<code>frameworks/base/core/jni/</code> and <code>frameworks/base/media/jni</code> directories.
This code calls the lower level native code to obtain access to the audio hardware.
Native framework
The native framework is defined in <code>frameworks/av/media/libmedia</code> and provides a
native equivalent to the <a href=""></a> package. The native framework calls the Binder
IPC proxies to obtain access to audio-specific services of the media server.
Binder IPC
The Binder IPC proxies facilitate communication over process boundaries. They are located in
the <code>frameworks/av/media/libmedia</code> directory and begin with the letter "I".
Media Server
The audio services in the media server, located in
<code>frameworks/av/services/audioflinger</code>, is the actual code that interacts with your
HAL implementations.
The hardware abstraction layer defines the standard interface that audio services calls into
and that you must implement to have your audio hardware function correctly. The audio HAL
interfaces are located in <code>hardware/libhardware/include/hardware</code>.
Kernel Driver
The audio driver interacts with the hardware and your implementation of the HAL. You can choose
to use ALSA, OSS, or a custom driver of your own at this level. The HAL is driver-agnostic.
<strong>Note:</strong> If you do choose ALSA, we recommend using <code>external/tinyalsa</code>
for the user portion of the driver because of its compatible licensing (The standard user-mode
library is GPL licensed).
<h2 id="implementing">
Implementing the HAL
The audio HAL is composed of three different interfaces that you must implement:
<code>hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/audio.h</code> - represents the main functions of
an audio device.
<code>hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/audio_policy.h</code> - represents the audio policy
manager, which handles things like audio routing and volume control policies.
<code>hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/audio_effect.h</code> - represents effects that can
be applied to audio such as downmixing, echo, or noise supression.
<p>See the implementation for the Galaxy Nexus at <code>device/samsung/tuna/audio</code> for an example.</p>
<p>In addition to implementing the HAL, you need to create a
<code>device/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;device_name&gt;/audio/audio_policy.conf</code> file
that declares the audio devices present on your product. For an example, see the file for
the Galaxy Nexus audio hardware in <code>device/samsung/tuna/audio/audio_policy.conf</code>.
Also, see
the <code>system/core/include/system/audio.h</code> and <code>system/core/include/system/audio_policy.h</code>
header files for a reference of the properties that you can define.
<h3 id="multichannel">Multi-channel support</h3>
<p>If your hardware and driver supports multi-channel audio via HDMI, you can output the audio stream
directly to the audio hardware. This bypasses the AudioFlinger mixer so it doesn't get downmixed to two channels.
The audio HAL must expose whether an output stream profile supports multi-channel audio capabilities.
If the HAL exposes its capabilities, the default policy manager allows multichannel playback over
<p>For more implementation details, see the <code>device/samsung/tuna/audio/audio_hw.c</code> in the Jellybean release.</p>
To specify that your product contains a multichannel audio output, edit the <code>audio_policy.conf</code> file to describe the multichannel
output for your product. The following is an example from the Galaxy Nexus that shows a "dynamic" channel mask, which means the audio policy manager
queries the actual channel masks supported by the HDMI sink after connection. You can also specify a static channel mask like <code>AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_5POINT1</code>
audio_hw_modules {
primary {
outputs {
hdmi {
sampling_rates 44100|48000
channel_masks dynamic
<p>If your product does not support multichannel audio, AudioFlinger's mixer downmixes the content to stereo
automatically when sent to an audio device that does not support multichannel audio.</p>
<h3 id="codecs">Media Codecs</h3>
<p>Ensure that the audio codecs that your hardware and drivers support are properly declared for your product. See
<a href="{@docRoot}guide/media.html#expose"> Exposing Codecs to the Framework</a> for information on how to do this.
<h2 id="configuring">
Configuring the Shared Library
You need to package the HAL implementation into a shared library and copy it to the
appropriate location by creating an <code></code> file:
<li>Create a <code>device/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;device_name&gt;/audio</code> directory
to contain your library's source files.
<li>Create an <code></code> file to build the shared library. Ensure that the
Makefile contains the following line:
LOCAL_MODULE := audio.primary.&lt;device_name&gt;
Notice that your library must be named <code>audio_primary.&lt;device_name&gt;.so</code> so
that Android can correctly load the library. The "<code>primary</code>" portion of this
filename indicates that this shared library is for the primary audio hardware located on the
device. The module names <code>audio.a2dp.&lt;device_name&gt;</code> and
<code>audio.usb.&lt;device_name&gt;</code> are also available for bluetooth and USB audio
interfaces. Here is an example of an <code></code> from the Galaxy
Nexus audio hardware:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := audio.primary.tuna
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := audio_hw.c ril_interface.c
external/tinyalsa/include \
$(call include-path-for, audio-utils) \
$(call include-path-for, audio-effects)
LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := liblog libcutils libtinyalsa libaudioutils libdl
<li>If your product supports low latency audio as specified by the Android CDD, copy the
corresponding XML feature file into your product. For example, in your product's
frameworks/native/data/etc/ \
<li>Copy the <code>audio_policy.conf</code> file that you created earlier to the <code>system/etc/</code> directory
in your product's <code>device/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;device_name&gt;/</code>
Makefile. For example:
<li>Declare the shared modules of your audio HAL that are required by your product in the product's
<code>device/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;device_name&gt;/</code> Makefile. For example, the
Galaxy Nexus requires the primary and bluetooth audio HAL modules:
audio.primary.tuna \
<h2>Audio preprocessing effects</h2>
<p>You can expose audio preprocessing effects to application developers through your
audio HAL so they can take advantage of platform features. Preprocessing effects
are always paired with the use case mode in which the preprocessing is requested. In Android
app development, a use case is referred to as an <code>AudioSource</code>, and app developers
request to use the <code>AudioSource</code> abstraction instead of the actual audio hardware device to use.
The following list shows the different
<code>AudioSource</code> options available that an app developer can choose.
<p>The default preprocessing effects to be applied for each of the <code>AudioSource</code> is
specified in the <code>/system/etc/audio_effects.conf</code> file. To specify
your own effects, create a <code>/system/vendor/etc/audio_effects.conf</code> file
and specify any preprocessing effects that you need to turn on for every <code>AudioSource</code> type.
<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Voice recognition does not have any preprocessing
effects by default</p>
The following example for Nexus 10 enables preprocessing for the VOIP <code>AudioSource</code> and Camcorder <code>AudioSource</code>.
effects {
agc {
library audience_pre_processing
uuid e9e87eb0-0b55-11e2-892e-0800200c9a66
pre_processing {
voice_communication {
aec {}
ns {}
camcorder {
agc {}
<h3>Source tuning</h3>
<p>For source tuning, there are no explicit requirements on audio gain or audio processing
with the exception of voice recognition (<code>VOICE_RECOGNITION</code>).</p>
<p>The Android Audio Policy Manager maps sources to devices with <code>AudioPolicyManagerBase::getDeviceForInputSource(int
inputSource)</code>. In Android 4.2, the following sources are exposed to developers:
The audio preprocessing effects are developer facing APIs for platform effects that you
can tune on a use case basis. For example, you can tune noise suppressor and wind noise suppressor for <code>CAMCORDER</code>
or stationary noise suppressor for <code>VOICE_COMMUNICATION</code>.
Similarly, you can tune Automatic Gain Control (<code>agc</code>) for close-talk for
<code>VOICE_COMMUNICATION</code> and main phone mic for far-talk for <code>CAMCORDER</code>.
<h3>Voice recognition configuration and requirements</h3>
<p>The following are the requirements for voice recognition:</p>
<li>"flat" frequency response (+/- 3dB) from 100Hz to 4kHz</li>
<li>close-talk config: 90dB SPL reads RMS of 2500 (16bit samples)</li>
<li>level tracks linearly from -18dB to +12dB relative to 90dB SPL</li>
<li>THD < 1% (90dB SPL in 100 to 4000Hz range)</li>
<li>8kHz sampling rate (anti-aliasing)</li>
<li>Effects / pre-processing must be disabled by default</li>
<h3>Implementing audio preprocessing effects</h3>
<h3>More information</h3>
<p>For more information, see:</p>
<li>Android Open Source Project documentation for
<a href="">audio effects</a>.</li>
<li>Android Open Source project documentation for <a href="
html">Noise Suppression audio effect</a></li>