Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r3' into 601r3

Android 6.0.1 release 3

* tag 'android-6.0.1_r3':
  Docs: Change to the Fingerprint HAL doc
  Docs: Android 6.0 CDD initial release
  CDD: Changelog addition for app links requirement
  CDD: Update intent resolution requirements for app links
  Change keymaster and gatekeeper requirements to strong recommendations.
  Add requirements for IPv6 implementation.
  CDD: Update resource numbers in section 7-end. Update Resources list.
  CDD: Relax NfcV requirement from MUST to STRONGLY RECOMMENDED
  CDD: Updates to changelog and misc. fixes
  CDD: Renumber Resources in the CDD
  CDD: Add new sections for power-saving modes and accounting
  CDD: Clarify relationship of managed profile and multiple users
  CDD: Clarify language around Assistant requirements
  CDD: Update video decoding req. to support up to screen size
  CDD: require mDNS packet support on Wi-Fi even in low-power

Change-Id: Ifd9068141dc684866361f4a4abdce69a8884b542