FP2-1887: bluedroid: Stop hardcoding A2DP stream parameters

bluedroid: Stop hardcoding A2DP stream parameters

 * Currently, all stream parameters for A2DP are hardcoded at compile
   time and these areas of code are marked with TODOs to properly
   honor the stream configuration set by Audioflinger.
 * Due to the inconsistency introduced by QC regarding the sample rate,
   many devices are now having problems. Only devices which use AFE
   proxy should use 48K (proxy only does 48K), but let's just fix this
   once and for all.
 * Add socket communication between the codec and the HAL to pass the
   parameters, and add validation for those parameters to enable
   dynamic configuration.
 * For A2DP, the audio_policy.conf entry should list 44100|48000 as
   the supported sample rates with this patch.

Change-Id: I29c364cbaf2928641a832a0c9839b99a91fcfa15
6 files changed