syslogd: start using bb_common_bufsiz1 instead of stack/malloc
logger: optimize, also use bb_common_bufsiz1 (~40 bytes)
tested to eat arbitrarily-sized input at high speed - ok
diff --git a/include/usage.h b/include/usage.h
index 6202c4a..ae03d54 100644
--- a/include/usage.h
+++ b/include/usage.h
@@ -3009,19 +3009,19 @@
        "System logging utility.\n" \
        "Note that this version of syslogd ignores /etc/syslog.conf." \
        "\n\nOptions:" \
-       "\n	-m MIN	Minutes between MARK lines (default=20, 0=off)" \
-       "\n	-n	Run as a foreground process" \
-       "\n	-O FILE	Use an alternate log file (default=/var/log/messages)" \
-       "\n	-l n	Sets the local log level of messages to n" \
-       "\n	-S	Make logging output smaller" \
+       "\n	-m MIN		Minutes between MARK lines (default=20, 0=off)" \
+       "\n	-n		Run as a foreground process" \
+       "\n	-O FILE		Use an alternate log file (default=/var/log/messages)" \
+       "\n	-l n		Sets the local log level of messages to n" \
+       "\n	-S		Make logging output smaller" \
-       "\n	-s SIZE	Max size (KB) before rotate (default=200KB, 0=off)" \
-       "\n	-b NUM	Number of rotated logs to keep (default=1, max=99, 0=purge)") \
+       "\n	-s SIZE		Max size (KB) before rotate (default=200KB, 0=off)" \
+       "\n	-b NUM		Number of rotated logs to keep (default=1, max=99, 0=purge)") \
        "\n	-R HOST[:PORT]	Log to IP or hostname on PORT (default PORT=514/UDP)" \
-       "\n	-L	Log locally and via network logging (default is network only)") \
+       "\n	-L		Log locally and via network logging (default is network only)") \
-       "\n	-C[size(KiB)]	Log to a circular buffer (read the buffer using logread)")
+       "\n	-C[size(KiB)]	Log to a shared mem buffer (read the buffer using logread)")
 	/* NB: -Csize shouldn't have space (because size is optional) */
 #define syslogd_example_usage \
        "$ syslogd -R masterlog:514\n" \