Ignoring SIGCHLD causes a race leading to the occasional hang of init
when init will wait() on itself in waitfor() when the child exits before
init is scheduled to run.  Letting init hang is very seriously bad.
diff --git a/init/init.c b/init/init.c
index ab2d0ea..989babf 100644
--- a/init/init.c
+++ b/init/init.c
@@ -1063,7 +1063,6 @@
 	signal(SIGCONT, cont_handler);
 	signal(SIGSTOP, stop_handler);
 	signal(SIGTSTP, stop_handler);
-	signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
 	/* Turn off rebooting via CTL-ALT-DEL -- we get a 
 	 * SIGINT on CAD so we can shut things down gracefully... */