build system: fix for non-i386 builds
diff --git a/Makefile.custom b/Makefile.custom
index c0984e1..1733232 100644
--- a/Makefile.custom
+++ b/Makefile.custom
@@ -1,30 +1,6 @@
-### # defconfig is allyesconfig minus any features that are specialized enough
-### # or cause enough behavior change that the user really should switch them on
-### # manually if that's what they want.  Sort of "maximum sane config".
-### defconfig: scripts/config/conf
-### 	@./scripts/config/conf -y $(CONFIG_CONFIG_IN) > /dev/null
-### 	@./scripts/config/conf -o $(CONFIG_CONFIG_IN) > /dev/null
-### allbareconfig: scripts/config/conf
-### 	@./scripts/config/conf -y $(CONFIG_CONFIG_IN) > /dev/null
-### 	@$(SED) -i -r -e "s/^(CONFIG_(DEBUG|STATIC|SELINUX|DEVFSD|NC_GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE|BUILD_AT_ONCE)).*/# \1 is not set/" .config
-### 	@$(SED) -i -e "/FEATURE/s/=.*//;/^[^#]/s/.*FEATURE.*/# \0 is not set/;" .config
-### 	@echo "CONFIG_FEATURE_BUFFERS_GO_ON_STACK=y" >> .config
-### 	@yes n | ./scripts/config/conf -o $(CONFIG_CONFIG_IN) > /dev/null
-### hosttools:
-### 	$(Q)cp .config .config.bak || noold=yea
-### 	$(Q)$(MAKE) CC="$(HOSTCC)" CFLAGS="$(HOSTCFLAGS) $(INCS)" allnoconfig
-### 	$(Q)mv .config
-### 	$(Q)(grep -v CONFIG_SED ; \
-### 	 echo "CONFIG_SED=y" ; ) > .config
-### 	$(Q)$(MAKE) CC="$(HOSTCC)" CFLAGS="$(HOSTCFLAGS) $(INCS)" oldconfig include/bb_config.h
-### 	$(Q)$(MAKE) CC="$(HOSTCC)" CFLAGS="$(HOSTCFLAGS) $(INCS)" busybox
-### 	$(Q)[ -f .config.bak ] && mv .config.bak .config || rm .config
-### 	mv busybox sed
-### 	@echo "Now do: $(MAKE) SED=$(objtree)/sed <target>"
+# ==========================================================================
+# Build system
+# ==========================================================================
 %.bflt: %_unstripped
 	$(CROSS_COMPILE)elf2flt $(ELF2FLTFLAGS) $< -o $@