blob: 51c9c29e48a2e65fd04e973f2455a8411d06656f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import re
import os
import sys
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from tvcm import module
from tvcm import strip_js_comments
from tvcm import html_generation_controller
def _InitBeautifulSoup():
tvcm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
bs_path = os.path.join(tvcm_path, 'third_party', 'beautifulsoup')
if bs_path in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, bs_path)
import BeautifulSoup
import polymer_soup
class InlineScript(object):
def __init__(self, soup):
if not soup:
raise module.DepsException('InlineScript created without soup')
self._soup = soup
self._stripped_contents = None
self._open_tags = None
def contents(self):
#TODO(nednguyen): change other places to use unicode() instead of str().
return unicode(self._soup.string)
def stripped_contents(self):
if not self._stripped_contents:
self._stripped_contents = strip_js_comments.StripJSComments(
return self._stripped_contents
def open_tags(self):
if self._open_tags:
return self._open_tags
open_tags = []
cur = self._soup.parent
while cur:
if isinstance(cur, BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup):
open_tags.append(_Tag(, cur.attrs))
cur = cur.parent
assert open_tags[-1].tag == 'script'
del open_tags[-1]
self._open_tags = open_tags
return self._open_tags
def _IsDoctype(x):
if not isinstance(x, BeautifulSoup.Declaration):
return False
return x == 'DOCTYPE html' or x == 'DOCTYPE HTML'
class HTMLModuleParserResults(object):
def __init__(self, html):
self._soup = polymer_soup.PolymerSoup(html)
self._inline_scripts = None
def has_decl(self):
decls = [x for x in self._soup.contents
if _IsDoctype(x)]
return len(decls) == 1
def scripts_external(self):
tags = self._soup.findAll('script', src=True)
return [t['src'] for t in tags]
def inline_scripts(self):
if not self._inline_scripts:
tags = self._soup.findAll('script', src=None)
self._inline_scripts = [InlineScript(t.string) for t in tags]
return self._inline_scripts
def imports(self):
tags = self._soup.findAll('link', rel='import')
return [t['href'] for t in tags]
def stylesheets(self):
tags = self._soup.findAll('link', rel='stylesheet')
return [t['href'] for t in tags]
def inline_stylesheets(self):
tags = self._soup.findAll('style')
return [str(t.string) for t in tags]
def YieldHTMLInPieces(self, controller, minify=False):
yield self.GenerateHTML(controller, minify)
def GenerateHTML(self, controller, minify=False):
soup = polymer_soup.PolymerSoup(str(self._soup))
# Remove decl
for x in soup.contents:
if isinstance(x, BeautifulSoup.Declaration):
if _IsDoctype(x):
# Remove all imports
imports = soup.findAll('link', rel='import')
for imp in imports:
# Remove all script links
scripts_external = soup.findAll('script', src=True)
for script in scripts_external:
# Remove all inline script
scripts_external = soup.findAll('script', src=None)
for script in scripts_external:
# Process all inline styles
inline_styles = soup.findAll('style')
for style in inline_styles:
html = controller.GetHTMLForInlineStylesheet(str(style.string))
if html:
ns = BeautifulSoup.Tag(soup, 'style')
# Rewrite all external stylesheet hrefs or remove, as needed
stylesheet_links = soup.findAll('link', rel='stylesheet')
for stylesheet_link in stylesheet_links:
html = controller.GetHTMLForStylesheetHRef(stylesheet_link['href'])
if html:
tmp = polymer_soup.PolymerSoup(html).findChildren()
assert len(tmp) == 1
# Remove comments if minifying.
if minify:
comments = soup.findAll(
text=lambda text:isinstance(text, BeautifulSoup.Comment))
for comment in comments:
# We are done.
return str(soup).strip()
def html_contents_without_links_and_script(self):
return self.GenerateHTML(html_generation_controller.HTMLGenerationController())
class _Tag(object):
def __init__(self, tag, attrs):
self.tag = tag
self.attrs = attrs
def __repr__(self):
attr_string = ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (x[0], x[1]) for x in self.attrs])
return '<%s %s>' % (self.tag, attr_string)
class HTMLModuleParser():
def Parse(self, html):
if html is None:
html = ''
if html.find('< /script>') != -1:
raise Exception('Escape script tags with <\/script>')
return HTMLModuleParserResults(html)