Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r167172

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Change-Id: Ib8d56fd5ae39a2d7e8c91dcd76cc6d13f25f2aab
diff --git a/chrome_frame/ b/chrome_frame/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2333f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome_frame/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Implementation of DeleteChromeHistory
+#include "chrome_frame/delete_chrome_history.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browsing_data/browsing_data_remover.h"
+#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
+#include "chrome_frame/chrome_frame_activex.h"
+#include "chrome_frame/utils.h"
+// Below other header to avoid symbol pollution.
+#define INITGUID
+#include <deletebrowsinghistory.h>
+  : remove_mask_(0) {
+  DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
+DeleteChromeHistory::~DeleteChromeHistory() {
+HRESULT DeleteChromeHistory::FinalConstruct() {
+  DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
+  Initialize();
+  return S_OK;
+void DeleteChromeHistory::OnAutomationServerReady() {
+  DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
+  automation_client_->RemoveBrowsingData(remove_mask_);
+  loop_.Quit();
+void DeleteChromeHistory::OnAutomationServerLaunchFailed(
+      AutomationLaunchResult reason, const std::string& server_version) {
+  loop_.Quit();
+void DeleteChromeHistory::GetProfilePath(const std::wstring& profile_name,
+                                         FilePath* profile_path) {
+  ChromeFramePlugin::GetProfilePath(kIexploreProfileName, profile_path);
+STDMETHODIMP DeleteChromeHistory::DeleteBrowsingHistory(DWORD flags) {
+  DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
+  // Usually called inside a quick startup/tear-down routine by RunDLL32. You
+  // can simulate the process by calling:
+  //    RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 255
+  // Since automation setup isn't synchronous, we can be tearing down while
+  // being only partially set-up, causing even synchronous IPCs to be dropped.
+  // Since the *Chrome* startup/tear-down occurs synchronously from the
+  // perspective of automation, we can add a flag to the chrome.exe invocation
+  // in lieu of sending an IPC when it seems appropriate. Since we assume this
+  // happens in one-off fashion, don't attempt to pack REMOVE_* arguments.
+  // Instead, have the browser process clobber all history.
+  //
+  // IE8 on Vista launches us twice when the user asks to delete browsing data -
+  // once in low integrity and once in medium integrity. The low integrity
+  // instance will fail to connect to the automation server and restart it in an
+  // effort to connect. Thus, we detect if we are in that circumstance and exit
+  // silently.
+  base::IntegrityLevel integrity_level;
+  if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_VISTA &&
+      !base::GetProcessIntegrityLevel(base::GetCurrentProcessHandle(),
+                                      &integrity_level)) {
+    return E_UNEXPECTED;
+  }
+  if (integrity_level == base::LOW_INTEGRITY) {
+    return S_OK;
+  }
+  if (!InitializeAutomation(GetHostProcessName(false), false, false,
+                            GURL(), GURL(), true)) {
+    return E_UNEXPECTED;
+  }
+    remove_mask_ |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_SITE_DATA;
+    remove_mask_ |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_CACHE;
+    remove_mask_ |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_FORM_DATA;
+    remove_mask_ |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_PASSWORDS;
+    remove_mask_ |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_HISTORY;
+  loop_.PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE,
+      MessageLoop::QuitClosure(), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10));
+  loop_.MessageLoop::Run();
+  return S_OK;