Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r167172

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Change-Id: Ib8d56fd5ae39a2d7e8c91dcd76cc6d13f25f2aab
diff --git a/ppapi/ppapi_gl.gypi b/ppapi/ppapi_gl.gypi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6830e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ppapi/ppapi_gl.gypi
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+  'includes': [
+    '../third_party/mesa/mesa.gypi',
+  ],
+  'targets': [
+    {
+      'target_name': 'ppapi_egl',
+      'type': 'static_library',
+      'dependencies': [
+        '<(DEPTH)/ppapi/ppapi.gyp:ppapi_c',
+      ],
+      'include_dirs': [
+        'lib/gl/include',
+      ],
+      'defines': [
+        # Do not export internal Mesa funcations. Exporting them is not
+        # required because we are compiling both - API dispatcher and driver
+        # into a single library.
+        'PUBLIC=',
+        # Define a new PPAPI platform.
+      ],
+      'conditions': [
+        ['OS=="win"', {
+          'defines': [
+            '_EGL_OS_WINDOWS',
+          ],
+        }],
+        ['OS=="mac"', {
+          'suppress_wildcard': 1,
+          'xcode_settings': {
+            # Suppress warnings in third party mesa_egl code.
+            'WARNING_CFLAGS': ['-Wno-sign-compare']
+          }
+        }],
+      ],
+      'sources': [
+        # Mesa EGL API dispatcher sources.
+        '<@(mesa_egl_sources)',
+        # PPAPI EGL driver sources.
+        'lib/gl/egl/egldriver.c',
+        'lib/gl/egl/egldriver_ppapi.c',
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      'target_name': 'ppapi_gles2',
+      'type': 'static_library',
+      'dependencies': [
+        'ppapi_c',
+      ],
+      'include_dirs': [
+        'lib/gl/include',
+      ],
+      'sources': [
+        'lib/gl/gles2/gl2ext_ppapi.c',
+        'lib/gl/gles2/gl2ext_ppapi.h',
+        'lib/gl/gles2/gles2.c',
+      ],
+    },
+  ],