Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 251904

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Change-Id: I1f9543259d7d2a57d81aa41a1b84f85837439d21
diff --git a/device/bluetooth/bluetooth_gatt_descriptor.h b/device/bluetooth/bluetooth_gatt_descriptor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c0a1d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/device/bluetooth/bluetooth_gatt_descriptor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/callback.h"
+#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_utils.h"
+namespace device {
+class BluetoothGattCharacteristic;
+// BluetoothGattDescriptor represents a local or remote GATT characteristic
+// descriptor. A GATT characteristic descriptor provides further information
+// about a characteristic's value. They can be used to describe the
+// characteristic's features or to control certain behaviors.
+class BluetoothGattDescriptor {
+ public:
+  // The Bluetooth Specification declares several predefined descriptors that
+  // profiles can use. The following are definitions for the list of UUIDs
+  // and descriptions of the characteristic descriptors that they represent.
+  // Possible values for and further information on each descriptor can be found
+  // in Core v4.0, Volume 3, Part G, Section 3.3.3. All of these desciptors are
+  // optional and may not be present for a given characteristic.
+  // The "Characteristic Extended Properties" descriptor. This defines
+  // additional "Characteristic Properties" which cannot fit into the allocated
+  // single octet property field of a characteristic. The value is a bit field
+  // and the two predefined bits, as per Bluetooth Core Specification v4.0, are:
+  //
+  //    - Reliable Write: 0x0001
+  //    - Writable Auxiliaries: 0x0002
+  //
+  static const bluetooth_utils::UUID kCharacteristicExtendedPropertiesUuid;
+  // The "Characteristic User Description" descriptor defines a UTF-8 string of
+  // variable size that is a user textual description of the associated
+  // characteristic's value. There can be only one instance of this descriptor
+  // per characteristic. This descriptor can be written to if the "Writable
+  // Auxiliaries" bit of the Characteristic Properties (via the "Characteristic
+  // Extended Properties" descriptor) has been set.
+  static const bluetooth_utils::UUID kCharacteristicUserDescriptionUuid;
+  // The "Client Characteristic Configuration" descriptor defines how the
+  // characteristic may be configured by a specific client. A server-side
+  // instance of this descriptor exists for each client that has bonded with
+  // the server and the value can be read and written by that client only. As
+  // of Core v4.0, this descriptor is used by clients to set up notifications
+  // and indications from a characteristic. The value is a bit field and the
+  // predefined bits are:
+  //
+  //    - Default: 0x0000
+  //    - Notification: 0x0001
+  //    - Indication: 0x0002
+  //
+  static const bluetooth_utils::UUID kClientCharacteristicConfigurationUuid;
+  // The "Server Characteristic Configuration" descriptor defines how the
+  // characteristic may be configured for the server. There is one instance
+  // of this descriptor for all clients and setting the value of this descriptor
+  // affects its configuration for all clients. As of Core v4.0, this descriptor
+  // is used to set up the server to broadcast the characteristic value if
+  // advertising resources are available. The value is a bit field and the
+  // predefined bits are:
+  //
+  //    - Default: 0x0000
+  //    - Broadcast: 0x0001
+  //
+  static const bluetooth_utils::UUID kServerCharacteristicConfigurationUuid;
+  // The "Characteristic Presentation Format" declaration defines the format of
+  // the Characteristic Value. The value is composed of 7 octets which are
+  // divided into groups that represent different semantic meanings. For a
+  // detailed description of how the value of this descriptor should be
+  // interpreted, refer to Core v4.0, Volume 3, Part G, Section If more
+  // than one declaration of this descriptor exists for a characteristic, then a
+  // "Characteristic Aggregate Format" descriptor must also exist for that
+  // characteristic.
+  static const bluetooth_utils::UUID kCharacteristicPresentationFormatUuid;
+  // The "Characteristic Aggregate Format" descriptor defines the format of an
+  // aggragated characteristic value. In GATT's underlying protocol, ATT, each
+  // attribute is identified by a handle that is unique for the hosting server.
+  // Multiple characteristics can share the same instance(s) of a
+  // "Characteristic Presentation Format" descriptor. The value of the
+  // "Characteristic Aggregate Format" descriptor contains a list of handles
+  // that each refer to a "Characteristic Presentation Format" descriptor that
+  // is used by that characteristic. Hence, exactly one instance of this
+  // descriptor must exist if more than one "Characteristic Presentation Format"
+  // descriptors exist for a characteristic.
+  //
+  // Applications that are using the device::Bluetooth API do not have access to
+  // the underlying handles and shouldn't use this descriptor to determine which
+  // "Characteristic Presentation Format" desciptors belong to a characteristic.
+  // The API will construct a BluetoothGattDescriptor object for each instance
+  // of "Characteristic Presentation Format" descriptor per instance of
+  // BluetoothGattCharacteristic that represents a remote characteristic.
+  // Similarly for local characteristics, implementations DO NOT need to create
+  // an instance of BluetoothGattDescriptor for this descriptor as this will be
+  // handled by the subsystem.
+  static const bluetooth_utils::UUID kCharacteristicAggregateFormatUuid;
+  // Interface for observing changes from a BluetoothGattDescriptor.
+  // Properties of remote characteristic desciptors are received asynchonously.
+  // The Observer interface can be used to be notified when the initial values
+  // of a characteristic descriptor are received as well as when successive
+  // changes occur during its life cycle.
+  class Observer {
+   public:
+    // Called when the UUID of |descriptor| has changed.
+    virtual void UuidChanged(
+        BluetoothGattDescriptor* descriptor,
+        const bluetooth_utils::UUID& uuid) {}
+    // Called when the current value of |descriptor| has changed.
+    virtual void ValueChanged(
+        BluetoothGattDescriptor* descriptor,
+        const std::vector<uint8>& value) {}
+  };
+  // The ErrorCallback is used by methods to asynchronously report errors.
+  typedef base::Callback<void(const std::string&)> ErrorCallback;
+  // The ValueCallback is used to return the value of a remote characteristic
+  // descriptor upon a read request.
+  typedef base::Callback<void(const std::vector<uint8>&)> ValueCallback;
+  // Adds and removes observers for events on this GATT characteristic
+  // descriptor. If monitoring multiple descriptors, check the |descriptor|
+  // parameter of observer methods to determine which characteristic is issuing
+  // the event.
+  virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
+  virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
+  // Constructs a BluetoothGattDescriptor that can be associated with a local
+  // GATT characteristic when the adapter is in the peripheral role. To
+  // associate the returned descriptor with a characteristic, add it to a local
+  // characteristic by calling BluetoothGattCharacteristic::AddDescriptor.
+  //
+  // This method constructs a characteristic descriptor with UUID |uuid| and the
+  // initial cached value |value|. |value| will be cached and returned for read
+  // requests and automatically modified for write requests by default, unless
+  // an instance of BluetoothGattService::Delegate has been provided to the
+  // associated BluetoothGattService instance, in which case the delegate will
+  // handle the read and write requests.
+  //
+  // Currently, only custom UUIDs, |kCharacteristicDescriptionUuid|, and
+  // |kCharacteristicPresentationFormat| are supported for locally hosted
+  // descriptors. This method will return NULL if |uuid| is any one of the
+  // unsupported predefined descriptor UUIDs.
+  static BluetoothGattDescriptor* Create(const bluetooth_utils::UUID& uuid,
+                                         const std::vector<uint8>& value);
+  // The Bluetooth-specific UUID of the characteristic descriptor.
+  virtual const bluetooth_utils::UUID& GetUuid() const = 0;
+  // Returns true, if this characteristic descriptor is hosted locally. If
+  // false, then this instance represents a remote descriptor.
+  virtual bool IsLocal() const = 0;
+  // Returns a pointer to the GATT characteristic that this characteristic
+  // descriptor belongs to.
+  virtual const BluetoothGattCharacteristic* GetCharacteristic() const = 0;
+  // Sends a read request to a remote characteristic descriptor to read its
+  // value. |callback| is called to return the read value on success and
+  // |error_callback| is called for failures.
+  virtual void ReadRemoteDescriptor(const ValueCallback& callback,
+                                    const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
+  // Sends a write request to a remote characteristic descriptor, to modify the
+  // value of the descriptor starting at offset |offset| with the new value
+  // |new_value|. |callback| is called to signal success and |error_callback|
+  // for failures. This method only applies to remote descriptors and will fail
+  // for those that are locally hosted.
+  virtual void WriteRemoteDescriptor(
+      int offset,
+      const std::vector<uint8>& new_value,
+      const base::Closure& callback,
+      const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
+ protected:
+  BluetoothGattDescriptor();
+  virtual ~BluetoothGattDescriptor();
+ private:
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BluetoothGattDescriptor);
+}  // namespace device