blob: af5d8b889b5eb6d4b6d3066155e74364e8f12484 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* WebUI to monitor the Sync File System Service.
var syncService = (function() {
'use strict';
var SyncService = {};
* Request Sync Service Status.
function getServiceStatus() {
* Called when service status is initially retrieved or updated via events.
* @param {string} Service status enum as a string.
SyncService.onGetServiceStatus = function(statusString) {
$('service-status').textContent = statusString;
* Request Google Drive Notification Source. e.g. XMPP or polling.
function getNotificationSource() {
* Handles callback from getNotificationSource.
* @param {string} Notification source as a string.
SyncService.onGetNotificationSource = function(sourceString) {
$('notification-source').textContent = sourceString;
* Creates an element named |elementName| containing the content |text|.
* @param {string} elementName Name of the new element to be created.
* @param {string} text Text to be contained in the new element.
* @return {HTMLElement} The newly created HTML element.
function createElementFromText(elementName, text) {
var element = document.createElement(elementName);
return element;
* Request debug log.
function getLog() {
* Handles callback from getUpdateLog.
* @param {Array} list List of dictionaries containing 'time' and 'logEvent'.
SyncService.onGetLog = function(logEntries) {
var itemContainer = $('log-entries');
for (var i = 0; i < logEntries.length; i++) {
var logEntry = logEntries[i];
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', logEntry.time));
tr.appendChild(createElementFromText('td', logEntry.logEvent));
* Get initial sync service values and set listeners to get updated values.
function main() {
cr.ui.decorate('tabbox', cr.ui.TabBox);
// TODO: Look for a way to push entries to the page when necessary.
window.setInterval(getLog, 1000);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main);
return SyncService;