blob: 77f96260c1dc11855741f63da66dd5ac3eadf2d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "media/video/encoded_video_source.h"
#include "media/video/video_encode_types.h"
#include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/media/webrtc/webrtcvie.h"
namespace content {
// Class to represent an encoding capable video capture interface for the
// WebRTC component. This class expects to be registered as an encoder with
// an internal source to the WebRTC stack and will not be able to function as
// an encoder for uncompressed video frames.
class RtcEncodingVideoCapturer : public webrtc::VideoEncoder {
RtcEncodingVideoCapturer(media::EncodedVideoSource* encoded_video_source,
webrtc::VideoCodecType codec_type);
virtual ~RtcEncodingVideoCapturer();
// webrtc::VideoEncoder implementation.
virtual int32_t InitEncode(const webrtc::VideoCodec* codecSettings,
int32_t numberOfCores,
uint32_t maxPayloadSize) OVERRIDE;
virtual int32_t Encode(
const webrtc::I420VideoFrame& /* inputImage */,
const webrtc::CodecSpecificInfo* codecSpecificInfo,
const std::vector<webrtc::VideoFrameType>* frame_types) OVERRIDE;
virtual int32_t RegisterEncodeCompleteCallback(
webrtc::EncodedImageCallback* callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual int32_t Release() OVERRIDE;
virtual int32_t SetChannelParameters(uint32_t /* packetLoss */,
int rtt_in_ms) OVERRIDE;
virtual int32_t SetRates(uint32_t newBitRate,
uint32_t frameRate) OVERRIDE;
// Forward declaration for private implementation to represent the
// encoded video source client;
class EncodedVideoSourceClient;
scoped_ptr<EncodedVideoSourceClient> encoded_video_source_client_;
// Pointer to the underlying EncodedVideoSource object. It is guaranteed to
// outlive the RtcEncodingVideoCapturer.
media::EncodedVideoSource* encoded_video_source_;
webrtc::VideoCodecType rtc_codec_type_;
} // namespace content