blob: f374a3d304e3432c8ab5642431744416e5161b0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Utilities for FileCopyManager.
var fileOperationUtil = {};
* Simple wrapper for util.deduplicatePath. On error, this method translates
* the FileError to FileCopyManager.Error object.
* @param {DirectoryEntry} dirEntry The target directory entry.
* @param {string} relativePath The path to be deduplicated.
* @param {function(string)} successCallback Callback run with the deduplicated
* path on success.
* @param {function(FileCopyManager.Error)} errorCallback Callback run on error.
fileOperationUtil.deduplicatePath = function(
dirEntry, relativePath, successCallback, errorCallback) {
dirEntry, relativePath, successCallback,
function(err) {
var onFileSystemError = function(error) {
errorCallback(new FileCopyManager.Error(
util.FileOperationErrorType.FILESYSTEM_ERROR, error));
if (err.code == FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR) {
// Failed to uniquify the file path. There should be an existing
// entry, so return the error with it.
dirEntry, relativePath,
function(entry) {
errorCallback(new FileCopyManager.Error(
util.FileOperationErrorType.TARGET_EXISTS, entry));
* Sets last modified date to the entry.
* @param {Entry} entry The entry to which the last modified is set.
* @param {Date} modificationTime The last modified time.
fileOperationUtil.setLastModified = function(entry, modificationTime) {
entry.toURL(), '' + Math.round(modificationTime.getTime() / 1000));
* Copies a file from source to the parent directory with newName.
* See also copyFileByStream_ and copyFileOnDrive_ for the implementation
* details.
* @param {FileEntry} source The file entry to be copied.
* @param {DirectoryEntry} parent The entry of the destination directory.
* @param {string} newName The name of copied file.
* @param {function(FileEntry, number)} progressCallback Callback invoked
* periodically during the file writing. It takes source and the number of
* copied bytes since the last invocation. This is also called just before
* starting the operation (with '0' bytes) and just after the finishing the
* operation (with the total copied size).
* @param {function(FileEntry)} successCallback Callback invoked when the copy
* is successfully done with the entry of the created file.
* @param {function(FileError)} errorCallback Callback invoked when an error
* is found.
* @return {function()} Callback to cancle the current file copy operation.
* When the cancel is done, errorCallback will be called. The returned
* callback must not be called more than once.
fileOperationUtil.copyFile = function(
source, parent, newName, progressCallback, successCallback, errorCallback) {
if (!PathUtil.isDriveBasedPath(source.fullPath) &&
!PathUtil.isDriveBasedPath(parent.fullPath)) {
// Copying a file between non-Drive file systems.
return fileOperationUtil.copyFileByStream_(
source, parent, newName, progressCallback, successCallback,
} else {
// Copying related to the Drive file system.
return fileOperationUtil.copyFileOnDrive_(
source, parent, newName, progressCallback, successCallback,
* Copies a file by using File and FileWriter objects.
* This is a js-implementation of FileEntry.copyTo(). Unfortunately, copyTo
* doesn't support periodical progress updating nor cancelling. To support
* these operations, this method implements copyTo by streaming way in
* JavaScript.
* Note that this is designed for file copying on local file system. We have
* some special cases about copying on Drive file system. See also
* copyFileOnDrive_() for more details.
* @param {FileEntry} source The file entry to be copied.
* @param {DirectoryEntry} parent The entry of the destination directory.
* @param {string} newName The name of copied file.
* @param {function(FileEntry, number)} progressCallback Callback invoked
* periodically during the file writing. It takes source and the number of
* copied bytes since the last invocation. This is also called just before
* starting the operation (with '0' bytes) and just after the finishing the
* operation (with the total copied size).
* @param {function(FileEntry)} successCallback Callback invoked when the copy
* is successfully done with the entry of the created file.
* @param {function(FileError)} errorCallback Callback invoked when an error
* is found.
* @return {function()} Callback to cancel the current file copy operation.
* When the cancel is done, errorCallback will be called. The returned
* callback must not be called more than once.
* @private
fileOperationUtil.copyFileByStream_ = function(
source, parent, newName, progressCallback, successCallback, errorCallback) {
// Set to true when cancel is requested.
var cancelRequested = false;
source.file(function(file) {
if (cancelRequested) {
parent.getFile(newName, {create: true, exclusive: true}, function(target) {
if (cancelRequested) {
target.createWriter(function(writer) {
if (cancelRequested) {
writer.onerror = writer.onabort = function(progress) {
errorCallback(cancelRequested ?
util.createFileError(FileError.ABORT_ERR) :
var reportedProgress = 0;
writer.onprogress = function(progress) {
if (cancelRequested) {
// If the copy was cancelled, we should abort the operation.
// The errorCallback will be called by writer.onabort after the
// termination.
// |progress.loaded| will contain total amount of data copied by now.
// |progressCallback| expects data amount delta from the last progress
// update.
progressCallback(target, progress.loaded - reportedProgress);
reportedProgress = progress.loaded;
writer.onwrite = function() {
if (cancelRequested) {
source.getMetadata(function(metadata) {
if (cancelRequested) {
target, metadata.modificationTime);
}, errorCallback);
}, errorCallback);
}, errorCallback);
}, errorCallback);
return function() { cancelRequested = true; };
* Copies a file a) from Drive to local, b) from local to Drive, or c) from
* Drive to Drive.
* Currently, we need to take care about following two things for Drive:
* 1) Copying hosted document.
* In theory, it is impossible to actual copy a hosted document to other
* file system. Thus, instead, Drive file system backend creates a JSON file
* referring to the hosted document. Also, when it is uploaded by copyTo,
* the hosted document is copied on the server. Note that, this doesn't work
* when a user creates a file by FileWriter (as copyFileEntry_ does).
* 2) File transfer between local and Drive server.
* There are two directions of file transfer; from local to Drive and from
* Drive to local.
* The file transfer from local to Drive is done as a part of file system
* background sync (kicked after the copy operation is done). So we don't need
* to take care about it here. To copy the file from Drive to local (or Drive
* to Drive with GData WAPI), we need to download the file content (if it is
* not locally cached). During the downloading, we can listen the periodical
* updating and cancel the downloding via private API.
* This function supports progress updating and cancelling partially.
* Unfortunately, FileEntry.copyTo doesn't support progress updating nor
* cancelling, so we support them only during file downloading.
* Note: we're planning to move copyTo logic into c++ side.
* @param {FileEntry} source The entry of the file to be copied.
* @param {DirectoryEntry} parent The entry of the destination directory.
* @param {string} newName The name of the copied file.
* @param {function(FileEntry, number)} progressCallback Callback periodically
* invoked during file transfer with the source and the number of
* transferred bytes from the last call.
* @param {function(FileEntry)} successCallback Callback invoked when the
* file copy is successfully done with the entry of the copied file.
* @param {function(FileError)} errorCallback Callback invoked when an error
* is found.
* @return {function()} Callback to cancel the current file copy operation.
* When the cancel is done, errorCallback will be called. The returned
* callback must not be called more than once.
* @private
fileOperationUtil.copyFileOnDrive_ = function(
source, parent, newName, progressCallback, successCallback, errorCallback) {
// Set to true when cancel is requested.
var cancelRequested = false;
var cancelCallback = null;
var onCopyToCompleted = null;
// Progress callback.
// Because the uploading the file from local cache to Drive server will be
// done as a part of background Drive file system sync, so for this copy
// operation, what we need to take care about is only file downloading.
var numTransferredBytes = 0;
if (PathUtil.isDriveBasedPath(source.fullPath)) {
var sourceUrl = source.toURL();
var sourcePath = util.extractFilePath(sourceUrl);
var onFileTransfersUpdated = function(statusList) {
for (var i = 0; i < statusList.length; i++) {
var status = statusList[i];
// Comparing urls is unreliable, since they may use different
// url encoding schemes (eg. rfc2396 vs. rfc3986).
var filePath = util.extractFilePath(status.fileUrl);
if (filePath == sourcePath) {
var processed = status.processed;
if (processed > numTransferredBytes) {
progressCallback(source, processed - numTransferredBytes);
numTransferredBytes = processed;
// Subscribe to listen file transfer updating notifications.
// Currently, we do NOT upload the file during the copy operation.
// It will be done as a part of file system sync after copy operation.
// So, we can cancel only file downloading.
cancelCallback = function() {
[sourceUrl], function() {});
// We need to clean up on copyTo completion regardless if it is
// successfully done or not.
onCopyToCompleted = function() {
cancelCallback = null;
parent, newName,
function(entry) {
if (onCopyToCompleted)
if (cancelRequested) {
entry.getMetadata(function(metadata) {
if (metadata.size > numTransferredBytes)
progressCallback(source, metadata.size - numTransferredBytes);
}, errorCallback);
function(error) {
if (onCopyToCompleted)
return function() {
cancelRequested = true;
if (cancelCallback) {
cancelCallback = null;
* Thin wrapper of chrome.fileBrowserPrivate.zipSelection to adapt its
* interface similar to copyTo().
* @param {Array.<Entry>} sources The array of entries to be archived.
* @param {DirectoryEntry} parent The entry of the destination directory.
* @param {string} newName The name of the archive to be created.
* @param {function(FileEntry)} successCallback Callback invoked when the
* operation is successfully done with the entry of the created archive.
* @param {function(FileError)} errorCallback Callback invoked when an error
* is found.
fileOperationUtil.zipSelection = function(
sources, parent, newName, successCallback, errorCallback) {
parent.toURL(), { return e.toURL(); }),
newName, function(success) {
if (!success) {
// Failed to create a zip archive.
// Returns the created entry via callback.
newName, {create: false}, successCallback, errorCallback);
* @constructor
function FileCopyManager() {
this.copyTasks_ = [];
this.deleteTasks_ = [];
this.cancelObservers_ = [];
this.cancelRequested_ = false;
this.cancelCallback_ = null;
this.unloadTimeout_ = null;
this.eventRouter_ = new FileCopyManager.EventRouter();
* Get FileCopyManager instance. In case is hasn't been initialized, a new
* instance is created.
* @return {FileCopyManager} A FileCopyManager instance.
FileCopyManager.getInstance = function() {
if (!FileCopyManager.instance_)
FileCopyManager.instance_ = new FileCopyManager();
return FileCopyManager.instance_;
* Manages cr.Event dispatching.
* Currently this can send three types of events: "copy-progress",
* "copy-operation-completed" and "delete".
* TODO(hidehiko): Reorganize the event dispatching mechanism.
* @constructor
* @extends {cr.EventTarget}
FileCopyManager.EventRouter = function() {
* Extends cr.EventTarget.
FileCopyManager.EventRouter.prototype.__proto__ = cr.EventTarget.prototype;
* Dispatches a simple "copy-progress" event with reason and current
* FileCopyManager status. If it is an ERROR event, error should be set.
* @param {string} reason Event type. One of "BEGIN", "PROGRESS", "SUCCESS",
* "ERROR" or "CANCELLED". TODO(hidehiko): Use enum.
* @param {Object} status Current FileCopyManager's status. See also
* FileCopyManager.getStatus().
* @param {FileCopyManager.Error=} opt_error The info for the error. This
* should be set iff the reason is "ERROR".
FileCopyManager.EventRouter.prototype.sendProgressEvent = function(
reason, status, opt_error) {
var event = new cr.Event('copy-progress');
event.reason = reason;
event.status = status;
if (opt_error)
event.error = opt_error;
* Dispatches an event to notify that an entry is changed (created or deleted).
* @param {util.EntryChangedType} type The enum to represent if the entry
* is created or deleted.
* @param {Entry} entry The changed entry.
FileCopyManager.EventRouter.prototype.sendEntryChangedEvent = function(
type, entry) {
var event = new cr.Event('entry-changed');
event.type = type;
event.entry = entry;
* Dispatches an event to notify entries are changed for delete task.
* @param {string} reason Event type. One of "BEGIN", "PROGRESS", "SUCCESS",
* or "ERROR". TODO(hidehiko): Use enum.
* @param {Array.<string>} urls An array of URLs which are affected by delete
* operation.
FileCopyManager.EventRouter.prototype.sendDeleteEvent = function(
reason, urls) {
var event = new cr.Event('delete');
event.reason = reason;
event.urls = urls;
* A record of a queued copy operation.
* Multiple copy operations may be queued at any given time. Additional
* Tasks may be added while the queue is being serviced. Though a
* cancel operation cancels everything in the queue.
* @param {DirectoryEntry} targetDirEntry Target directory.
* @param {DirectoryEntry=} opt_zipBaseDirEntry Base directory dealt as a root
* in ZIP archive.
* @constructor
FileCopyManager.Task = function(targetDirEntry, opt_zipBaseDirEntry) {
this.targetDirEntry = targetDirEntry;
this.zipBaseDirEntry = opt_zipBaseDirEntry;
this.originalEntries = null;
// TODO(hidehiko): When we support recursive copy, we should be able to
// rely on originalEntries. Then remove this.
this.entries = [];
* The index of entries being processed. The entries should be processed
* from 0, so this is also the number of completed entries.
* @type {number}
this.entryIndex = 0;
this.totalBytes = 0;
this.completedBytes = 0;
this.deleteAfterCopy = false;
this.move = false; = false;
// TODO(hidehiko): After we support recursive copy, we don't need this.
// If directory already exists, we try to make a copy named 'dir (X)',
// where X is a number. When we do this, all subsequent copies from
// inside the subtree should be mapped to the new directory name.
// For example, if 'dir' was copied as 'dir (1)', then 'dir\file.txt' should
// become 'dir (1)\file.txt'.
this.renamedDirectories_ = [];
* @param {Array.<Entry>} entries Entries.
* @param {function()} callback When entries resolved.
FileCopyManager.Task.prototype.setEntries = function(entries, callback) {
this.originalEntries = entries;
// When moving directories, FileEntry.moveTo() is used if both source
// and target are on Drive. There is no need to recurse into directories.
util.recurseAndResolveEntries(entries, !this.move, function(result) {
if (this.move) {
// This may be moving from search results, where it fails if we move
// parent entries earlier than child entries. We should process the
// deepest entry first. Since move of each entry is done by a single
// moveTo() call, we don't need to care about the recursive traversal
// order.
this.entries = result.dirEntries.concat(result.fileEntries).sort(
function(entry1, entry2) {
return entry2.fullPath.length - entry1.fullPath.length;
} else {
// Copying tasks are recursively processed. So, directories must be
// processed earlier than their child files. Since
// util.recurseAndResolveEntries is already listing entries in the
// recursive traversal order, we just keep the ordering.
this.entries = result.dirEntries.concat(result.fileEntries);
this.totalBytes = result.fileBytes;
* Updates copy progress status for the entry.
* @param {number} size Number of bytes that has been copied since last update.
FileCopyManager.Task.prototype.updateFileCopyProgress = function(size) {
this.completedBytes += size;
* @param {string} fromName Old name.
* @param {string} toName New name.
FileCopyManager.Task.prototype.registerRename = function(fromName, toName) {
this.renamedDirectories_.push({from: fromName + '/', to: toName + '/'});
* @param {string} path A path.
* @return {string} Path after renames.
FileCopyManager.Task.prototype.applyRenames = function(path) {
// Directories are processed in pre-order, so we will store only the first
// renaming point:
// x -> x (1) -- new directory created.
// x\y -> x (1)\y -- no more renames inside the new directory, so
// this one will not be stored.
// x\y\a.txt -- only one rename will be applied.
for (var index = 0; index < this.renamedDirectories_.length; ++index) {
var rename = this.renamedDirectories_[index];
if (path.indexOf(rename.from) == 0) {
path = + path.substr(rename.from.length);
return path;
* Error class used to report problems with a copy operation.
* If the code is UNEXPECTED_SOURCE_FILE, data should be a path of the file.
* If the code is TARGET_EXISTS, data should be the existing Entry.
* If the code is FILESYSTEM_ERROR, data should be the FileError.
* @param {util.FileOperationErrorType} code Error type.
* @param {string|Entry|FileError} data Additional data.
* @constructor
FileCopyManager.Error = function(code, data) {
this.code = code; = data;
// FileCopyManager methods.
* Initializes the filesystem if it is not done yet.
* @param {function()} callback Completion callback.
FileCopyManager.prototype.initialize = function(callback) {
// Already initialized.
if (this.root_) {
chrome.fileBrowserPrivate.requestFileSystem(function(filesystem) {
this.root_ = filesystem.root;
* Called before a new method is run in the manager. Prepares the manager's
* state for running a new method.
FileCopyManager.prototype.willRunNewMethod = function() {
// Cancel any pending close actions so the file copy manager doesn't go away.
if (this.unloadTimeout_)
this.unloadTimeout_ = null;
* @return {Object} Status object.
FileCopyManager.prototype.getStatus = function() {
// TODO(hidehiko): Reorganize the structure when delete queue is merged
// into copy task queue.
var rv = {
totalItems: 0,
completedItems: 0,
totalBytes: 0,
completedBytes: 0,
pendingCopies: 0,
pendingMoves: 0,
pendingZips: 0,
// In case the number of the incompleted entry is exactly one.
filename: '',
var pendingEntry = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.copyTasks_.length; i++) {
var task = this.copyTasks_[i];
rv.totalItems += task.entries.length;
rv.completedItems += task.entryIndex;
rv.totalBytes += task.totalBytes;
rv.completedBytes += task.completedBytes;
var numPendingEntries = task.entries.length - task.entryIndex;
if ( {
rv.pendingZips += numPendingEntries;
} else if (task.move || task.deleteAfterCopy) {
rv.pendingMoves += numPendingEntries;
} else {
rv.pendingCopies += numPendingEntries;
if (numPendingEntries == 1)
pendingEntry = task.entries[task.entries.length - 1];
if (rv.totalItems - rv.completedItems == 1 && pendingEntry)
rv.filename =;
return rv;
* Adds an event listener for the tasks.
* @param {string} type The name of the event.
* @param {function(cr.Event)} handler The handler for the event.
* This is called when the event is dispatched.
FileCopyManager.prototype.addEventListener = function(type, handler) {
this.eventRouter_.addEventListener(type, handler);
* Removes an event listener for the tasks.
* @param {string} type The name of the event.
* @param {function(cr.Event)} handler The handler to be removed.
FileCopyManager.prototype.removeEventListener = function(type, handler) {
this.eventRouter_.removeEventListener(type, handler);
* Says if there are any tasks in the queue.
* @return {boolean} True, if there are any tasks.
FileCopyManager.prototype.hasQueuedTasks = function() {
return this.copyTasks_.length > 0 || this.deleteTasks_.length > 0;
* Unloads the host page in 5 secs of idleing. Need to be called
* each time this.copyTasks_.length or this.deleteTasks_.length
* changed.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.maybeScheduleCloseBackgroundPage_ = function() {
if (!this.hasQueuedTasks()) {
if (this.unloadTimeout_ === null)
this.unloadTimeout_ = setTimeout(maybeCloseBackgroundPage, 5000);
} else if (this.unloadTimeout_) {
this.unloadTimeout_ = null;
* Completely clear out the copy queue, either because we encountered an error
* or completed successfully.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.resetQueue_ = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.cancelObservers_.length; i++)
this.copyTasks_ = [];
this.cancelObservers_ = [];
* Request that the current copy queue be abandoned.
* @param {function()=} opt_callback On cancel.
FileCopyManager.prototype.requestCancel = function(opt_callback) {
this.cancelRequested_ = true;
if (this.cancelCallback_) {
this.cancelCallback_ = null;
if (opt_callback)
// If there is any active task it will eventually call maybeCancel_.
// Otherwise call it right now.
if (this.copyTasks_.length == 0)
* Perform the bookkeeping required to cancel.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.doCancel_ = function() {
this.cancelRequested_ = false;
this.eventRouter_.sendProgressEvent('CANCELLED', this.getStatus());
* Used internally to check if a cancel has been requested, and handle
* it if so.
* @return {boolean} If canceled.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.maybeCancel_ = function() {
if (!this.cancelRequested_)
return false;
return true;
* Kick off pasting.
* @param {Array.<string>} files Pathes of source files.
* @param {Array.<string>} directories Pathes of source directories.
* @param {boolean} isCut If the source items are removed from original
* location.
* @param {string} targetPath Target path.
FileCopyManager.prototype.paste = function(
files, directories, isCut, targetPath) {
var self = this;
var entries = [];
var added = 0;
var total;
var steps = {
start: function() {
// Filter entries.
var entryFilterFunc = function(entry) {
if (entry == '')
return false;
if (isCut && entry.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, '') == targetPath)
// Moving to the same directory is a redundant operation.
return false;
return true;
directories = directories ? directories.filter(entryFilterFunc) : [];
files = files ? files.filter(entryFilterFunc) : [];
// Check the number of filtered entries.
total = directories.length + files.length;
if (total == 0)
// Retrieve entries.
util.getDirectories(self.root_, {create: false}, directories,
steps.onEntryFound, steps.onPathError);
util.getFiles(self.root_, {create: false}, files,
steps.onEntryFound, steps.onPathError);
onEntryFound: function(entry) {
// When getDirectories/getFiles finish, they call addEntry with null.
// We don't want to add null to our entries.
if (entry == null)
if (added == total)
onSourceEntriesFound: function() {
self.root_.getDirectory(targetPath, {},
steps.onTargetEntryFound, steps.onPathError);
onTargetEntryFound: function(targetEntry) {
self.queueCopy_(targetEntry, entries, isCut);
onPathError: function(err) {
new FileCopyManager.Error(
util.FileOperationErrorType.FILESYSTEM_ERROR, err));
* Checks if the move operation is avaiable between the given two locations.
* @param {DirectoryEntry} sourceEntry An entry from the source.
* @param {DirectoryEntry} targetDirEntry Directory entry for the target.
* @return {boolean} Whether we can move from the source to the target.
FileCopyManager.prototype.isMovable = function(sourceEntry,
targetDirEntry) {
return (PathUtil.isDriveBasedPath(sourceEntry.fullPath) &&
PathUtil.isDriveBasedPath(targetDirEntry.fullPath)) ||
(PathUtil.getRootPath(sourceEntry.fullPath) ==
* Initiate a file copy.
* @param {DirectoryEntry} targetDirEntry Target directory.
* @param {Array.<Entry>} entries Entries to copy.
* @param {boolean} deleteAfterCopy In case of move.
* @return {FileCopyManager.Task} Copy task.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.queueCopy_ = function(
targetDirEntry, entries, deleteAfterCopy) {
var self = this;
// When copying files, null can be specified as source directory.
var copyTask = new FileCopyManager.Task(targetDirEntry);
if (deleteAfterCopy) {
if (this.isMovable(entries[0], targetDirEntry)) {
copyTask.move = true;
} else {
copyTask.deleteAfterCopy = true;
copyTask.setEntries(entries, function() {
if (self.copyTasks_.length == 1) {
// Assume self.cancelRequested_ == false.
// This moved us from 0 to 1 active tasks, let the servicing begin!
} else {
// Force to update the progress of butter bar when there are new tasks
// coming while servicing current task.
self.eventRouter_.sendProgressEvent('PROGRESS', self.getStatus());
return copyTask;
* Service all pending tasks, as well as any that might appear during the
* copy.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.serviceAllTasks_ = function() {
var self = this;
var onTaskProgress = function() {
self.eventRouter_.sendProgressEvent('PROGRESS', self.getStatus());
var onEntryChanged = function(type, entry) {
self.eventRouter_.sendEntryChangedEvent(type, entry);
var onTaskError = function(err) {
if (self.maybeCancel_())
self.eventRouter_.sendProgressEvent('ERROR', self.getStatus(), err);
var onTaskSuccess = function() {
if (self.maybeCancel_())
// The task at the front of the queue is completed. Pop it from the queue.
if (!self.copyTasks_.length) {
// All tasks have been serviced, clean up and exit.
self.eventRouter_.sendProgressEvent('SUCCESS', self.getStatus());
// We want to dispatch a PROGRESS event when there are more tasks to serve
// right after one task finished in the queue. We treat all tasks as one
// big task logically, so there is only one BEGIN/SUCCESS event pair for
// these continuous tasks.
self.eventRouter_.sendProgressEvent('PROGRESS', self.getStatus());
self.serviceTask_(self.copyTasks_[0], onEntryChanged, onTaskProgress,
onTaskSuccess, onTaskError);
// If the queue size is 1 after pushing our task, it was empty before,
// so we need to kick off queue processing and dispatch BEGIN event.
this.eventRouter_.sendProgressEvent('BEGIN', this.getStatus());
this.serviceTask_(this.copyTasks_[0], onEntryChanged, onTaskProgress,
onTaskSuccess, onTaskError);
* Runs a given task.
* Note that the responsibility of this method is just dispatching to the
* appropriate serviceXxxTask_() method.
* TODO(hidehiko): Remove this method by introducing
* (
* @param {FileCopyManager.Task} task A task to be run.
* @param {function(util.EntryChangedType, Entry)} entryChangedCallback Callback
* invoked when an entry is changed.
* @param {function()} progressCallback Callback invoked periodically during
* the operation.
* @param {function()} successCallback Callback run on success.
* @param {function(FileCopyManager.Error)} errorCallback Callback run on error.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.serviceTask_ = function(
task, entryChangedCallback, progressCallback,
successCallback, errorCallback) {
if (
this.serviceZipTask_(task, entryChangedCallback, progressCallback,
successCallback, errorCallback);
else if (task.move)
this.serviceMoveTask_(task, entryChangedCallback, progressCallback,
successCallback, errorCallback);
this.serviceCopyTask_(task, entryChangedCallback, progressCallback,
successCallback, errorCallback);
* Service all entries in the copy (and move) task.
* Note: this method contains also the operation of "Move" due to historical
* reason.
* @param {FileCopyManager.Task} task A copy task to be run.
* @param {function(util.EntryChangedType, Entry)} entryChangedCallback Callback
* invoked when an entry is changed.
* @param {function()} progressCallback Callback invoked periodically during
* the copying.
* @param {function()} successCallback On success.
* @param {function(FileCopyManager.Error)} errorCallback On error.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.serviceCopyTask_ = function(
task, entryChangedCallback, progressCallback, successCallback,
errorCallback) {
// TODO(hidehiko): We should be able to share the code to iterate on entries
// with serviceMoveTask_().
if (task.entries.length == 0) {
var self = this;
var deleteOriginals = function() {
var count = task.originalEntries.length;
var onEntryDeleted = function(entry) {
entryChangedCallback(util.EntryChangedType.DELETED, entry);
if (!count)
var onFilesystemError = function(err) {
errorCallback(new FileCopyManager.Error(
util.FileOperationErrorType.FILESYSTEM_ERROR, err));
for (var i = 0; i < task.originalEntries.length; i++) {
var entry = task.originalEntries[i];
entry, onEntryDeleted.bind(self, entry), onFilesystemError);
var onEntryServiced = function() {
// We should not dispatch a PROGRESS event when there is no pending items
// in the task.
if (task.entryIndex >= task.entries.length) {
if (task.deleteAfterCopy) {
} else {
task, task.entries[task.entryIndex], entryChangedCallback,
progressCallback, onEntryServiced, errorCallback);
task, task.entries[task.entryIndex], entryChangedCallback,
progressCallback, onEntryServiced, errorCallback);
* Copies the next entry in a given task.
* TODO(olege): Refactor this method into a separate class.
* @param {FileManager.Task} task A task.
* @param {Entry} sourceEntry An entry to be copied.
* @param {function(util.EntryChangedType, Entry)} entryChangedCallback Callback
* invoked when an entry is changed.
* @param {function()} progressCallback Callback invoked periodically during
* the copying.
* @param {function()} successCallback On success.
* @param {function(FileCopyManager.Error)} errorCallback On error.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.processCopyEntry_ = function(
task, sourceEntry, entryChangedCallback, progressCallback, successCallback,
errorCallback) {
if (this.maybeCancel_())
var self = this;
// |sourceEntry.originalSourcePath| is set in util.recurseAndResolveEntries.
var sourcePath = sourceEntry.originalSourcePath;
if (sourceEntry.fullPath.substr(0, sourcePath.length) != sourcePath) {
// We found an entry in the list that is not relative to the base source
// path, something is wrong.
errorCallback(new FileCopyManager.Error(
var targetDirEntry = task.targetDirEntry;
var originalPath = sourceEntry.fullPath.substr(sourcePath.length + 1);
originalPath = task.applyRenames(originalPath);
var onDeduplicated = function(targetRelativePath) {
var onCopyComplete = function(entry) {
entryChangedCallback(util.EntryChangedType.CREATED, entry);
var onFilesystemError = function(err) {
errorCallback(new FileCopyManager.Error(
util.FileOperationErrorType.FILESYSTEM_ERROR, err));
if (sourceEntry.isDirectory) {
// Copying the directory means just creating a new directory.
{create: true, exclusive: true},
function(targetEntry) {
if (targetRelativePath != originalPath) {
task.registerRename(originalPath, targetRelativePath);
util.flog('Error getting dir: ' + targetRelativePath,
} else {
// Copy a file.
PathUtil.dirname(targetRelativePath), {create: false},
function(dirEntry) {
self.cancelCallback_ = fileOperationUtil.copyFile(
sourceEntry, dirEntry, PathUtil.basename(targetRelativePath),
function(entry, size) {
function(entry) {
self.cancelCallback_ = null;
function(error) {
self.cancelCallback_ = null;
targetDirEntry, originalPath, onDeduplicated, errorCallback);
* Moves all entries in the task.
* @param {FileCopyManager.Task} task A move task to be run.
* @param {function(util.EntryChangedType, Entry)} entryChangedCallback Callback
* invoked when an entry is changed.
* @param {function()} progressCallback Callback invoked periodically during
* the moving.
* @param {function()} successCallback On success.
* @param {function(FileCopyManager.Error)} errorCallback On error.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.serviceMoveTask_ = function(
task, entryChangedCallback, progressCallback, successCallback,
errorCallback) {
if (task.entries.length == 0) {
task, task.entries[task.entryIndex], entryChangedCallback,
(function onCompleted() {
// We should not dispatch a PROGRESS event when there is no pending
// items in the task.
if (task.entryIndex >= task.entries.length) {
// Move the next entry.
task, task.entries[task.entryIndex], entryChangedCallback,
onCompleted.bind(this), errorCallback);
* Moves the next entry in a given task.
* Implementation note: This method can be simplified more. For example, in
* Task.setEntries(), the flag to recurse is set to false for move task,
* so that all the entries' originalSourcePath should be
* dirname(sourceEntry.fullPath).
* Thus, targetRelativePath should contain exact one component. Also we can
* skip applyRenames, because the destination directory always should be
* task.targetDirEntry.
* The unnecessary complexity is due to historical reason.
* TODO(hidehiko): Refactor this method.
* @param {FileManager.Task} task A move task.
* @param {Entry} sourceEntry An entry to be moved.
* @param {function(util.EntryChangedType, Entry)} entryChangedCallback Callback
* invoked when an entry is changed.
* @param {function()} successCallback On success.
* @param {function(FileCopyManager.Error)} errorCallback On error.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.processMoveEntry_ = function(
task, sourceEntry, entryChangedCallback, successCallback, errorCallback) {
if (this.maybeCancel_())
// |sourceEntry.originalSourcePath| is set in util.recurseAndResolveEntries.
var sourcePath = sourceEntry.originalSourcePath;
if (sourceEntry.fullPath.substr(0, sourcePath.length) != sourcePath) {
// We found an entry in the list that is not relative to the base source
// path, something is wrong.
errorCallback(new FileCopyManager.Error(
task.applyRenames(sourceEntry.fullPath.substr(sourcePath.length + 1)),
function(targetRelativePath) {
var onFilesystemError = function(err) {
errorCallback(new FileCopyManager.Error(
PathUtil.dirname(targetRelativePath), {create: false},
function(dirEntry) {
dirEntry, PathUtil.basename(targetRelativePath),
function(targetEntry) {
util.EntryChangedType.CREATED, targetEntry);
util.EntryChangedType.DELETED, sourceEntry);
* Service a zip file creation task.
* @param {FileCopyManager.Task} task A zip task to be run.
* @param {function(util.EntryChangedType, Entry)} entryChangedCallback Callback
* invoked when an entry is changed.
* @param {function()} progressCallback Callback invoked periodically during
* the moving.
* @param {function()} successCallback On complete.
* @param {function(FileCopyManager.Error)} errorCallback On error.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.serviceZipTask_ = function(
task, entryChangedCallback, progressCallback, successCallback,
errorCallback) {
// TODO(hidehiko): we should localize the name.
var destName = 'Archive';
if (task.originalEntries.length == 1) {
var entryPath = task.originalEntries[0].fullPath;
var i = entryPath.lastIndexOf('/');
var basename = (i < 0) ? entryPath : entryPath.substr(i + 1);
i = basename.lastIndexOf('.');
destName = ((i < 0) ? basename : basename.substr(0, i));
task.targetDirEntry, destName + '.zip',
function(destPath) {
function(entry) {
entryChangedCallback(util.EntryChangedType.CREATE, entry);
function(error) {
errorCallback(new FileCopyManager.Error(
util.FileOperationErrorType.FILESYSTEM_ERROR, error));
* Timeout before files are really deleted (to allow undo).
FileCopyManager.DELETE_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000;
* Schedules the files deletion.
* @param {Array.<Entry>} entries The entries.
FileCopyManager.prototype.deleteEntries = function(entries) {
var task = { entries: entries };
if (this.deleteTasks_.length == 1)
* Service all pending delete tasks, as well as any that might appear during the
* deletion.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.serviceAllDeleteTasks_ = function() {
var self = this;
var onTaskSuccess = function() {
var task = self.deleteTasks_[0];
if (!self.deleteTasks_.length) {
// All tasks have been serviced, clean up and exit.
return util.makeFilesystemUrl(e.fullPath);
// We want to dispatch a PROGRESS event when there are more tasks to serve
// right after one task finished in the queue. We treat all tasks as one
// big task logically, so there is only one BEGIN/SUCCESS event pair for
// these continuous tasks.
return util.makeFilesystemUrl(e.fullPath);
self.serviceDeleteTask_(self.deleteTasks_[0], onTaskSuccess, onTaskFailure);
var onTaskFailure = function(task) {
self.deleteTasks_ = [];
'ERROR', {
return util.makeFilesystemUrl(e.fullPath);
// If the queue size is 1 after pushing our task, it was empty before,
// so we need to kick off queue processing and dispatch BEGIN event.
this.deleteTasks_[0] {
return util.makeFilesystemUrl(e.fullPath);
this.serviceDeleteTask_(this.deleteTasks_[0], onTaskSuccess, onTaskFailure);
* Performs the deletion.
* @param {Object} task The delete task (see deleteEntries function).
* @param {function()} successCallback Callback run on success.
* @param {function(FileCopyManager.Error)} errorCallback Callback run on error.
* @private
FileCopyManager.prototype.serviceDeleteTask_ = function(
task, successCallback, errorCallback) {
var downcount = task.entries.length;
if (downcount == 0) {
var filesystemError = null;
var onComplete = function() {
if (--downcount > 0)
// All remove operations are processed. Run callback.
if (filesystemError) {
errorCallback(new FileCopyManager.Error(
util.FileOperationErrorType.FILESYSTEM_ERROR, filesystemError));
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < task.entries.length; i++) {
var entry = task.entries[i];
function(currentEntry) {
util.EntryChangedType.DELETED, currentEntry);
}.bind(this, entry),
function(error) {
if (!filesystemError)
filesystemError = error;
* Creates a zip file for the selection of files.
* @param {Entry} dirEntry The directory containing the selection.
* @param {Array.<Entry>} selectionEntries The selected entries.
FileCopyManager.prototype.zipSelection = function(dirEntry, selectionEntries) {
var self = this;
var zipTask = new FileCopyManager.Task(dirEntry, dirEntry); = true;
zipTask.setEntries(selectionEntries, function() {
// TODO: per-entry zip progress update with accurate byte count.
// For now just set completedBytes to same value as totalBytes so that the
// progress bar is full.
zipTask.completedBytes = zipTask.totalBytes;
if (self.copyTasks_.length == 1) {
// Assume self.cancelRequested_ == false.
// This moved us from 0 to 1 active tasks, let the servicing begin!
} else {
// Force to update the progress of butter bar when there are new tasks
// coming while servicing current task.
self.eventRouter_.sendProgressEvent('PROGRESS', self.getStatus());