Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 260458

This commit was generated by

Change-Id: I140fa91b7f09c8efba4424e99ccb87b94a11d022
diff --git a/net/ b/net/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b87e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# This file is generated by gyp; do not edit.
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_MODULE := net_http_server_gyp
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+gyp_intermediate_dir := $(call local-intermediates-dir)
+gyp_shared_intermediate_dir := $(call intermediates-dir-for,GYP,shared)
+# Make sure our deps are built first.
+# Make sure our deps and generated files are built first.
+	net/server/ \
+	net/server/ \
+	net/server/ \
+	net/server/ \
+	net/server/
+# Flags passed to both C and C++ files.
+MY_CFLAGS_Debug := \
+	-fstack-protector \
+	--param=ssp-buffer-size=4 \
+	-Werror \
+	-fno-exceptions \
+	-fno-strict-aliasing \
+	-Wall \
+	-Wno-unused-parameter \
+	-Wno-missing-field-initializers \
+	-fvisibility=hidden \
+	-pipe \
+	-fPIC \
+	-Wno-unused-local-typedefs \
+	-m64 \
+	-march=x86-64 \
+	-fuse-ld=gold \
+	-ffunction-sections \
+	-funwind-tables \
+	-g \
+	-fstack-protector \
+	-fno-short-enums \
+	-finline-limit=64 \
+	-Wa,--noexecstack \
+	-Wno-extra \
+	-Wno-ignored-qualifiers \
+	-Wno-type-limits \
+	-Wno-unused-but-set-variable \
+	-Os \
+	-g \
+	-fomit-frame-pointer \
+	-fdata-sections \
+	-ffunction-sections \
+	-funwind-tables
+MY_DEFS_Debug := \
+	'-D__GNU_SOURCE=1' \
+	'-D_DEBUG'
+# Include paths placed before CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS
+	$(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir)/shim_headers/icuuc/target \
+	$(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir)/shim_headers/icui18n/target \
+	$(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir)/shim_headers/ashmem/target \
+	$(PWD)/frameworks/wilhelm/include \
+	$(PWD)/bionic \
+	$(PWD)/external/stlport/stlport
+# Flags passed to only C++ (and not C) files.
+	-fno-rtti \
+	-fno-threadsafe-statics \
+	-fvisibility-inlines-hidden \
+	-Wsign-compare \
+	-Wno-non-virtual-dtor \
+	-Wno-sign-promo
+# Flags passed to both C and C++ files.
+MY_CFLAGS_Release := \
+	-fstack-protector \
+	--param=ssp-buffer-size=4 \
+	-Werror \
+	-fno-exceptions \
+	-fno-strict-aliasing \
+	-Wall \
+	-Wno-unused-parameter \
+	-Wno-missing-field-initializers \
+	-fvisibility=hidden \
+	-pipe \
+	-fPIC \
+	-Wno-unused-local-typedefs \
+	-m64 \
+	-march=x86-64 \
+	-fuse-ld=gold \
+	-ffunction-sections \
+	-funwind-tables \
+	-g \
+	-fstack-protector \
+	-fno-short-enums \
+	-finline-limit=64 \
+	-Wa,--noexecstack \
+	-Wno-extra \
+	-Wno-ignored-qualifiers \
+	-Wno-type-limits \
+	-Wno-unused-but-set-variable \
+	-Os \
+	-fno-ident \
+	-fdata-sections \
+	-ffunction-sections \
+	-fomit-frame-pointer \
+	-funwind-tables
+MY_DEFS_Release := \
+	'-D__GNU_SOURCE=1' \
+	'-DNDEBUG' \
+# Include paths placed before CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS
+LOCAL_C_INCLUDES_Release := \
+	$(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir)/shim_headers/icuuc/target \
+	$(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir)/shim_headers/icui18n/target \
+	$(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir)/shim_headers/ashmem/target \
+	$(PWD)/frameworks/wilhelm/include \
+	$(PWD)/bionic \
+	$(PWD)/external/stlport/stlport
+# Flags passed to only C++ (and not C) files.
+LOCAL_CPPFLAGS_Release := \
+	-fno-rtti \
+	-fno-threadsafe-statics \
+	-fvisibility-inlines-hidden \
+	-Wsign-compare \
+	-Wno-non-virtual-dtor \
+	-Wno-sign-promo
+### Rules for final target.
+	-Wl,--fatal-warnings \
+	-Wl,-z,now \
+	-Wl,-z,relro \
+	-Wl,-z,noexecstack \
+	-fPIC \
+	-m64 \
+	-fuse-ld=gold \
+	-nostdlib \
+	-Wl,--no-undefined \
+	-Wl,--exclude-libs=ALL \
+	-Wl,--gc-sections \
+	-Wl,--warn-shared-textrel \
+	-Wl,-O1 \
+	-Wl,--as-needed
+LOCAL_LDFLAGS_Release := \
+	-Wl,--fatal-warnings \
+	-Wl,-z,now \
+	-Wl,-z,relro \
+	-Wl,-z,noexecstack \
+	-fPIC \
+	-m64 \
+	-fuse-ld=gold \
+	-nostdlib \
+	-Wl,--no-undefined \
+	-Wl,--exclude-libs=ALL \
+	-Wl,-O1 \
+	-Wl,--as-needed \
+	-Wl,--gc-sections \
+	-Wl,--warn-shared-textrel
+# Enable grouping to fix circular references
+	libstlport \
+	libdl
+# Add target alias to "gyp_all_modules" target.
+.PHONY: gyp_all_modules
+gyp_all_modules: net_http_server_gyp
+# Alias gyp target name.
+.PHONY: http_server
+http_server: net_http_server_gyp