Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r167172

This commit was generated by

Change-Id: Iead6b4948cd90f0aac77a0e5e2b6c1749577569b
diff --git a/Tools/TestResultServer/static-dashboards/flakiness_dashboard.js b/Tools/TestResultServer/static-dashboards/flakiness_dashboard.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7589e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/TestResultServer/static-dashboards/flakiness_dashboard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2607 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+var ALL = 'ALL';
+var FORWARD = 'forward';
+var BACKWARD = 'backward';
+var PLATFORMS = {
+    'CHROMIUM': {
+        expectationsDirectory: 'chromium',
+        subPlatforms: {
+            'LION': { fallbackPlatforms: ['CHROMIUM'] },
+            'SNOWLEOPARD': { fallbackPlatforms: ['CHROMIUM'] },
+            'XP': { fallbackPlatforms: ['CHROMIUM'] },
+            'VISTA': { fallbackPlatforms: ['CHROMIUM'] },
+            'WIN7': { fallbackPlatforms: ['CHROMIUM'] },
+            'LUCID': { fallbackPlatforms: ['CHROMIUM'] },
+            'ANDROID': { fallbackPlatforms: ['CHROMIUM'], expectationsDirectory: 'chromium-android' }
+        },
+        platformModifierUnions: {
+            'LINUX': ['CHROMIUM_LUCID']
+        }
+    },
+    'APPLE': {
+        subPlatforms: {
+            'MAC': {
+                expectationsDirectory: 'mac',
+                subPlatforms: {
+                    'LION': {
+                        expectationsDirectory: 'mac-lion',
+                        subPlatforms: {
+                            'WK1': { fallbackPlatforms: ['APPLE_MAC_LION', 'APPLE_MAC'] },
+                            'WK2': { fallbackPlatforms: ['APPLE_MAC_LION', 'APPLE_MAC', 'WK2'] }
+                        }
+                    },
+                    'SNOWLEOPARD': {
+                        expectationsDirectory: 'mac-snowleopard',
+                        subPlatforms: {
+                            'WK1': { fallbackPlatforms: ['APPLE_MAC_SNOWLEOPARD', 'APPLE_MAC'] },
+                            'WK2': { fallbackPlatforms: ['APPLE_MAC_SNOWLEOPARD', 'APPLE_MAC', 'WK2'] }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            'WIN': {
+                expectationsDirectory: 'win',
+                subPlatforms: {
+                    'XP': { fallbackPlatforms: ['APPLE_WIN'] },
+                    'WIN7': { fallbackPlatforms: ['APPLE_WIN'] }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    'GTK': {
+        expectationsDirectory: 'gtk',
+        subPlatforms: {
+            'LINUX': {
+                subPlatforms: {
+                    'WK1': { fallbackPlatforms: ['GTK'] },
+                    'WK2': { fallbackPlatforms: ['GTK', 'WK2'], expectationsDirectory: 'gtk-wk2' }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    'QT': {
+        expectationsDirectory: 'qt',
+        subPlatforms: {
+            'LINUX': { fallbackPlatforms: ['QT'] }
+        }
+    },
+    'EFL': {
+        expectationsDirectory: 'efl',
+        subPlatforms: {
+            'LINUX': {
+                subPlatforms: {
+                    'WK1': { fallbackPlatforms: ['EFL'], expectationsDirectory: 'efl-wk1' },
+                    'WK2': { fallbackPlatforms: ['EFL', 'WK2'], expectationsDirectory: 'efl-wk2' }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    'WK2': {
+        basePlatform: true,
+        expectationsDirectory: 'wk2'
+    }
+var CHUNK_SIZE = 25;
+var MAX_RESULTS = 1500;
+// FIXME: Figure out how to make this not be hard-coded.
+    'platform/chromium/virtual/gpu/fast/canvas': 'fast/canvas',
+    'platform/chromium/virtual/gpu/canvas/philip': 'canvas/philip'
+// Methods and objects from dashboard_base.js to override.
+function generatePage()
+    if (g_crossDashboardState.useTestData)
+        return;
+    updateDefaultBuilderState();
+    document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="loading-ui">LOADING...</div>';
+    showErrors();
+    // tests expands to all tests that match the CSV list.
+    // result expands to all tests that ever have the given result
+    if (g_currentState.tests || g_currentState.result)
+        generatePageForIndividualTests(individualTests());
+    else if (g_currentState.expectationsUpdate)
+        generatePageForExpectationsUpdate();
+    else
+        generatePageForBuilder(g_currentState.builder);
+    for (var builder in g_builders)
+        processTestResultsForBuilderAsync(builder);
+    postHeightChangedMessage();
+function handleValidHashParameter(key, value)
+    switch(key) {
+    case 'tests':
+        validateParameter(g_currentState, key, value,
+            function() {
+                return isValidName(value);
+            });
+        return true;
+    case 'result':
+        value = value.toUpperCase();
+        validateParameter(g_currentState, key, value,
+            function() {
+                for (var result in LAYOUT_TEST_EXPECTATIONS_MAP_) {
+                    if (value == LAYOUT_TEST_EXPECTATIONS_MAP_[result])
+                        return true;
+                }
+                return false;
+            });
+        return true;
+    case 'builder':
+        validateParameter(g_currentState, key, value,
+            function() {
+                return value in g_builders;
+            });
+        return true;
+    case 'sortColumn':
+        validateParameter(g_currentState, key, value,
+            function() {
+                // Get all possible headers since the actual used set of headers
+                // depends on the values in g_currentState, which are currently being set.
+                var headers = tableHeaders(true);
+                for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
+                    if (value == sortColumnFromTableHeader(headers[i]))
+                        return true;
+                }
+                return value == 'test' || value == 'builder';
+            });
+        return true;
+    case 'sortOrder':
+        validateParameter(g_currentState, key, value,
+            function() {
+                return value == FORWARD || value == BACKWARD;
+            });
+        return true;
+    case 'resultsHeight':
+    case 'updateIndex':
+    case 'revision':
+        validateParameter(g_currentState, key, Number(value),
+            function() {
+                return value.match(/^\d+$/);
+            });
+        return true;
+    case 'showChrome':
+    case 'showCorrectExpectations':
+    case 'showWrongExpectations':
+    case 'showExpectations':
+    case 'showFlaky':
+    case 'showLargeExpectations':
+    case 'legacyExpectationsSemantics':
+    case 'showSkipped':
+    case 'showSlow':
+    case 'showUnexpectedPasses':
+    case 'showWontFixSkip':
+    case 'expectationsUpdate':
+        g_currentState[key] = value == 'true';
+        return true;
+    default:
+        return false;
+    }
+g_defaultDashboardSpecificStateValues = {
+    sortOrder: BACKWARD,
+    sortColumn: 'flakiness',
+    showExpectations: false,
+    showFlaky: true,
+    showLargeExpectations: false,
+    legacyExpectationsSemantics: true,
+    showChrome: true,
+    showCorrectExpectations: !isLayoutTestResults(),
+    showWrongExpectations: !isLayoutTestResults(),
+    showWontFixSkip: !isLayoutTestResults(),
+    showSlow: !isLayoutTestResults(),
+    showSkipped: !isLayoutTestResults(),
+    showUnexpectedPasses: !isLayoutTestResults(),
+    expectationsUpdate: false,
+    updateIndex: 0,
+    resultsHeight: 300,
+    revision: null,
+    tests: '',
+    result: '',
+var g_perBuilderPlatformAndBuildType = {};
+var g_perBuilderFailures = {};
+// Map of builder to arrays of tests that are listed in the expectations file
+// but have for that builder.
+var g_perBuilderWithExpectationsButNoFailures = {};
+// Map of builder to arrays of paths that are skipped. This shows the raw
+// path used in TestExpectations rather than the test path since we
+// don't actually have any data here for skipped tests.
+var g_perBuilderSkippedPaths = {};
+// Maps test path to an array of {builder, testResults} objects.
+var g_testToResultsMap = {};
+// Tests that the user wants to update expectations for.
+var g_confirmedTests = {};
+function traversePlatformsTree(callback)
+    function traverse(platformObject, parentPlatform) {
+        Object.keys(platformObject).forEach(function(platformName) {
+            var platform = platformObject[platformName];
+            platformName = parentPlatform ? parentPlatform + platformName : platformName;
+            if (platform.subPlatforms)
+                traverse(platform.subPlatforms, platformName + '_');
+            else if (!platform.basePlatform)
+                callback(platform, platformName);
+        });
+    }
+    traverse(PLATFORMS, null);
+function createResultsObjectForTest(test, builder)
+    return {
+        test: test,
+        builder: builder,
+        // HTML for display of the results in the flakiness column
+        html: '',
+        flips: 0,
+        slowestTime: 0,
+        slowestNonTimeoutCrashTime: 0,
+        meetsExpectations: true,
+        isWontFixSkip: false,
+        isFlaky: false,
+        // Sorted string of missing expectations
+        missing: '',
+        // String of extra expectations (i.e. expectations that never occur).
+        extra: '',
+        modifiers: '',
+        bugs: '',
+        expectations : '',
+        rawResults: '',
+        // List of all the results the test actually has.
+        actualResults: []
+    };
+function matchingElement(stringToMatch, elementsMap)
+    for (var element in elementsMap) {
+        if (stringContains(stringToMatch, elementsMap[element]))
+            return element;
+    }
+function determineWKPlatform(builderName, basePlatform)
+    var isWK2Builder = stringContains(builderName, 'WK2') || stringContains(builderName, 'WEBKIT2');
+    return basePlatform + (isWK2Builder ? '_WK2' : '_WK1');
+function nonChromiumPlatform(builderNameUpperCase)
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'WINDOWS 7'))
+        return 'APPLE_WIN_WIN7';
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'WINDOWS XP'))
+        return 'APPLE_WIN_XP';
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'QT LINUX'))
+        return 'QT_LINUX';
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'LION'))
+        return determineWKPlatform(builderNameUpperCase, 'APPLE_MAC_LION');
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'SNOWLEOPARD'))
+        return determineWKPlatform(builderNameUpperCase, 'APPLE_MAC_SNOWLEOPARD');
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'GTK LINUX'))
+        return determineWKPlatform(builderNameUpperCase, 'GTK_LINUX');
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'EFL'))
+        return determineWKPlatform(builderNameUpperCase, 'EFL_LINUX');
+function chromiumPlatform(builderNameUpperCase)
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'MAC')) {
+        if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, '10.7'))
+            return 'CHROMIUM_LION';
+        // The 'Chromium Mac Release (Tests)' bot runs SnowLeopard.
+        return 'CHROMIUM_SNOWLEOPARD';
+    }
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'WIN7'))
+        return 'CHROMIUM_WIN7';
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'VISTA'))
+        return 'CHROMIUM_VISTA';
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'WIN') || stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'XP'))
+        return 'CHROMIUM_XP';
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'LINUX'))
+        return 'CHROMIUM_LUCID';
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'ANDROID'))
+        return 'CHROMIUM_ANDROID';
+    // The interactive bot is XP, but doesn't have an OS in it's name.
+    if (stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'INTERACTIVE'))
+        return 'CHROMIUM_XP';
+function platformAndBuildType(builderName)
+    if (!g_perBuilderPlatformAndBuildType[builderName]) {
+        var builderNameUpperCase = builderName.toUpperCase();
+        var platform = '';
+        if (isLayoutTestResults() && == '@ToT -' && !stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'CHROMIUM'))
+            platform = nonChromiumPlatform(builderNameUpperCase);
+        else
+            platform = chromiumPlatform(builderNameUpperCase);
+        if (!platform)
+            console.error('Could not resolve platform for builder: ' + builderName);
+        var buildType = stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'DBG') || stringContains(builderNameUpperCase, 'DEBUG') ? 'DEBUG' : 'RELEASE';
+        g_perBuilderPlatformAndBuildType[builderName] = {platform: platform, buildType: buildType};
+    }
+    return g_perBuilderPlatformAndBuildType[builderName];
+function isDebug(builderName)
+    return platformAndBuildType(builderName).buildType == 'DEBUG';
+// Returns the expectation string for the given single character result.
+// This string should match the expectations that are put into
+// For example, if we start explicitly listing IMAGE result failures,
+// this function should start returning 'IMAGE'.
+function expectationsFileStringForResult(result)
+    // For the purposes of comparing against the expecations of a test,
+    // consider simplified diff failures as just text failures since
+    // the test_expectations file doesn't treat them specially.
+    if (result == 'S')
+        return 'TEXT';
+    if (result == 'N')
+        return '';
+    return expectationsMap()[result];
+var TestTrie = function(builders, resultsByBuilder)
+    this._trie = {};
+    for (var builder in builders) {
+        var testsForBuilder = resultsByBuilder[builder].tests;
+        for (var test in testsForBuilder)
+            this._addTest(test.split('/'), this._trie);
+    }
+TestTrie.prototype.forEach = function(callback, startingTriePath)
+    var testsTrie = this._trie;
+    if (startingTriePath) {
+        var splitPath = startingTriePath.split('/');
+        while (splitPath.length && testsTrie)
+            testsTrie = testsTrie[splitPath.shift()];
+    }
+    if (!testsTrie)
+        return;
+    function traverse(trie, triePath) {
+        if (trie == true)
+            callback(triePath);
+        else {
+            for (var member in trie)
+                traverse(trie[member], triePath ? triePath + '/' + member : member);
+        }
+    }
+    traverse(testsTrie, startingTriePath);
+TestTrie.prototype._addTest = function(test, trie)
+    var rootComponent = test.shift();
+    if (!test.length) {
+        if (!trie[rootComponent])
+            trie[rootComponent] = true;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!trie[rootComponent] || trie[rootComponent] == true)
+        trie[rootComponent] = {};
+    this._addTest(test, trie[rootComponent]);
+// Map of all tests to true values. This is just so we can have the list of
+// all tests across all the builders.
+var g_allTestsTrie;
+function getAllTestsTrie()
+    if (!g_allTestsTrie)
+        g_allTestsTrie = new TestTrie(g_builders, g_resultsByBuilder);
+    return g_allTestsTrie;
+// Returns an array of tests to be displayed in the individual tests view.
+// Note that a directory can be listed as a test, so we expand that into all
+// tests in the directory.
+function individualTests()
+    if (g_currentState.result)
+        return allTestsWithResult(g_currentState.result);
+    if (!g_currentState.tests)
+        return [];
+    return individualTestsForSubstringList();
+function substringList()
+    // Convert windows slashes to unix slashes.
+    var tests = g_currentState.tests.replace(/\\/g, '/');
+    var separator = stringContains(tests, ' ') ? ' ' : ',';
+    var testList = tests.split(separator);
+    if (isLayoutTestResults())
+        return testList;
+    var testListWithoutModifiers = [];
+    testList.forEach(function(path) {
+        GTEST_MODIFIERS.forEach(function(modifier) {
+            path = path.replace('.' + modifier + '_', '.');
+        });
+        testListWithoutModifiers.push(path);
+    });
+    return testListWithoutModifiers;
+function individualTestsForSubstringList()
+    var testList = substringList();
+    // Put the tests into an object first and then move them into an array
+    // as a way of deduping.
+    var testsMap = {};
+    for (var i = 0; i < testList.length; i++) {
+        var path = testList[i];
+        // Ignore whitespace entries as they'd match every test.
+        if (path.match(/^\s*$/))
+            continue;
+        var hasAnyMatches = false;
+        getAllTestsTrie().forEach(function(triePath) {
+            if (caseInsensitiveContains(triePath, path)) {
+                testsMap[triePath] = 1;
+                hasAnyMatches = true;
+            }
+        });
+        // If a path doesn't match any tests, then assume it's a full path
+        // to a test that passes on all builders.
+        if (!hasAnyMatches)
+            testsMap[path] = 1;
+    }
+    var testsArray = [];
+    for (var test in testsMap)
+        testsArray.push(test);
+    return testsArray;
+// Returns whether this test's slowest time is above the cutoff for
+// being a slow test.
+function isSlowTest(resultsForTest)
+    var maxTime = isDebug(resultsForTest.builder) ? MIN_SECONDS_FOR_SLOW_TEST_DEBUG : MIN_SECONDS_FOR_SLOW_TEST;
+    return resultsForTest.slowestNonTimeoutCrashTime > maxTime;
+// Returns whether this test's slowest time is *well* below the cutoff for
+// being a slow test.
+function isFastTest(resultsForTest)
+    var maxTime = isDebug(resultsForTest.builder) ? MIN_SECONDS_FOR_SLOW_TEST_DEBUG : MIN_SECONDS_FOR_SLOW_TEST;
+    return resultsForTest.slowestNonTimeoutCrashTime < maxTime / 2;
+function allTestsWithResult(result)
+    processTestRunsForAllBuilders();
+    var retVal = [];
+    getAllTestsTrie().forEach(function(triePath) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < g_testToResultsMap[triePath].length; i++) {
+            if (g_testToResultsMap[triePath][i].actualResults.indexOf(result) != -1) {
+                retVal.push(triePath);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    });
+    return retVal;
+// Adds all the tests for the given builder to the testMapToPopulate.
+function addTestsForBuilder(builder, testMapToPopulate)
+    var tests = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].tests;
+    for (var test in tests) {
+        testMapToPopulate[test] = true;
+    }
+// Map of all tests to true values by platform and build type.
+// e.g. g_allTestsByPlatformAndBuildType['XP']['DEBUG'] will have the union
+// of all tests run on the xp-debug builders.
+var g_allTestsByPlatformAndBuildType = {};
+traversePlatformsTree(function(platform, platformName) {
+    g_allTestsByPlatformAndBuildType[platformName] = {};
+// Map of all tests to true values by platform and build type.
+// e.g. g_allTestsByPlatformAndBuildType['WIN']['DEBUG'] will have the union
+// of all tests run on the win-debug builders.
+function allTestsWithSamePlatformAndBuildType(platform, buildType)
+    if (!g_allTestsByPlatformAndBuildType[platform][buildType]) {
+        var tests = {};
+        for (var thisBuilder in g_builders) {
+            var thisBuilderBuildInfo = platformAndBuildType(thisBuilder);
+            if (thisBuilderBuildInfo.buildType == buildType && thisBuilderBuildInfo.platform == platform) {
+                addTestsForBuilder(thisBuilder, tests);
+            }
+        }
+        g_allTestsByPlatformAndBuildType[platform][buildType] = tests;
+    }
+    return g_allTestsByPlatformAndBuildType[platform][buildType];
+function getExpectations(test, platform, buildType)
+    var testObject = g_allExpectations[test];
+    if (!testObject)
+        return null;
+    var platformObject = testObject[platform];
+    if (!platformObject)
+        return null;
+    return platformObject[buildType];
+function filterBugs(modifiers)
+    var bugs = modifiers.match(/\b(Bug|||\S*/g);
+    if (!bugs)
+        return {bugs: '', modifiers: modifiers};
+    for (var j = 0; j < bugs.length; j++)
+        modifiers = modifiers.replace(bugs[j], '');
+    return {bugs: bugs.join(' '), modifiers: collapseWhitespace(trimString(modifiers))};
+function populateExpectationsData(resultsObject)
+    var buildInfo = platformAndBuildType(resultsObject.builder);
+    var expectations = getExpectations(resultsObject.test, buildInfo.platform, buildInfo.buildType);
+    if (!expectations)
+        return;
+    resultsObject.expectations = expectations.expectations;
+    var filteredModifiers = filterBugs(expectations.modifiers);
+    resultsObject.modifiers = filteredModifiers.modifiers;
+    resultsObject.bugs = filteredModifiers.bugs;
+    resultsObject.isWontFixSkip = stringContains(expectations.modifiers, 'WONTFIX') || stringContains(expectations.modifiers, 'SKIP'); 
+function platformObjectForName(platformName)
+    var platformsList = platformName.split("_");
+    var platformObject = PLATFORMS[platformsList.shift()];
+    platformsList.forEach(function(platformName) {
+        platformObject = platformObject.subPlatforms[platformName];
+    });
+    return platformObject;
+// Data structure to hold the processed expectations.
+// g_allExpectations[testPath][platform][buildType] gets the object that has
+// expectations and modifiers properties for this platform/buildType.
+// platform and buildType both go through fallback sets of keys from most
+// specific key to least specific. For example, on Windows XP, we first
+// check the platform WIN-XP, if there's no such object, we check WIN,
+// then finally we check ALL. For build types, we check the current
+// buildType, then ALL.
+var g_allExpectations;
+function getParsedExpectations(data)
+    var expectations = [];
+    var lines = data.split('\n');
+    lines.forEach(function(line) {
+        line = trimString(line);
+        if (!line || startsWith(line, '#'))
+            return;
+        // This code mimics _tokenize_line_using_new_format() in
+        // Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/models/
+        //
+        // FIXME: consider doing more error checking here.
+        //
+        // FIXME: Clean this all up once we've fully cut over to the new syntax.
+        var tokens = line.split(/\s+/)
+        var parsed_bugs = [];
+        var parsed_modifiers = [];
+        var parsed_path;
+        var parsed_expectations = [];
+        var state = 'start';
+        // This clones _configuration_tokens_list in
+        // FIXME: unify with the platforms constants at the top of the file.
+        var configuration_tokens = {
+            'Release': 'RELEASE',
+            'Debug': 'DEBUG',
+            'Mac': 'MAC',
+            'Win': 'WIN',
+            'Linux': 'LINUX',
+            'SnowLeopard': 'SNOWLEOPARD',
+            'Lion': 'LION',
+            'MountainLion': 'MOUNTAINLION',
+            'Win7': 'WIN7',
+            'XP': 'XP',
+            'Vista': 'VISTA',
+            'Android': 'ANDROID',
+        };
+        var expectation_tokens = {
+            'Crash': 'CRASH',
+            'Failure': 'FAIL',
+            'ImageOnlyFailure': 'IMAGE',
+            'Missing': 'MISSING',
+            'Pass': 'PASS',
+            'Rebaseline': 'REBASELINE',
+            'Skip': 'SKIP',
+            'Slow': 'SLOW',
+            'Timeout': 'TIMEOUT',
+            'WontFix': 'WONTFIX',
+        };
+        tokens.forEach(function(token) {
+          if (token.indexOf('Bug') != -1 ||
+              token.indexOf('') != -1 ||
+              token.indexOf('') != -1 ||
+              token.indexOf('') != -1) {
+              parsed_bugs.push(token);
+          } else if (token == '[') {
+              if (state == 'start') {
+                  state = 'configuration';
+              } else if (state == 'name_found') {
+                  state = 'expectations';
+              }
+          } else if (token == ']') {
+              if (state == 'configuration') {
+                  state = 'name';
+              } else if (state == 'expectations') {
+                  state = 'done';
+              }
+          } else if (state == 'configuration') {
+              parsed_modifiers.push(configuration_tokens[token]);
+          } else if (state == 'expectations') {
+              if (token == 'Rebaseline' || token == 'Skip' || token == 'Slow' || token == 'WontFix') {
+                  parsed_modifiers.push(token.toUpperCase());
+              } else {
+                  parsed_expectations.push(expectation_tokens[token]);
+              }
+          } else if (token == '#') {
+              state = 'done';
+          } else if (state == 'name' || state == 'start') {
+              parsed_path = token;
+              state = 'name_found';
+          }
+        });
+        if (!parsed_expectations.length) {
+            if (parsed_modifiers.indexOf('Slow') == -1) {
+                parsed_modifiers.push('Skip');
+                parsed_expectations = ['Pass'];
+            }
+        }
+        // FIXME: Should we include line number and comment lines here?
+        expectations.push({
+            modifiers: parsed_bugs.concat(parsed_modifiers).join(' '),
+            path: parsed_path,
+            expectations: parsed_expectations.join(' '),
+        });
+    });
+    return expectations;
+function addTestToAllExpectationsForPlatform(test, platformName, expectations, modifiers)
+    if (!g_allExpectations[test])
+        g_allExpectations[test] = {};
+    if (!g_allExpectations[test][platformName])
+        g_allExpectations[test][platformName] = {};
+    var allBuildTypes = [];
+    modifiers.split(' ').forEach(function(modifier) {
+        if (modifier in BUILD_TYPES) {
+            allBuildTypes.push(modifier);
+            return;
+        }
+    });
+    if (!allBuildTypes.length)
+        allBuildTypes = Object.keys(BUILD_TYPES);
+    allBuildTypes.forEach(function(buildType) {
+        g_allExpectations[test][platformName][buildType] = {modifiers: modifiers, expectations: expectations};
+    });
+function processExpectationsForPlatform(platformObject, platformName, expectationsArray)
+    if (!g_allExpectations)
+        g_allExpectations = {};
+    if (!expectationsArray)
+        return;
+    // Sort the array to hit more specific paths last. More specific
+    // paths (e.g. foo/bar/baz.html) override entries for less-specific ones (e.g. foo/bar).
+    expectationsArray.sort(alphanumericCompare('path'));
+    for (var i = 0; i < expectationsArray.length; i++) {
+        var path = expectationsArray[i].path;
+        var modifiers = expectationsArray[i].modifiers;
+        var expectations = expectationsArray[i].expectations;
+        var shouldProcessExpectation = false;
+        var hasPlatformModifierUnions = false;
+        if (platformObject.fallbackPlatforms) {
+            platformObject.fallbackPlatforms.forEach(function(fallbackPlatform) {
+                if (shouldProcessExpectation)
+                    return;
+                var fallbackPlatformObject = platformObjectForName(fallbackPlatform);
+                if (!fallbackPlatformObject.platformModifierUnions)
+                    return;
+                modifiers.split(' ').forEach(function(modifier) {
+                    if (modifier in fallbackPlatformObject.platformModifierUnions) {
+                        hasPlatformModifierUnions = true;
+                        if (fallbackPlatformObject.platformModifierUnions[modifier].indexOf(platformName) != -1)
+                            shouldProcessExpectation = true;
+                    }
+                });
+            });
+        }
+        if (!hasPlatformModifierUnions)
+            shouldProcessExpectation = true;
+        if (!shouldProcessExpectation)
+            continue;
+        getAllTestsTrie().forEach(function(triePath) {
+            addTestToAllExpectationsForPlatform(triePath, platformName, expectations, modifiers);
+        }, path);
+    }
+function processExpectations()
+    // FIXME: An expectations-by-platform object should be passed into this function rather than checking
+    // for a global object. That way this function can be better tested and meaningful errors can
+    // be reported when expectations for a given platform are not found in that object.
+    if (!g_expectationsByPlatform)
+        return;
+    traversePlatformsTree(function(platform, platformName) {
+        if (platform.fallbackPlatforms) {
+            platform.fallbackPlatforms.forEach(function(fallbackPlatform) {
+                if (fallbackPlatform in g_expectationsByPlatform)
+                    processExpectationsForPlatform(platform, platformName, g_expectationsByPlatform[fallbackPlatform]);
+            });
+        }
+        if (platformName in g_expectationsByPlatform)
+            processExpectationsForPlatform(platform, platformName, g_expectationsByPlatform[platformName]);
+    });
+    g_expectationsByPlatform = undefined;
+function processMissingTestsWithExpectations(builder, platform, buildType)
+    var noFailures = [];
+    var skipped = [];
+    var allTestsForPlatformAndBuildType = allTestsWithSamePlatformAndBuildType(platform, buildType);
+    for (var test in g_allExpectations) {
+        var expectations = getExpectations(test, platform, buildType);
+        if (!expectations)
+            continue;
+        // Test has expectations, but no result in the builders results.
+        // This means it's either SKIP or passes on all builds.
+        if (!allTestsForPlatformAndBuildType[test] && !stringContains(expectations.modifiers, 'WONTFIX')) {
+            if (stringContains(expectations.modifiers, 'SKIP'))
+                skipped.push(test);
+            else if (!expectations.expectations.match(/^\s*PASS\s*$/)) {
+                // Don't show tests expected to always pass. This is used in ways like
+                // the following:
+                // foo/bar = FAIL
+                // foo/bar/baz.html = PASS
+                noFailures.push({test: test, expectations: expectations.expectations, modifiers: expectations.modifiers});
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    g_perBuilderSkippedPaths[builder] = skipped.sort();
+    g_perBuilderWithExpectationsButNoFailures[builder] = noFailures.sort();
+function processTestResultsForBuilderAsync(builder)
+    setTimeout(function() { processTestRunsForBuilder(builder); }, 0);
+function processTestRunsForAllBuilders()
+    for (var builder in g_builders)
+        processTestRunsForBuilder(builder);
+function processTestRunsForBuilder(builderName)
+    if (g_perBuilderFailures[builderName])
+      return;
+    if (!g_resultsByBuilder[builderName]) {
+        console.error('No tests found for ' + builderName);
+        g_perBuilderFailures[builderName] = [];
+        return;
+    }
+    processExpectations();
+    var start =;
+    var buildInfo = platformAndBuildType(builderName);
+    var platform = buildInfo.platform;
+    var buildType = buildInfo.buildType;
+    processMissingTestsWithExpectations(builderName, platform, buildType);
+    var failures = [];
+    var allTestsForThisBuilder = g_resultsByBuilder[builderName].tests;
+    for (var test in allTestsForThisBuilder) {
+        var resultsForTest = createResultsObjectForTest(test, builderName);
+        populateExpectationsData(resultsForTest);
+        var rawTest = g_resultsByBuilder[builderName].tests[test];
+        resultsForTest.rawTimes = rawTest.times;
+        var rawResults = rawTest.results;
+        resultsForTest.rawResults = rawResults;
+        // FIXME: Switch to resultsByBuild
+        var times = resultsForTest.rawTimes;
+        var numTimesSeen = 0;
+        var numResultsSeen = 0;
+        var resultsIndex = 0;
+        var currentResult;
+        for (var i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
+            numTimesSeen += times[i][RLE.LENGTH];
+            while (rawResults[resultsIndex] && numTimesSeen > (numResultsSeen + rawResults[resultsIndex][RLE.LENGTH])) {
+                numResultsSeen += rawResults[resultsIndex][RLE.LENGTH];
+                resultsIndex++;
+            }
+            if (rawResults && rawResults[resultsIndex])
+                currentResult = rawResults[resultsIndex][RLE.VALUE];
+            var time = times[i][RLE.VALUE]
+            // Ignore times for crashing/timeout runs for the sake of seeing if
+            // a test should be marked slow.
+            if (currentResult != 'C' && currentResult != 'T')
+                resultsForTest.slowestNonTimeoutCrashTime = Math.max(resultsForTest.slowestNonTimeoutCrashTime, time);
+            resultsForTest.slowestTime = Math.max(resultsForTest.slowestTime, time);
+        }
+        processMissingAndExtraExpectations(resultsForTest);
+        failures.push(resultsForTest);
+        if (!g_testToResultsMap[test])
+            g_testToResultsMap[test] = [];
+        g_testToResultsMap[test].push(resultsForTest);
+    }
+    g_perBuilderFailures[builderName] = failures;
+    logTime('processTestRunsForBuilder: ' + builderName, start);
+function processMissingAndExtraExpectations(resultsForTest)
+    // Heuristic for determining whether expectations apply to a given test:
+    // -If a test result happens < MIN_RUNS_FOR_FLAKE, then consider it a flaky
+    // result and include it in the list of expected results.
+    // -Otherwise, grab the first contiguous set of runs with the same result
+    // for >= MIN_RUNS_FOR_FLAKE and ignore all following runs >=
+    // This lets us rule out common cases of a test changing expectations for
+    // a few runs, then being fixed or otherwise modified in a non-flaky way.
+    var rawResults = resultsForTest.rawResults;
+    // If the first result is no-data that means the test is skipped or is
+    // being run on a different builder (e.g. moved from one shard to another).
+    // Ignore these results since we have no real data about what's going on.
+    if (rawResults[0][RLE.VALUE] == 'N')
+        return;
+    // Only consider flake if it doesn't happen twice in a row.
+    var MIN_RUNS_FOR_FLAKE = 2;
+    var resultsMap = {}
+    var numResultsSeen = 0;
+    var haveSeenNonFlakeResult = false;
+    var numRealResults = 0;
+    var seenResults = {};
+    for (var i = 0; i < rawResults.length; i++) {
+        var numResults = rawResults[i][RLE.LENGTH];
+        numResultsSeen += numResults;
+        var result = rawResults[i][RLE.VALUE];
+        var hasMinRuns = numResults >= MIN_RUNS_FOR_FLAKE;
+        if (haveSeenNonFlakeResult && hasMinRuns)
+            continue;
+        else if (hasMinRuns)
+            haveSeenNonFlakeResult = true;
+        else if (!seenResults[result]) {
+            // Only consider a short-lived result if we've seen it more than once.
+            // Otherwise, we include lots of false-positives due to tests that fail
+            // for a couple runs and then start passing.
+            seenResults[result] = true;
+            continue;
+        }
+        var expectation = expectationsFileStringForResult(result);
+        resultsMap[expectation] = true;
+        numRealResults++;
+    }
+    resultsForTest.flips = i - 1;
+    resultsForTest.isFlaky = numRealResults > 1;
+    var missingExpectations = [];
+    var extraExpectations = [];
+    if (isLayoutTestResults()) {
+        var expectationsArray = resultsForTest.expectations ? resultsForTest.expectations.split(' ') : [];
+        extraExpectations = expectationsArray.filter(
+            function(element) {
+                // FIXME: Once all the FAIL lines are removed from
+                // TestExpectations, delete all the legacyExpectationsSemantics
+                // code.
+                if (g_currentState.legacyExpectationsSemantics) {
+                    if (element == 'FAIL') {
+                        for (var i = 0; i < FAIL_RESULTS.length; i++) {
+                            if (resultsMap[FAIL_RESULTS[i]])
+                                return false;
+                        }
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                }
+                return element && !resultsMap[element] && !stringContains(element, 'BUG');
+            });
+        for (var result in resultsMap) {
+            resultsForTest.actualResults.push(result);
+            var hasExpectation = false;
+            for (var i = 0; i < expectationsArray.length; i++) {
+                var expectation = expectationsArray[i];
+                // FIXME: Once all the FAIL lines are removed from
+                // TestExpectations, delete all the legacyExpectationsSemantics
+                // code.
+                if (g_currentState.legacyExpectationsSemantics) {
+                    if (expectation == 'FAIL') {
+                        for (var j = 0; j < FAIL_RESULTS.length; j++) {
+                            if (result == FAIL_RESULTS[j]) {
+                                hasExpectation = true;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (result == expectation)
+                    hasExpectation = true;
+                if (hasExpectation)
+                    break;
+            }
+            // If we have no expectations for a test and it only passes, then don't
+            // list PASS as a missing expectation. We only want to list PASS if it
+            // flaky passes, so there would be other expectations.
+            if (!hasExpectation && !(!expectationsArray.length && result == 'PASS' && numRealResults == 1))
+                missingExpectations.push(result);
+        }
+        // Only highlight tests that take > 2 seconds as needing to be marked as
+        // slow. There are too many tests that take ~2 seconds every couple
+        // hundred runs. It's not worth the manual maintenance effort.
+        // Also, if a test times out, then it should not be marked as slow.
+        var minTimeForNeedsSlow = isDebug(resultsForTest.builder) ? 2 : 1;
+        if (isSlowTest(resultsForTest) && !resultsMap['TIMEOUT'] && (!resultsForTest.modifiers || !stringContains(resultsForTest.modifiers, 'SLOW')))
+            missingExpectations.push('SLOW');
+        else if (isFastTest(resultsForTest) && resultsForTest.modifiers && stringContains(resultsForTest.modifiers, 'SLOW'))
+            extraExpectations.push('SLOW');
+        // If there are no missing results or modifiers besides build
+        // type, platform, or bug and the expectations are all extra
+        // that is, extraExpectations - expectations = PASS,
+        // include PASS as extra, since that means this line in
+        // test_expectations can be deleted..
+        if (!missingExpectations.length && !(resultsForTest.modifiers && realModifiers(resultsForTest.modifiers))) {
+            var extraPlusPass = extraExpectations.concat(['PASS']);
+            if (extraPlusPass.sort().toString() == expectationsArray.slice(0).sort().toString())
+                extraExpectations.push('PASS');
+        }
+    }
+    resultsForTest.meetsExpectations = !missingExpectations.length && !extraExpectations.length;
+    resultsForTest.missing = missingExpectations.sort().join(' ');
+    resultsForTest.extra = extraExpectations.sort().join(' ');
+var BUG_URL_PREFIX = '<a href="http://';
+var BUG_URL_POSTFIX = '/$1">$1</a> ';
+var WEBKIT_BUG_URL_POSTFIX = '/$1">$1</a> ';
+function htmlForBugs(bugs)
+    bugs = bugs.replace(/\/(\d+)(\ |$)/g, EXTERNAL_BUG_REPLACE_VALUE);
+    bugs = bugs.replace(/\/b\/(\d+)(\ |$)/g, WEBKIT_BUG_REPLACE_VALUE);
+    return bugs;
+function linkHTMLToOpenWindow(url, text)
+    return '<a href="' + url + '" target="_blank">' + text + '</a>';
+// FIXME: replaced with chromiumRevisionLink/webKitRevisionLink
+function createBlameListHTML(revisions, index, urlBase, separator, repo)
+    var thisRevision = revisions[index];
+    if (!thisRevision)
+        return '';
+    var previousRevision = revisions[index + 1];
+    if (previousRevision && previousRevision != thisRevision) {
+        previousRevision++;
+        return linkHTMLToOpenWindow(urlBase + thisRevision + separator + previousRevision,
+            repo + ' blamelist r' + previousRevision + ':r' + thisRevision);
+    } else
+        return 'At ' + repo + ' revision: ' + thisRevision;
+// Returns whether the result for index'th result for testName on builder was
+// a failure.
+function isFailure(builder, testName, index)
+    var currentIndex = 0;
+    var rawResults = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].tests[testName].results;
+    for (var i = 0; i < rawResults.length; i++) {
+        currentIndex += rawResults[i][RLE.LENGTH];
+        if (currentIndex > index)
+            return isFailingResult(rawResults[i][RLE.VALUE]);
+    }
+    console.error('Index exceeds number of results: ' + index);
+// Returns an array of indexes for all builds where this test failed.
+function indexesForFailures(builder, testName)
+    var rawResults = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].tests[testName].results;
+    var buildNumbers = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].buildNumbers;
+    var index = 0;
+    var failures = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < rawResults.length; i++) {
+        var numResults = rawResults[i][RLE.LENGTH];
+        if (isFailingResult(rawResults[i][RLE.VALUE])) {
+            for (var j = 0; j < numResults; j++)
+                failures.push(index + j);
+        }
+        index += numResults;
+    }
+    return failures;
+// Returns the path to the failure log for this non-webkit test.
+function pathToFailureLog(testName)
+    return '/steps/' + g_crossDashboardState.testType + '/logs/' + testName.split('.')[1]
+function showPopupForBuild(e, builder, index, opt_testName)
+    var html = '';
+    var time = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].secondsSinceEpoch[index];
+    if (time) {
+        var date = new Date(time * 1000);
+        html += date.toLocaleDateString() + ' ' + date.toLocaleTimeString();
+    }
+    var buildNumber = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].buildNumbers[index];
+    var master = builderMaster(builder);
+    var buildBasePath = master.logPath(builder, buildNumber);
+    html += '<ul><li>' + linkHTMLToOpenWindow(buildBasePath, 'Build log') +
+        '</li><li>' +
+        createBlameListHTML(g_resultsByBuilder[builder].webkitRevision, index,
+            '', '&stop_rev=',
+            'WebKit') +
+        '</li>';
+    if (master == WEBKIT_BUILDER_MASTER) {
+        var revision = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].webkitRevision[index];
+        html += '<li><span class=link onclick="setQueryParameter(\'revision\',' +
+            revision + ')">Show results for WebKit r' + revision +
+            '</span></li>';
+    } else {
+        html += '<li>' +
+            createBlameListHTML(g_resultsByBuilder[builder].chromeRevision, index,
+                '', ':', 'Chrome') +
+            '</li>';
+        var chromeRevision = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].chromeRevision[index];
+        if (chromeRevision && isLayoutTestResults()) {
+            html += '<li><a href="' + TEST_RESULTS_BASE_PATH + g_builders[builder] +
+                '/' + chromeRevision + '/"></a></li>';
+        }
+    }
+    if (!isLayoutTestResults() && opt_testName && isFailure(builder, opt_testName, index))
+        html += '<li>' + linkHTMLToOpenWindow(buildBasePath + pathToFailureLog(opt_testName), 'Failure log') + '</li>';
+    html += '</ul>';
+    showPopup(, html);
+function htmlForTestResults(test)
+    var html = '';
+    var results = test.rawResults.concat();
+    var times = test.rawTimes.concat();
+    var builder = test.builder;
+    var master = builderMaster(builder);
+    var buildNumbers = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].buildNumbers;
+    var indexToReplaceCurrentResult = -1;
+    var indexToReplaceCurrentTime = -1;
+    var currentResultArray, currentTimeArray, currentResult, innerHTML, resultString;
+    for (var i = 0; i < buildNumbers.length; i++) {
+        if (i > indexToReplaceCurrentResult) {
+            currentResultArray = results.shift();
+            if (currentResultArray) {
+                currentResult = currentResultArray[RLE.VALUE];
+                // Treat simplified diff failures as just text failures.
+                if (currentResult == 'S')
+                    currentResult = 'F';
+                indexToReplaceCurrentResult += currentResultArray[RLE.LENGTH];
+            } else {
+                currentResult = 'N';
+                indexToReplaceCurrentResult += buildNumbers.length;
+            }
+            resultString = expectationsFileStringForResult(currentResult);
+        }
+        if (i > indexToReplaceCurrentTime) {
+            currentTimeArray = times.shift();
+            var currentTime = 0;
+            if (currentResultArray) {
+              currentTime = currentTimeArray[RLE.VALUE];
+              indexToReplaceCurrentTime += currentTimeArray[RLE.LENGTH];
+            } else
+              indexToReplaceCurrentTime += buildNumbers.length;
+            innerHTML = currentTime || '&nbsp;';
+        }
+        var extraClassNames = '';
+        var webkitRevision = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].webkitRevision;
+        var isWebkitMerge = webkitRevision[i + 1] && webkitRevision[i] != webkitRevision[i + 1];
+        if (isWebkitMerge && master != WEBKIT_BUILDER_MASTER)
+            extraClassNames += ' merge';
+        html += '<td title="' + (resultString || 'NO DATA') + '. Click for more info." class="results ' + currentResult +
+          extraClassNames + '" onclick=\'showPopupForBuild(event, "' + builder + '",' + i + ',"' + test.test + '")\'>' + innerHTML;
+    }
+    return html;
+function htmlForTestsWithExpectationsButNoFailures(builder)
+    var tests = g_perBuilderWithExpectationsButNoFailures[builder];
+    var skippedPaths = g_perBuilderSkippedPaths[builder];
+    var showUnexpectedPassesLink =  linkHTMLToToggleState('showUnexpectedPasses', 'tests that have not failed in last ' + g_resultsByBuilder[builder].buildNumbers.length + ' runs');
+    var showSkippedLink = linkHTMLToToggleState('showSkipped', 'skipped tests in TestExpectations');
+    var html = '';
+    if (tests.length || skippedPaths.length) {
+        var buildInfo = platformAndBuildType(builder);
+        html += '<h2 style="display:inline-block">Expectations for ' + buildInfo.platform + '-' + buildInfo.buildType + '</h2> ';
+        if (!g_currentState.showUnexpectedPasses && tests.length)
+            html += showUnexpectedPassesLink;
+        html += ' ';
+        if (!g_currentState.showSkipped && skippedPaths.length)
+            html += showSkippedLink;
+    }
+    var open = '<div onclick="selectContents(this)">';
+    if (g_currentState.showUnexpectedPasses && tests.length) {
+        html += '<div id="passing-tests">' + showUnexpectedPassesLink;
+        for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++)
+            html += open + tests[i].test + '</div>';
+        html += '</div>';
+    }
+    if (g_currentState.showSkipped && skippedPaths.length)
+        html += '<div id="skipped-tests">' + showSkippedLink + open + skippedPaths.join('</div>' + open) + '</div></div>';
+    return html + '<br>';
+// Returns whether we should exclude test results from the test table.
+function shouldHideTest(testResult)
+    if (testResult.isWontFixSkip)
+        return !g_currentState.showWontFixSkip;
+    if (testResult.isFlaky)
+        return !g_currentState.showFlaky;
+    if (isSlowTest(testResult))
+        return !g_currentState.showSlow;
+    if (testResult.meetsExpectations)
+        return !g_currentState.showCorrectExpectations;
+    return !g_currentState.showWrongExpectations;
+// Sets the browser's selection to the element's contents.
+function selectContents(element)
+    window.getSelection().selectAllChildren(element);
+function createBugHTML(test)
+    var symptom = test.isFlaky ? 'flaky' : 'failing';
+    var title = encodeURIComponent('Layout Test ' + test.test + ' is ' + symptom);
+    var description = encodeURIComponent('The following layout test is ' + symptom + ' on ' +
+        '[insert platform]\n\n' + test.test + '\n\nProbable cause:\n\n' +
+        '[insert probable cause]');
+    var component = encodeURIComponent('Tools / Tests');
+    url = '' + component + '&short_desc=' + title + '&comment=' + description;
+    return '<a href="' + url + '" class="file-bug">FILE BUG</a>';
+function isCrossBuilderView()
+    return g_currentState.tests || g_currentState.result || g_currentState.expectationsUpdate;
+function tableHeaders(opt_getAll)
+    var headers = [];
+    if (isCrossBuilderView() || opt_getAll)
+        headers.push('builder');
+    if (!isCrossBuilderView() || opt_getAll)
+        headers.push('test');
+    if (isLayoutTestResults() || opt_getAll)
+        headers.push('bugs', 'modifiers', 'expectations');
+    headers.push('slowest run', 'flakiness (numbers are runtimes in seconds)');
+    return headers;
+function htmlForSingleTestRow(test)
+    if (!isCrossBuilderView() && shouldHideTest(test)) {
+        // The innerHTML call is considerably faster if we exclude the rows for
+        // items we're not showing than if we hide them using display:none.
+        // For the crossBuilderView, we want to show all rows the user is
+        // explicitly listing tests to view.
+        return '';
+    }
+    var headers = tableHeaders();
+    var html = '';
+    for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
+        var header = headers[i];
+        if (startsWith(header, 'test') || startsWith(header, 'builder')) {
+            // If isCrossBuilderView() is true, we're just viewing a single test
+            // with results for many builders, so the first column is builder names
+            // instead of test paths.
+            var testCellClassName = 'test-link' + (isCrossBuilderView() ? ' builder-name' : '');
+            var testCellHTML = isCrossBuilderView() ? test.builder : '<span class="link" onclick="setQueryParameter(\'tests\',\'' + test.test +'\');">' + test.test + '</span>';
+            html += '<tr><td class="' + testCellClassName + '">' + testCellHTML;
+        } else if (startsWith(header, 'bugs'))
+            html += '<td class=options-container>' + (test.bugs ? htmlForBugs(test.bugs) : createBugHTML(test));
+        else if (startsWith(header, 'modifiers'))
+            html += '<td class=options-container>' + test.modifiers;
+        else if (startsWith(header, 'expectations'))
+            html += '<td class=options-container>' + test.expectations;
+        else if (startsWith(header, 'slowest'))
+            html += '<td>' + (test.slowestTime ? test.slowestTime + 's' : '');
+        else if (startsWith(header, 'flakiness'))
+            html += htmlForTestResults(test);
+    }
+    return html;
+function sortColumnFromTableHeader(headerText)
+    return headerText.split(' ', 1)[0];
+function htmlForTableColumnHeader(headerName, opt_fillColSpan)
+    // Use the first word of the header title as the sortkey
+    var thisSortValue = sortColumnFromTableHeader(headerName);
+    var arrowHTML = thisSortValue == g_currentState.sortColumn ?
+        '<span class=' + g_currentState.sortOrder + '>' + (g_currentState.sortOrder == FORWARD ? '&uarr;' : '&darr;' ) + '</span>' : '';
+    return '<th sortValue=' + thisSortValue +
+        // Extend last th through all the rest of the columns.
+        (opt_fillColSpan ? ' colspan=10000' : '') +
+        // Extra span here is so flex boxing actually centers.
+        // There's probably a better way to do this with CSS only though.
+        '><div class=table-header-content><span></span>' + arrowHTML +
+        '<span class=header-text>' + headerName + '</span>' + arrowHTML + '</div></th>';
+function htmlForTestTable(rowsHTML, opt_excludeHeaders)
+    var html = '<table class=test-table>';
+    if (!opt_excludeHeaders) {
+        html += '<thead><tr>';
+        var headers = tableHeaders();
+        for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++)
+            html += htmlForTableColumnHeader(headers[i], i == headers.length - 1);
+        html += '</tr></thead>';
+    }
+    return html + '<tbody>' + rowsHTML + '</tbody></table>';
+function appendHTML(html)
+    var startTime =;
+    // InnerHTML to a div that's not in the document. This is
+    // ~300ms faster in Safari 4 and Chrome 4 on mac.
+    var div = document.createElement('div');
+    div.innerHTML = html;
+    document.body.appendChild(div);
+    logTime('Time to innerHTML', startTime);
+    postHeightChangedMessage();
+function alphanumericCompare(column, reverse)
+    return reversibleCompareFunction(function(a, b) {
+        // Put null entries at the bottom
+        var a = a[column] ? String(a[column]) : 'z';
+        var b = b[column] ? String(b[column]) : 'z';
+        if (a < b)
+            return -1;
+        else if (a == b)
+            return 0;
+        else
+            return 1;
+    }, reverse);
+function numericSort(column, reverse)
+    return reversibleCompareFunction(function(a, b) {
+        a = parseFloat(a[column]);
+        b = parseFloat(b[column]);
+        return a - b;
+    }, reverse);
+function reversibleCompareFunction(compare, reverse)
+    return function(a, b) {
+        return compare(reverse ? b : a, reverse ? a : b);
+    };
+function changeSort(e)
+    var target = e.currentTarget;
+    e.preventDefault();
+    var sortValue = target.getAttribute('sortValue');
+    while (target && target.tagName != 'TABLE')
+        target = target.parentNode;
+    var sort = 'sortColumn';
+    var orderKey = 'sortOrder';
+    if (sortValue == g_currentState[sort] && g_currentState[orderKey] == FORWARD)
+        order = BACKWARD;
+    else
+        order = FORWARD;
+    setQueryParameter(sort, sortValue, orderKey, order);
+function sortTests(tests, column, order)
+    var resultsProperty, sortFunctionGetter;
+    if (column == 'flakiness') {
+        sortFunctionGetter = numericSort;
+        resultsProperty = 'flips';
+    } else if (column == 'slowest') {
+        sortFunctionGetter = numericSort;
+        resultsProperty = 'slowestTime';
+    } else {
+        sortFunctionGetter = alphanumericCompare;
+        resultsProperty = column;
+    }
+    tests.sort(sortFunctionGetter(resultsProperty, order == BACKWARD));
+// Sorts a space separated expectations string in alphanumeric order.
+// @param {string} str The expectations string.
+// @return {string} The sorted string.
+function sortExpectationsString(str)
+    return str.split(' ').sort().join(' ');
+function addUpdate(testsNeedingUpdate, test, builderName, missing, extra)
+    if (!testsNeedingUpdate[test])
+        testsNeedingUpdate[test] = {};
+    var buildInfo = platformAndBuildType(builderName);
+    var builder = buildInfo.platform + ' ' + buildInfo.buildType;
+    if (!testsNeedingUpdate[test][builder])
+        testsNeedingUpdate[test][builder] = {};
+    if (missing)
+        testsNeedingUpdate[test][builder].missing = sortExpectationsString(missing);
+    if (extra)
+        testsNeedingUpdate[test][builder].extra = sortExpectationsString(extra);
+// From a string of modifiers, returns a string of modifiers that
+// are for real result changes, like SLOW, and excludes modifiers
+// that specificy things like platform, build_type, bug.
+// @param {string} modifierString String containing all modifiers.
+// @return {string} String containing only modifiers that effect the results.
+function realModifiers(modifierString)
+    var modifiers = modifierString.split(' ');;
+    return modifiers.filter(function(modifier) {
+        if (modifier in BUILD_TYPES || startsWith(modifier, 'BUG'))
+            return false;
+        var matchesPlatformOrUnion = false;
+        traversePlatformsTree(function(platform, platformName) {
+            if (matchesPlatformOrUnion)
+                return;
+            if (platform.fallbackPlatforms) {
+                platform.fallbackPlatforms.forEach(function(fallbackPlatform) {
+                    if (matchesPlatformOrUnion)
+                        return;
+                    var fallbackPlatformObject = platformObjectForName(fallbackPlatform);
+                    if (!fallbackPlatformObject.platformModifierUnions)
+                        return;
+                    matchesPlatformOrUnion = modifier in fallbackPlatformObject.subPlatforms || modifier in fallbackPlatformObject.platformModifierUnions;
+                });
+            }
+        });
+        return !matchesPlatformOrUnion;
+    }).join(' ');
+function generatePageForExpectationsUpdate()
+    // Always show all runs when auto-updating expectations.
+    if (!g_crossDashboardState.showAllRuns)
+        setQueryParameter('showAllRuns', true);
+    processTestRunsForAllBuilders();
+    var testsNeedingUpdate = {};
+    for (var test in g_testToResultsMap) {
+        var results = g_testToResultsMap[test];
+        for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+            var thisResult = results[i];
+            if (!thisResult.missing && !thisResult.extra)
+                continue;
+            var allPassesOrNoDatas = thisResult.rawResults.filter(function (x) { return x[1] != "P" && x[1] != "N"; }).length == 0;
+            if (allPassesOrNoDatas)
+                continue;
+            addUpdate(testsNeedingUpdate, test, thisResult.builder, thisResult.missing, thisResult.extra);
+        }
+    }
+    for (var builder in g_builders) {
+        var tests = g_perBuilderWithExpectationsButNoFailures[builder]
+        for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
+            // Anything extra in this case is what is listed in expectations
+            // plus modifiers other than bug, platform, build type.
+            var modifiers = realModifiers(tests[i].modifiers);
+            var extras = tests[i].expectations;
+            extras += modifiers ? ' ' + modifiers : '';
+            addUpdate(testsNeedingUpdate, tests[i].test, builder, null, extras);
+        }
+    }
+    // Get the keys in alphabetical order, so it is easy to process groups
+    // of tests.
+    var keys = Object.keys(testsNeedingUpdate).sort();
+    showUpdateInfoForTest(testsNeedingUpdate, keys);
+// Show the test results and the json for differing expectations, and
+// allow the user to include or exclude this update.
+// @param {Object} testsNeedingUpdate Tests that need updating.
+// @param {Array.<string>} keys Keys into the testNeedingUpdate object.
+function showUpdateInfoForTest(testsNeedingUpdate, keys)
+    var test = keys[g_currentState.updateIndex];
+    document.body.innerHTML = '';
+    // FIXME: Make this DOM creation less verbose.
+    var index = document.createElement('div');
+ = 'right';
+    index.textContent = (g_currentState.updateIndex + 1) + ' of ' + keys.length + ' tests';
+    document.body.appendChild(index);
+    var buttonRegion = document.createElement('div');
+    var includeBtn = document.createElement('input');
+    includeBtn.type = 'button';
+    includeBtn.value = 'include selected';
+    includeBtn.addEventListener('click', partial(handleUpdate, testsNeedingUpdate, keys), false);
+    buttonRegion.appendChild(includeBtn);
+    var previousBtn = document.createElement('input');
+    previousBtn.type = 'button';
+    previousBtn.value = 'previous';
+    previousBtn.addEventListener('click',
+        function() {
+          setUpdateIndex(g_currentState.updateIndex - 1, testsNeedingUpdate, keys);
+        },
+        false);
+    buttonRegion.appendChild(previousBtn);
+    var nextBtn = document.createElement('input');
+    nextBtn.type = 'button';
+    nextBtn.value = 'next';
+    nextBtn.addEventListener('click', partial(nextUpdate, testsNeedingUpdate, keys), false);
+    buttonRegion.appendChild(nextBtn);
+    var doneBtn = document.createElement('input');
+    doneBtn.type = 'button';
+    doneBtn.value = 'done';
+    doneBtn.addEventListener('click', finishUpdate, false);
+    buttonRegion.appendChild(doneBtn);
+    document.body.appendChild(buttonRegion);
+    var updates = testsNeedingUpdate[test];
+    var checkboxes = document.createElement('div');
+    for (var builder in updates) {
+        // Create a checkbox for each builder.
+        var checkboxRegion = document.createElement('div');
+        var checkbox = document.createElement('input');
+        checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
+ = builder;
+        checkbox.checked = true;
+        checkboxRegion.appendChild(checkbox);
+        checkboxRegion.appendChild(document.createTextNode(builder + ' : ' + JSON.stringify(updates[builder])));
+        checkboxes.appendChild(checkboxRegion);
+    }
+    document.body.appendChild(checkboxes);
+    var div = document.createElement('div');
+    div.innerHTML = htmlForIndividualTestOnAllBuildersWithResultsLinks(test);
+    document.body.appendChild(div);
+    appendExpectations();
+// When the user has finished selecting expectations to update, provide them
+// with json to copy over.
+function finishUpdate()
+    document.body.innerHTML = 'The next step is to copy the output below ' +
+        'into a local file and save it.  Then, run<br><code>python ' +
+        'src/webkit/tools/layout_tests/webkitpy/layout_tests/update_expectat' +
+        ' path/to/local/file</code><br>in order to ' +
+        'update the expectations file.<br><textarea id="results" '+
+        'style="width:600px;height:600px;"> ' +
+        JSON.stringify(g_confirmedTests) + '</textarea>';
+    results.focus();
+    document.execCommand('SelectAll');
+// Handle user click on "include selected" button.
+// Includes the tests that are selected and exclude the rest.
+// @param {Object} testsNeedingUpdate Tests that need updating.
+// @param {Array.<string>} keys Keys into the testNeedingUpdate object.
+function handleUpdate(testsNeedingUpdate, keys)
+    var test = keys[g_currentState.updateIndex];
+    var updates = testsNeedingUpdate[test];
+    for (var builder in updates) {
+        // Add included tests, and delete excluded tests if
+        // they were previously included.
+        if ($(builder).checked) {
+            if (!g_confirmedTests[test])
+                g_confirmedTests[test] = {};
+            g_confirmedTests[test][builder] = testsNeedingUpdate[test][builder];
+        } else if (g_confirmedTests[test] && g_confirmedTests[test][builder]) {
+            delete g_confirmedTests[test][builder];
+            if (!Object.keys(g_confirmedTests[test]).length)
+                delete g_confirmedTests[test];
+        }
+    }
+    nextUpdate(testsNeedingUpdate, keys);
+// Move to the next item to update.
+// @param {Object} testsNeedingUpdate Tests that need updating.
+// @param {Array.<string>} keys Keys into the testNeedingUpdate object.
+function nextUpdate(testsNeedingUpdate, keys)
+    setUpdateIndex(g_currentState.updateIndex + 1, testsNeedingUpdate, keys);
+// Advance the index we are updating at.  If we walk over the end
+// or beginning, just loop.
+// @param {string} newIndex The index into the keys to move to.
+// @param {Object} testsNeedingUpdate Tests that need updating.
+// @param {Array.<string>} keys Keys into the testNeedingUpdate object.
+function setUpdateIndex(newIndex, testsNeedingUpdate, keys)
+    if (newIndex == -1)
+        newIndex = keys.length - 1;
+    else if (newIndex == keys.length)
+        newIndex = 0;
+    setQueryParameter("updateIndex", newIndex);
+    showUpdateInfoForTest(testsNeedingUpdate, keys);
+function htmlForIndividualTestOnAllBuilders(test)
+    processTestRunsForAllBuilders();
+    var testResults = g_testToResultsMap[test];
+    if (!testResults)
+        return '<div class="not-found">Test not found. Either it does not exist, is skipped or passes on all platforms.</div>';
+    var html = '';
+    var shownBuilders = [];
+    for (var j = 0; j < testResults.length; j++) {
+        shownBuilders.push(testResults[j].builder);
+        html += htmlForSingleTestRow(testResults[j]);
+    }
+    var skippedBuilders = []
+    for (builder in currentBuilderGroup().builders) {
+        if (shownBuilders.indexOf(builder) == -1)
+            skippedBuilders.push(builder);
+    }
+    var skippedBuildersHtml = '';
+    if (skippedBuilders.length) {
+        skippedBuildersHtml = '<div>The following builders either don\'t run this test (e.g. it\'s skipped) or all runs passed:</div>' +
+            '<div class=skipped-builder-list><div class=skipped-builder>' + skippedBuilders.join('</div><div class=skipped-builder>') + '</div></div>';
+    }
+    return htmlForTestTable(html) + skippedBuildersHtml;
+function htmlForIndividualTestOnAllBuildersWithResultsLinks(test)
+    processTestRunsForAllBuilders();
+    var testResults = g_testToResultsMap[test];
+    var html = '';
+    html += htmlForIndividualTestOnAllBuilders(test);
+    html += '<div class=expectations test=' + test + '><div>' +
+        linkHTMLToToggleState('showExpectations', 'results')
+    if (isLayoutTestResults() || isGPUTestResults()) {
+        if (isLayoutTestResults())
+            html += ' | ' + linkHTMLToToggleState('showLargeExpectations', 'large thumbnails');
+        if (testResults && builderMaster(testResults[0].builder) == WEBKIT_BUILDER_MASTER) {
+            var revision = g_currentState.revision || '';
+            html += '<form onsubmit="setQueryParameter(\'revision\', revision.value);' +
+                'return false;">Show results for WebKit revision: ' +
+                '<input name=revision placeholder="e.g. 65540" value="' + revision +
+                '" id=revision-input></form>';
+        } else
+            html += ' | <b>Only shows actual results/diffs from the most recent *failure* on each bot.</b>';
+    } else {
+      html += ' | <span>Results height:<input ' +
+          'onchange="setQueryParameter(\'resultsHeight\',this.value)" value="' +
+          g_currentState.resultsHeight + '" style="width:2.5em">px</span>';
+    }
+    html += '</div></div>';
+    return html;
+function getExpectationsContainer(expectationsContainers, parentContainer, expectationsType)
+    if (!expectationsContainers[expectationsType]) {
+        var container = document.createElement('div');
+        container.className = 'expectations-container';
+        parentContainer.appendChild(container);
+        expectationsContainers[expectationsType] = container;
+    }
+    return expectationsContainers[expectationsType];
+function ensureTrailingSlash(path)
+    if (path.match(/\/$/))
+        return path;
+    return path + '/';
+function maybeAddPngChecksum(expectationDiv, pngUrl)
+    // pngUrl gets served from the browser cache since we just loaded it in an
+    // <img> tag.
+    loader.request(pngUrl,
+        function(xhr) {
+            // Convert the first 2k of the response to a byte string.
+            var bytes = xhr.responseText.substring(0, 2048);
+            for (var position = 0; position < bytes.length; ++position)
+                bytes[position] = bytes[position] & 0xff;
+            // Look for the comment.
+            var commentKey = 'tEXtchecksum\x00';
+            var checksumPosition = bytes.indexOf(commentKey);
+            if (checksumPosition == -1)
+                return;
+            var checksum = bytes.substring(checksumPosition + commentKey.length, checksumPosition + commentKey.length + 32);
+            var checksumContainer = document.createElement('span');
+            checksumContainer.innerText = 'Embedded checksum: ' + checksum;
+            checksumContainer.setAttribute('class', 'pngchecksum');
+            expectationDiv.parentNode.appendChild(checksumContainer);
+        },
+        function(xhr) {},
+        true);
+// Adds a specific expectation. If it's an image, it's only added on the
+// image's onload handler. If it's a text file, then a script tag is appended
+// as a hack to see if the file 404s (necessary since it's cross-domain).
+// Once all the expectations for a specific type have loaded or errored
+// (e.g. all the text results), then we go through and identify which platform
+// uses which expectation.
+// @param {Object} expectationsContainers Map from expectations type to
+//     container DIV.
+// @param {Element} parentContainer Container element for
+//     expectationsContainer divs.
+// @param {string} platform Platform string. Empty string for non-platform
+//     specific expectations.
+// @param {string} path Relative path to the expectation.
+// @param {string} base Base path for the expectation URL.
+// @param {string} opt_builder Builder whose actual results this expectation
+//     points to.
+// @param {string} opt_suite "virtual suite" that the test belongs to, if any.
+function addExpectationItem(expectationsContainers, parentContainer, platform, path, base, opt_builder, opt_suite)
+    var parts = path.split('.')
+    var fileExtension = parts[parts.length - 1];
+    if (fileExtension == 'html')
+        fileExtension = 'txt';
+    var container = getExpectationsContainer(expectationsContainers, parentContainer, fileExtension);
+    var isImage = path.match(/\.png$/);
+    // FIXME: Stop using script tags once all the places we pull from support CORS.
+    var platformPart = platform ? ensureTrailingSlash(platform) : '';
+    var suitePart = opt_suite ? ensureTrailingSlash(opt_suite) : '';
+    var childContainer = document.createElement('span');
+    childContainer.className = 'unloaded';
+    var appendExpectationsItem = function(item) {
+        childContainer.appendChild(expectationsTitle(platformPart + suitePart, path, opt_builder));
+        childContainer.className = 'expectations-item';
+        item.className = 'expectation ' + fileExtension;
+        if (g_currentState.showLargeExpectations)
+            item.className += ' large';
+        childContainer.appendChild(item);
+        handleFinishedLoadingExpectations(container);
+    };
+    var url = base + platformPart + path;
+    if (isImage || !startsWith(base, '')) {
+        var dummyNode = document.createElement(isImage ? 'img' : 'script');
+        dummyNode.src = url;
+        dummyNode.onload = function() {
+            var item;
+            if (isImage) {
+                item = dummyNode;
+                if (startsWith(base, ''))
+                    maybeAddPngChecksum(item, url);
+            } else {
+                item = document.createElement('iframe');
+                item.src = url;
+            }
+            appendExpectationsItem(item);
+        }
+        dummyNode.onerror = function() {
+            childContainer.parentNode.removeChild(childContainer);
+            handleFinishedLoadingExpectations(container);
+        }
+        // Append script elements now so that they load. Images load without being
+        // appended to the DOM.
+        if (!isImage)
+            childContainer.appendChild(dummyNode);
+    } else {
+        loader.request(url,
+            function(xhr) {
+                var item = document.createElement('pre');
+                item.innerText = xhr.responseText;
+                appendExpectationsItem(item);
+            },
+            function(xhr) {/* Do nothing on errors since they're expected */});
+    }
+    container.appendChild(childContainer);
+// Identifies which expectations are used on which platform once all the
+// expectations of a given type have loaded (e.g. the container for png
+// expectations for this test had no child elements with the class
+// "unloaded").
+// @param {string} container Element containing the expectations for a given
+//     test and a given type (e.g. png).
+function handleFinishedLoadingExpectations(container)
+    if (container.getElementsByClassName('unloaded').length)
+        return;
+    var titles = container.getElementsByClassName('expectations-title');
+    for (var platform in g_fallbacksMap) {
+        var fallbacks = g_fallbacksMap[platform];
+        var winner = null;
+        var winningIndex = -1;
+        for (var i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) {
+            var title = titles[i];
+            if (!winner && title.platform == "") {
+                winner = title;
+                continue;
+            }
+            var rawPlatform = title.platform && title.platform.replace('platform/', '');
+            for (var j = 0; j < fallbacks.length; j++) {
+                if ((winningIndex == -1 || winningIndex > j) && rawPlatform == fallbacks[j]) {
+                    winningIndex = j;
+                    winner = title;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (winner)
+            winner.getElementsByClassName('platforms')[0].innerHTML += '<div class=used-platform>' + platform + '</div>';
+        else {
+            console.log('No expectations identified for this test. This means ' +
+                'there is a logic bug in the dashboard for which expectations a ' +
+                'platform uses or is giving 5XXs.');
+        }
+    }
+    consolidateUsedPlatforms(container);
+// Consolidate platforms when all sub-platforms for a given platform are represented.
+// e.g., if all of the WIN- platforms are there, replace them with just WIN.
+function consolidateUsedPlatforms(container)
+    var allPlatforms = Object.keys(g_fallbacksMap);
+    var platformElements = container.getElementsByClassName('platforms');
+    for (var i = 0, platformsLength = platformElements.length; i < platformsLength; i++) {
+        var usedPlatforms = platformElements[i].getElementsByClassName('used-platform');
+        if (!usedPlatforms.length)
+            continue;
+        var platforms = {};
+        platforms['MAC'] = {};
+        platforms['WIN'] = {};
+        platforms['LINUX'] = {};
+        allPlatforms.forEach(function(platform) {
+            if (startsWith(platform, 'MAC'))
+                platforms['MAC'][platform] = 1;
+            else if (startsWith(platform, 'WIN'))
+                platforms['WIN'][platform] = 1;
+            else if (startsWith(platform, 'LINUX'))
+                platforms['LINUX'][platform] = 1;
+        });
+        for (var j = 0, usedPlatformsLength = usedPlatforms.length; j < usedPlatformsLength; j++) {
+            for (var platform in platforms)
+                delete platforms[platform][usedPlatforms[j].textContent];
+        }
+        for (var platform in platforms) {
+            if (!Object.keys(platforms[platform]).length) {
+                var nodesToRemove = [];
+                for (var j = 0, usedPlatformsLength = usedPlatforms.length; j < usedPlatformsLength; j++) {
+                    var usedPlatform = usedPlatforms[j];
+                    if (startsWith(usedPlatform.textContent, platform))
+                        nodesToRemove.push(usedPlatform);
+                }
+                nodesToRemove.forEach(function(element) { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); });
+                platformElements[i].insertAdjacentHTML('afterBegin', '<div class=used-platform>' + platform + '</div>');
+            }
+        }
+    }
+function addExpectations(expectationsContainers, container, base,
+    platform, text, png, reftest_html_file, reftest_mismatch_html_file, suite)
+    var builder = '';
+    addExpectationItem(expectationsContainers, container, platform, text, base, builder, suite);
+    addExpectationItem(expectationsContainers, container, platform, png, base, builder, suite);
+    addExpectationItem(expectationsContainers, container, platform, reftest_html_file, base, builder, suite);
+    addExpectationItem(expectationsContainers, container, platform, reftest_mismatch_html_file, base, builder, suite);
+function expectationsTitle(platform, path, builder)
+    var header = document.createElement('h3');
+    header.className = 'expectations-title';
+    var innerHTML;
+    if (builder) {
+        var resultsType;
+        if (endsWith(path, '-crash-log.txt'))
+            resultsType = 'STACKTRACE';
+        else if (endsWith(path, '-actual.txt') || endsWith(path, '-actual.png'))
+            resultsType = 'ACTUAL RESULTS';
+        else if (endsWith(path, '-wdiff.html'))
+            resultsType = 'WDIFF';
+        else
+            resultsType = 'DIFF';
+        innerHTML = resultsType + ': ' + builder;
+    } else if (platform === "") {
+        var parts = path.split('/');
+        innerHTML = parts[parts.length - 1];
+    } else
+        innerHTML = platform || path;
+    header.innerHTML = '<div class=title>' + innerHTML +
+        '</div><div style="float:left">&nbsp;</div>' +
+        '<div class=platforms style="float:right"></div>';
+    header.platform = platform;
+    return header;
+function loadExpectations(expectationsContainer)
+    var test = expectationsContainer.getAttribute('test');
+    if (isLayoutTestResults())
+        loadExpectationsLayoutTests(test, expectationsContainer);
+    else {
+        var results = g_testToResultsMap[test];
+        for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++)
+            if (isGPUTestResults())
+                loadGPUResultsForBuilder(results[i].builder, test, expectationsContainer);
+            else
+                loadNonWebKitResultsForBuilder(results[i].builder, test, expectationsContainer);
+    }
+function gpuResultsPath(chromeRevision, builder)
+  return chromeRevision + '_' + builder.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/g, '_');
+function loadGPUResultsForBuilder(builder, test, expectationsContainer)
+    var container = document.createElement('div');
+    container.className = 'expectations-container';
+    container.innerHTML = '<div><b>' + builder + '</b></div>';
+    expectationsContainer.appendChild(container);
+    var failureIndex = indexesForFailures(builder, test)[0];
+    var buildNumber = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].buildNumbers[failureIndex];
+    var pathToLog = builderMaster(builder).logPath(builder, buildNumber) + pathToFailureLog(test);
+    var chromeRevision = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].chromeRevision[failureIndex];
+    var resultsUrl = GPU_RESULTS_BASE_PATH + gpuResultsPath(chromeRevision, builder);
+    var filename = test.split(/\./)[1] + '.png';
+    appendNonWebKitResults(container, pathToLog, 'non-webkit-results');
+    appendNonWebKitResults(container, resultsUrl + '/gen/' + filename, 'gpu-test-results', 'Generated');
+    appendNonWebKitResults(container, resultsUrl + '/ref/' + filename, 'gpu-test-results', 'Reference');
+    appendNonWebKitResults(container, resultsUrl + '/diff/' + filename, 'gpu-test-results', 'Diff');
+function loadNonWebKitResultsForBuilder(builder, test, expectationsContainer)
+    var failureIndexes = indexesForFailures(builder, test);
+    var container = document.createElement('div');
+    container.innerHTML = '<div><b>' + builder + '</b></div>';
+    expectationsContainer.appendChild(container);
+    for (var i = 0; i < failureIndexes.length; i++) {
+        // FIXME: This doesn't seem to work anymore. Did the paths change?
+        // Once that's resolved, see if we need to try each GTEST_MODIFIERS prefix as well.
+        var buildNumber = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].buildNumbers[failureIndexes[i]];
+        var pathToLog = builderMaster(builder).logPath(builder, buildNumber) + pathToFailureLog(test);
+        appendNonWebKitResults(container, pathToLog, 'non-webkit-results');
+    }
+function appendNonWebKitResults(container, url, itemClassName, opt_title)
+    // Use a script tag to detect whether the URL 404s.
+    // Need to use a script tag since the URL is cross-domain.
+    var dummyNode = document.createElement('script');
+    dummyNode.src = url;
+    dummyNode.onload = function() {
+        var item = document.createElement('iframe');
+        item.src = dummyNode.src;
+        item.className = itemClassName;
+ = g_currentState.resultsHeight + 'px';
+        if (opt_title) {
+            var childContainer = document.createElement('div');
+   = 'inline-block';
+            var title = document.createElement('div');
+            title.textContent = opt_title;
+            childContainer.appendChild(title);
+            childContainer.appendChild(item);
+            container.replaceChild(childContainer, dummyNode);
+        } else
+            container.replaceChild(item, dummyNode);
+    }
+    dummyNode.onerror = function() {
+        container.removeChild(dummyNode);
+    }
+    container.appendChild(dummyNode);
+function buildInfoForRevision(builder, revision)
+    var revisions = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].webkitRevision;
+    var revisionStart = 0, revisionEnd = 0, buildNumber = 0;
+    for (var i = 0; i < revisions.length; i++) {
+        if (revision > revisions[i]) {
+            revisionStart = revisions[i - 1];
+            revisionEnd = revisions[i];
+            buildNumber = g_resultsByBuilder[builder].buildNumbers[i - 1];
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (revisionEnd)
+      revisionEnd++;
+    else
+      revisionEnd = '';
+    return {revisionStart: revisionStart, revisionEnd: revisionEnd, buildNumber: buildNumber};
+function lookupVirtualTestSuite(test) {
+    for (var suite in VIRTUAL_SUITES) {
+        if (test.indexOf(suite) != -1)
+            return suite;
+    }
+    return '';
+function baseTest(test, suite) {
+    base = VIRTUAL_SUITES[suite];
+    return base ? test.replace(suite, base) : test;
+function loadBaselinesForTest(expectationsContainers, expectationsContainer, test) {
+    var testWithoutSuffix = test.substring(0, test.lastIndexOf('.'));
+    var text = testWithoutSuffix + "-expected.txt";
+    var png = testWithoutSuffix + "-expected.png";
+    var reftest_html_file = testWithoutSuffix + "-expected.html";
+    var reftest_mismatch_html_file = testWithoutSuffix + "-expected-mismatch.html";
+    var suite = lookupVirtualTestSuite(test);
+    if (!suite)
+        addExpectationItem(expectationsContainers, expectationsContainer, null, test, TEST_URL_BASE_PATH);
+    addExpectations(expectationsContainers, expectationsContainer,
+        TEST_URL_BASE_PATH, '', text, png, reftest_html_file, reftest_mismatch_html_file, suite);
+    var fallbacks = allFallbacks();
+    for (var i = 0; i < fallbacks.length; i++) {
+      var fallback = 'platform/' + fallbacks[i];
+      addExpectations(expectationsContainers, expectationsContainer, TEST_URL_BASE_PATH, fallback, text, png,
+          reftest_html_file, reftest_mismatch_html_file, suite);
+    }
+    if (suite)
+        loadBaselinesForTest(expectationsContainers, expectationsContainer, baseTest(test, suite));
+function loadExpectationsLayoutTests(test, expectationsContainer)
+    // Map from file extension to container div for expectations of that type.
+    var expectationsContainers = {};
+    var revisionContainer = document.createElement('div');
+    revisionContainer.textContent = "Showing results for: "
+    expectationsContainer.appendChild(revisionContainer);
+    for (var builder in g_builders) {
+        if (builderMaster(builder) == WEBKIT_BUILDER_MASTER) {
+            var latestRevision = g_currentState.revision || g_resultsByBuilder[builder].webkitRevision[0];
+            var buildInfo = buildInfoForRevision(builder, latestRevision);
+            var revisionInfo = document.createElement('div');
+   = 'background:lightgray;margin:0 3px;padding:0 2px;display:inline-block;';
+            revisionInfo.innerHTML = builder + ' r' + buildInfo.revisionEnd +
+                ':r' + buildInfo.revisionStart + ', build ' + buildInfo.buildNumber;
+            revisionContainer.appendChild(revisionInfo);
+        }
+    }
+    loadBaselinesForTest(expectationsContainers, expectationsContainer, test);
+    var testWithoutSuffix = test.substring(0, test.lastIndexOf('.'));
+    var actualResultSuffixes = ['-actual.txt', '-actual.png', '-crash-log.txt', '-diff.txt', '-wdiff.html', '-diff.png'];
+    for (var builder in g_builders) {
+        var actualResultsBase;
+        if (builderMaster(builder) == WEBKIT_BUILDER_MASTER) {
+            var latestRevision = g_currentState.revision || g_resultsByBuilder[builder].webkitRevision[0];
+            var buildInfo = buildInfoForRevision(builder, latestRevision);
+            actualResultsBase = '' + builder +
+                '/r' + buildInfo.revisionStart + ' (' + buildInfo.buildNumber + ')/';
+        } else
+            actualResultsBase = TEST_RESULTS_BASE_PATH + g_builders[builder] + '/results/layout-test-results/';
+        for (var i = 0; i < actualResultSuffixes.length; i++) {
+            addExpectationItem(expectationsContainers, expectationsContainer, null,
+                testWithoutSuffix + actualResultSuffixes[i], actualResultsBase, builder);
+        }
+    }
+    // Add a clearing element so floated elements don't bleed out of their
+    // containing block.
+    var br = document.createElement('br');
+ = 'both';
+    expectationsContainer.appendChild(br);
+var g_allFallbacks;
+// Returns the reverse sorted, deduped list of all platform fallback
+// directories.
+function allFallbacks()
+    if (!g_allFallbacks) {
+        var holder = {};
+        for (var platform in g_fallbacksMap) {
+            var fallbacks = g_fallbacksMap[platform];
+            for (var i = 0; i < fallbacks.length; i++)
+                holder[fallbacks[i]] = 1;
+        }
+        g_allFallbacks = [];
+        for (var fallback in holder)
+            g_allFallbacks.push(fallback);
+        g_allFallbacks.sort(function(a, b) {
+            if (a == b)
+                return 0;
+            return a < b;
+        });
+    }
+    return g_allFallbacks;
+function appendExpectations()
+    var expectations = g_currentState.showExpectations ? document.getElementsByClassName('expectations') : [];
+    // Loading expectations is *very* slow. Use a large timeout to avoid
+    // totally hanging the renderer.
+    performChunkedAction(expectations, function(chunk) {
+        for (var i = 0, len = chunk.length; i < len; i++)
+            loadExpectations(chunk[i]);
+        postHeightChangedMessage();
+    }, hideLoadingUI, 10000);
+function hideLoadingUI()
+    var loadingDiv = $('loading-ui');
+    if (loadingDiv)
+ = 'none';
+    postHeightChangedMessage();
+function generatePageForIndividualTests(tests)
+    console.log('Number of tests: ' + tests.length);
+    if (g_currentState.showChrome)
+        appendHTML(htmlForNavBar());
+    performChunkedAction(tests, function(chunk) {
+        appendHTML(htmlForIndividualTests(chunk));
+    }, appendExpectations, 500);
+    if (g_currentState.showChrome)
+        $('tests-input').value = g_currentState.tests;
+function performChunkedAction(tests, handleChunk, onComplete, timeout, opt_index) {
+    var index = opt_index || 0;
+    setTimeout(function() {
+        var chunk =, index * CHUNK_SIZE, (index + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE);
+        if (chunk.length) {
+            handleChunk(chunk);
+            performChunkedAction(tests, handleChunk, onComplete, timeout, ++index);
+        } else
+            onComplete();
+    // No need for a timeout on the first chunked action.
+    }, index ? timeout : 0);
+function htmlForIndividualTests(tests)
+    var testsHTML = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
+        var test = tests[i];
+        var testNameHtml = '';
+        if (g_currentState.showChrome || tests.length > 1) {
+            if (isLayoutTestResults()) {
+                var suite = lookupVirtualTestSuite(test);
+                var base = suite ? baseTest(test, suite) : test;
+                var tracURL = TEST_URL_BASE_PATH_TRAC + base;
+                testNameHtml += '<h2>' + linkHTMLToOpenWindow(tracURL, test) + '</h2>';
+            } else
+                testNameHtml += '<h2>' + test + '</h2>';
+        }
+        testsHTML.push(testNameHtml + htmlForIndividualTestOnAllBuildersWithResultsLinks(test));
+    }
+    return testsHTML.join('<hr>');
+function htmlForNavBar()
+    var extraHTML = '';
+    var html = htmlForTestTypeSwitcher(false, extraHTML, isCrossBuilderView());
+    html += '<div class=forms><form id=result-form ' +
+        'onsubmit="setQueryParameter(\'result\', result.value);' +
+        'return false;">Show all tests with result: ' +
+        '<input name=result placeholder="e.g. CRASH" id=result-input>' +
+        '</form><form id=tests-form ' +
+        'onsubmit="setQueryParameter(\'tests\', tests.value);' +
+        'return false;"><span>Show tests on all platforms: </span>' +
+        '<input name=tests ' +
+        'placeholder="Comma or space-separated list of tests or partial ' +
+        'paths to show test results across all builders, e.g., ' +
+        'foo/bar.html,foo/baz,domstorage" id=tests-input></form>' +
+        '<span class=link onclick="showLegend()">Show legend [type ?]</span></div>';
+    return html;
+function checkBoxToToggleState(key, text)
+    var stateEnabled = g_currentState[key];
+    return '<label><input type=checkbox ' + (stateEnabled ? 'checked ' : '') + 'onclick="setQueryParameter(\'' + key + '\', ' + !stateEnabled + ')">' + text + '</label> ';
+function linkHTMLToToggleState(key, linkText)
+    var stateEnabled = g_currentState[key];
+    return '<span class=link onclick="setQueryParameter(\'' + key + '\', ' + !stateEnabled + ')">' + (stateEnabled ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' ' + linkText + '</span>';
+function headerForTestTableHtml()
+    return '<h2 style="display:inline-block">Failing tests</h2>' +
+        checkBoxToToggleState('showWontFixSkip', 'WONTFIX/SKIP') +
+        checkBoxToToggleState('showCorrectExpectations', 'tests with correct expectations') +
+        checkBoxToToggleState('showWrongExpectations', 'tests with wrong expectations') +
+        checkBoxToToggleState('showFlaky', 'flaky') +
+        checkBoxToToggleState('showSlow', 'slow');
+function generatePageForBuilder(builderName)
+    processTestRunsForBuilder(builderName);
+    var results = g_perBuilderFailures[builderName];
+    sortTests(results, g_currentState.sortColumn, g_currentState.sortOrder);
+    var testsHTML = '';
+    if (results.length) {
+        var tableRowsHTML = '';
+        for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++)
+            tableRowsHTML += htmlForSingleTestRow(results[i])
+        testsHTML = htmlForTestTable(tableRowsHTML);
+    } else {
+        testsHTML = '<div>No tests found. ';
+        if (isLayoutTestResults())
+            testsHTML += 'Try showing tests with correct expectations.</div>';
+        else
+            testsHTML += 'This means no tests have failed!</div>';
+    }
+    var html = htmlForNavBar();
+    if (isLayoutTestResults())
+        html += htmlForTestsWithExpectationsButNoFailures(builderName) + headerForTestTableHtml();
+    html += '<br>' + testsHTML;
+    appendHTML(html);
+    var ths = document.getElementsByTagName('th');
+    for (var i = 0; i < ths.length; i++) {
+        ths[i].addEventListener('click', changeSort, false);
+        ths[i].className = "sortable";
+    }
+    hideLoadingUI();
+    tests: 1,
+    result: 1,
+    showChrome: 1,
+    showExpectations: 1,
+    showLargeExpectations: 1,
+    legacyExpectationsSemantics: 1,
+    resultsHeight: 1,
+    revision: 1
+function isInvalidKeyForCrossBuilderView(key)
+    return !(key in VALID_KEYS_FOR_CROSS_BUILDER_VIEW) && !(key in g_defaultCrossDashboardStateValues);
+function updateDefaultBuilderState()
+    if (isCrossBuilderView())
+        delete g_defaultDashboardSpecificStateValues.builder;
+    else
+        g_defaultDashboardSpecificStateValues.builder = g_defaultBuilderName;
+// Sets the page state to regenerate the page.
+// @param {Object} params New or modified query parameters as key: value.
+function handleQueryParameterChange(params)
+    for (key in params) {
+        if (key == 'tests') {
+            // Entering cross-builder view, only keep valid keys for that view.
+            for (var currentKey in g_currentState) {
+              if (isInvalidKeyForCrossBuilderView(currentKey)) {
+                delete g_currentState[currentKey];
+              }
+            }
+        } else if (isInvalidKeyForCrossBuilderView(key)) {
+            delete g_currentState.tests;
+            delete g_currentState.result;
+        }
+    }
+    updateDefaultBuilderState();
+    return true;
+function hideLegend()
+    var legend = $('legend');
+    if (legend)
+        legend.parentNode.removeChild(legend);
+var g_fallbacksMap = {};
+g_fallbacksMap['WIN-XP'] = ['chromium-win-xp', 'chromium-win', 'chromium'];
+g_fallbacksMap['WIN-7'] = ['chromium-win', 'chromium'];
+g_fallbacksMap['MAC-SNOWLEOPARD'] = ['chromium-mac-snowleopard', 'chromium-mac', 'chromium'];
+g_fallbacksMap['MAC-LION'] = ['chromium-mac', 'chromium'];
+g_fallbacksMap['LINUX-32'] = ['chromium-linux-x86', 'chromium-linux', 'chromium-win', 'chromium'];
+g_fallbacksMap['LINUX-64'] = ['chromium-linux', 'chromium-win', 'chromium'];
+function htmlForFallbackHelp(fallbacks)
+    return '<ol class=fallback-list><li>' + fallbacks.join('</li><li>') + '</li></ol>';
+function showLegend()
+    var legend = $('legend');
+    if (!legend) {
+        legend = document.createElement('div');
+ = 'legend';
+        document.body.appendChild(legend);
+    }
+    var html = '<div id=legend-toggle onclick="hideLegend()">Hide ' +
+        'legend [type esc]</div><div id=legend-contents>';
+    for (var expectation in expectationsMap())
+        html += '<div class=' + expectation + '>' + expectationsMap()[expectation] + '</div>';
+    html += '<div class=merge>WEBKIT MERGE</div>';
+    if (isLayoutTestResults()) {
+      html += '</div><br style="clear:both">' +
+          '</div><h3>Test expectatons fallback order.</h3>';
+      for (var platform in g_fallbacksMap)
+          html += '<div class=fallback-header>' + platform + '</div>' + htmlForFallbackHelp(g_fallbacksMap[platform]);
+      html += '<div>TIMES:</div>' +
+          htmlForSlowTimes(MIN_SECONDS_FOR_SLOW_TEST) +
+          '<div>DEBUG TIMES:</div>' +
+          htmlForSlowTimes(MIN_SECONDS_FOR_SLOW_TEST_DEBUG);
+    }
+    legend.innerHTML = html;
+function htmlForSlowTimes(minTime)
+    return '<ul><li>&lt;1 second == !SLOW</li><li>&gt;1 second && &lt;' +
+        minTime + ' seconds == SLOW || !SLOW is fine</li><li>&gt;' +
+        minTime + ' seconds == SLOW</li></ul>';
+function postHeightChangedMessage()
+    if (window == parent)
+        return;
+    var root = document.documentElement;
+    var height = root.offsetHeight;
+    if (root.offsetWidth < root.scrollWidth) {
+        // We have a horizontal scrollbar. Include it in the height.
+        var dummyNode = document.createElement('div');
+ = 'scroll';
+        document.body.appendChild(dummyNode);
+        var scrollbarWidth = dummyNode.offsetHeight - dummyNode.clientHeight;
+        document.body.removeChild(dummyNode);
+        height += scrollbarWidth;
+    }
+    parent.postMessage({command: 'heightChanged', height: height}, '*')
+if (window != parent)
+    window.addEventListener('blur', hidePopup);
+document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
+    if (e.keyIdentifier == 'U+003F' || e.keyIdentifier == 'U+00BF') {
+        // WebKit MAC retursn 3F. WebKit WIN returns BF. This is a bug!
+        // ? key
+        showLegend();
+    } else if (e.keyIdentifier == 'U+001B') {
+        // escape key
+        hideLegend();
+        hidePopup();
+    }
+}, false);