More natural language friendly string matching in PreloadSupplier.

This is done by updating the StringCompare helper class to also provide
a comparison method that conforms to the STL requirements for less<>
predicates, and then wrapping this as an STL predicate.

(A portable default implementation of this is done through "clever" use
of RE2 to get UTF-8 capable string comparison. Users of the library can
override this with better/faster implementations.)

This will make PreloadSupplier able to match "ZÜRICH" and "Zürich". Yay!

Review URL:

git-svn-id: 38ededc0-08b8-5190-f2ac-b31f878777ad
6 files changed
tree: c699432b1f8a11589a84d417f77fbb2f75538872
  1. cpp/
  2. java/
  3. testdata/
  4. codereview.settings