Mips port of libyuv.  Includes functionality for convert, rotate, scale and memcpy.
TESTED=tested by mips
Review URL: https://webrtc-codereview.appspot.com/930005

git-svn-id: http://libyuv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@449 16f28f9a-4ce2-e073-06de-1de4eb20be90
diff --git a/source/row_mips.cc b/source/row_mips.cc
index 20f5a4f..df4542f 100644
--- a/source/row_mips.cc
+++ b/source/row_mips.cc
@@ -16,6 +16,13 @@
 #if !defined(YUV_DISABLE_ASM) && defined(__mips__)
+#if defined HAS_COPYROW_MIPS
+extern "C" void  memcpy_MIPS(uint8* dst, const uint8* src, int count);
+void CopyRow_MIPS(const uint8* src, uint8* dst, int count) {
+  memcpy_MIPS(dst, src, count);
 void SplitUV_MIPS_DSPR2(const uint8* src_uv, uint8* dst_u, uint8* dst_v,
                         int width) {
@@ -166,6 +173,400 @@
+void MirrorRow_MIPS_DSPR2(const uint8* src, uint8* dst, int width) {
+  __asm__ __volatile__ (
+      ".set push                             \n"
+      ".set noreorder                        \n"
+      "srl       $t4, %[width], 4            \n"  // multiplies of 16
+      "andi      $t5, %[width], 0xf          \n"
+      "blez      $t4, 2f                     \n"
+      " addu     %[src], %[src], %[width]    \n"  // src += width
+    "1:                                      \n"
+      "lw        $t0, -16(%[src])            \n"  // |3|2|1|0|
+      "lw        $t1, -12(%[src])            \n"  // |7|6|5|4|
+      "lw        $t2, -8(%[src])             \n"  // |11|10|9|8|
+      "lw        $t3, -4(%[src])             \n"  // |15|14|13|12|
+      "wsbh      $t0, $t0                    \n"  // |2|3|0|1|
+      "wsbh      $t1, $t1                    \n"  // |6|7|4|5|
+      "wsbh      $t2, $t2                    \n"  // |10|11|8|9|
+      "wsbh      $t3, $t3                    \n"  // |14|15|12|13|
+      "rotr      $t0, $t0, 16                \n"  // |0|1|2|3|
+      "rotr      $t1, $t1, 16                \n"  // |4|5|6|7|
+      "rotr      $t2, $t2, 16                \n"  // |8|9|10|11|
+      "rotr      $t3, $t3, 16                \n"  // |12|13|14|15|
+      "addiu     %[src], %[src], -16         \n"
+      "addiu     $t4, $t4, -1                \n"
+      "sw        $t3, 0(%[dst])              \n"  // |15|14|13|12|
+      "sw        $t2, 4(%[dst])              \n"  // |11|10|9|8|
+      "sw        $t1, 8(%[dst])              \n"  // |7|6|5|4|
+      "sw        $t0, 12(%[dst])             \n"  // |3|2|1|0|
+      "bgtz      $t4, 1b                     \n"
+      " addiu    %[dst], %[dst], 16          \n"
+      "beqz      $t5, 3f                     \n"
+      " nop                                  \n"
+    "2:                                      \n"
+      "lbu       $t0, -1(%[src])             \n"
+      "addiu     $t5, $t5, -1                \n"
+      "addiu     %[src], %[src], -1          \n"
+      "sb        $t0, 0(%[dst])              \n"
+      "bgez      $t5, 2b                     \n"
+      " addiu    %[dst], %[dst], 1           \n"
+    "3:                                      \n"
+      ".set pop                              \n"
+      : [src] "+r" (src), [dst] "+r" (dst)
+      : [width] "r" (width)
+      : "t0", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4", "t5"
+  );
+void MirrorRowUV_MIPS_DSPR2(const uint8* src_uv, uint8* dst_u, uint8* dst_v,
+                            int width) {
+  int x = 0;
+  int y = 0;
+  __asm__ __volatile__ (
+      ".set push                                    \n"
+      ".set noreorder                               \n"
+      "addu            $t4, %[width], %[width]      \n"
+      "srl             %[x], %[width], 4            \n"
+      "andi            %[y], %[width], 0xf          \n"
+      "blez            %[x], 2f                     \n"
+      " addu           %[src_uv], %[src_uv], $t4    \n"
+    "1:                                             \n"
+      "lw              $t0, -32(%[src_uv])          \n"  // |3|2|1|0|
+      "lw              $t1, -28(%[src_uv])          \n"  // |7|6|5|4|
+      "lw              $t2, -24(%[src_uv])          \n"  // |11|10|9|8|
+      "lw              $t3, -20(%[src_uv])          \n"  // |15|14|13|12|
+      "lw              $t4, -16(%[src_uv])          \n"  // |19|18|17|16|
+      "lw              $t6, -12(%[src_uv])          \n"  // |23|22|21|20|
+      "lw              $t7, -8(%[src_uv])           \n"  // |27|26|25|24|
+      "lw              $t8, -4(%[src_uv])           \n"  // |31|30|29|28|
+      "rotr            $t0, $t0, 16                 \n"  // |1|0|3|2|
+      "rotr            $t1, $t1, 16                 \n"  // |5|4|7|6|
+      "rotr            $t2, $t2, 16                 \n"  // |9|8|11|10|
+      "rotr            $t3, $t3, 16                 \n"  // |13|12|15|14|
+      "rotr            $t4, $t4, 16                 \n"  // |17|16|19|18|
+      "rotr            $t6, $t6, 16                 \n"  // |21|20|23|22|
+      "rotr            $t7, $t7, 16                 \n"  // |25|24|27|26|
+      "rotr            $t8, $t8, 16                 \n"  // |29|28|31|30|
+      "precr.qb.ph     $t9, $t0, $t1                \n"  // |0|2|4|6|
+      "precrq.qb.ph    $t5, $t0, $t1                \n"  // |1|3|5|7|
+      "precr.qb.ph     $t0, $t2, $t3                \n"  // |8|10|12|14|
+      "precrq.qb.ph    $t1, $t2, $t3                \n"  // |9|11|13|15|
+      "precr.qb.ph     $t2, $t4, $t6                \n"  // |16|18|20|22|
+      "precrq.qb.ph    $t3, $t4, $t6                \n"  // |17|19|21|23|
+      "precr.qb.ph     $t4, $t7, $t8                \n"  // |24|26|28|30|
+      "precrq.qb.ph    $t6, $t7, $t8                \n"  // |25|27|29|31|
+      "addiu           %[src_uv], %[src_uv], -32    \n"
+      "addiu           %[x], %[x], -1               \n"
+      "swr             $t4, 0(%[dst_u])             \n"
+      "swl             $t4, 3(%[dst_u])             \n"  // |30|28|26|24|
+      "swr             $t6, 0(%[dst_v])             \n"
+      "swl             $t6, 3(%[dst_v])             \n"  // |31|29|27|25|
+      "swr             $t2, 4(%[dst_u])             \n"
+      "swl             $t2, 7(%[dst_u])             \n"  // |22|20|18|16|
+      "swr             $t3, 4(%[dst_v])             \n"
+      "swl             $t3, 7(%[dst_v])             \n"  // |23|21|19|17|
+      "swr             $t0, 8(%[dst_u])             \n"
+      "swl             $t0, 11(%[dst_u])            \n"  // |14|12|10|8|
+      "swr             $t1, 8(%[dst_v])             \n"
+      "swl             $t1, 11(%[dst_v])            \n"  // |15|13|11|9|
+      "swr             $t9, 12(%[dst_u])            \n"
+      "swl             $t9, 15(%[dst_u])            \n"  // |6|4|2|0|
+      "swr             $t5, 12(%[dst_v])            \n"
+      "swl             $t5, 15(%[dst_v])            \n"  // |7|5|3|1|
+      "addiu           %[dst_v], %[dst_v], 16       \n"
+      "bgtz            %[x], 1b                     \n"
+      " addiu          %[dst_u], %[dst_u], 16       \n"
+      "beqz            %[y], 3f                     \n"
+      " nop                                         \n"
+      "b               2f                           \n"
+      " nop                                         \n"
+    "2:                                             \n"
+      "lbu             $t0, -2(%[src_uv])           \n"
+      "lbu             $t1, -1(%[src_uv])           \n"
+      "addiu           %[src_uv], %[src_uv], -2     \n"
+      "addiu           %[y], %[y], -1               \n"
+      "sb              $t0, 0(%[dst_u])             \n"
+      "sb              $t1, 0(%[dst_v])             \n"
+      "addiu           %[dst_u], %[dst_u], 1        \n"
+      "bgtz            %[y], 2b                     \n"
+      " addiu          %[dst_v], %[dst_v], 1        \n"
+    "3:                                             \n"
+      ".set pop                                     \n"
+      : [src_uv] "+r" (src_uv),
+        [dst_u] "+r" (dst_u),
+        [dst_v] "+r" (dst_v),
+        [x] "=&r" (x),
+        [y] "+r" (y)
+      : [width] "r" (width)
+      : "t0", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4",
+        "t5", "t7", "t8", "t9"
+  );
+// Convert (4 Y and 2 VU) I422 and arrange RGB values into
+// t5 = | 0 | B0 | 0 | b0 |
+// t4 = | 0 | B1 | 0 | b1 |
+// t9 = | 0 | G0 | 0 | g0 |
+// t8 = | 0 | G1 | 0 | g1 |
+// t2 = | 0 | R0 | 0 | r0 |
+// t1 = | 0 | R1 | 0 | r1 |
+#define I422ToTransientMipsRGB                                                 \
+        "lw                $t0, 0(%[y_buf])       \n"                          \
+        "lhu               $t1, 0(%[u_buf])       \n"                          \
+        "lhu               $t2, 0(%[v_buf])       \n"                          \
+        "preceu.ph.qbr     $t1, $t1               \n"                          \
+        "preceu.ph.qbr     $t2, $t2               \n"                          \
+        "preceu.ph.qbra    $t3, $t0               \n"                          \
+        "preceu.ph.qbla    $t0, $t0               \n"                          \
+        "subu.ph           $t1, $t1, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "subu.ph           $t2, $t2, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "subu.ph           $t3, $t3, $s4          \n"                          \
+        "subu.ph           $t0, $t0, $s4          \n"                          \
+        "mul.ph            $t3, $t3, $s0          \n"                          \
+        "mul.ph            $t0, $t0, $s0          \n"                          \
+        "shll.ph           $t4, $t1, 0x7          \n"                          \
+        "subu.ph           $t4, $t4, $t1          \n"                          \
+        "mul.ph            $t6, $t1, $s1          \n"                          \
+        "mul.ph            $t1, $t2, $s2          \n"                          \
+        "addq_s.ph         $t5, $t4, $t3          \n"                          \
+        "addq_s.ph         $t4, $t4, $t0          \n"                          \
+        "shra.ph           $t5, $t5, 6            \n"                          \
+        "shra.ph           $t4, $t4, 6            \n"                          \
+        "addiu             %[u_buf], 2            \n"                          \
+        "addiu             %[v_buf], 2            \n"                          \
+        "addu.ph           $t6, $t6, $t1          \n"                          \
+        "mul.ph            $t1, $t2, $s3          \n"                          \
+        "addu.ph           $t9, $t6, $t3          \n"                          \
+        "addu.ph           $t8, $t6, $t0          \n"                          \
+        "shra.ph           $t9, $t9, 6            \n"                          \
+        "shra.ph           $t8, $t8, 6            \n"                          \
+        "addu.ph           $t2, $t1, $t3          \n"                          \
+        "addu.ph           $t1, $t1, $t0          \n"                          \
+        "shra.ph           $t2, $t2, 6            \n"                          \
+        "shra.ph           $t1, $t1, 6            \n"                          \
+        "subu.ph           $t5, $t5, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "subu.ph           $t4, $t4, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "subu.ph           $t9, $t9, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "subu.ph           $t8, $t8, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "subu.ph           $t2, $t2, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "subu.ph           $t1, $t1, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "shll_s.ph         $t5, $t5, 8            \n"                          \
+        "shll_s.ph         $t4, $t4, 8            \n"                          \
+        "shll_s.ph         $t9, $t9, 8            \n"                          \
+        "shll_s.ph         $t8, $t8, 8            \n"                          \
+        "shll_s.ph         $t2, $t2, 8            \n"                          \
+        "shll_s.ph         $t1, $t1, 8            \n"                          \
+        "shra.ph           $t5, $t5, 8            \n"                          \
+        "shra.ph           $t4, $t4, 8            \n"                          \
+        "shra.ph           $t9, $t9, 8            \n"                          \
+        "shra.ph           $t8, $t8, 8            \n"                          \
+        "shra.ph           $t2, $t2, 8            \n"                          \
+        "shra.ph           $t1, $t1, 8            \n"                          \
+        "addu.ph           $t5, $t5, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "addu.ph           $t4, $t4, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "addu.ph           $t9, $t9, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "addu.ph           $t8, $t8, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "addu.ph           $t2, $t2, $s5          \n"                          \
+        "addu.ph           $t1, $t1, $s5          \n"
+void I422ToARGBRow_MIPS_DSPR2(const uint8* y_buf,
+                              const uint8* u_buf,
+                              const uint8* v_buf,
+                              uint8* rgb_buf,
+                              int width) {
+  __asm__ __volatile__ (
+      ".set push                                \n"
+      ".set noreorder                           \n"
+      "beqz              %[width], 2f           \n"
+      " repl.ph          $s0, 74                \n"  // |YG|YG| = |74|74|
+      "repl.ph           $s1, -25               \n"  // |UG|UG| = |-25|-25|
+      "repl.ph           $s2, -52               \n"  // |VG|VG| = |-52|-52|
+      "repl.ph           $s3, 102               \n"  // |VR|VR| = |102|102|
+      "repl.ph           $s4, 16                \n"  // |0|16|0|16|
+      "repl.ph           $s5, 128               \n"  // |128|128| // clipping
+      "lui               $s6, 0xff00            \n"
+      "ori               $s6, 0xff00            \n"  // |ff|00|ff|00|ff|
+    "1:                                         \n"
+      I422ToTransientMipsRGB
+// Arranging into argb format
+      "precr.qb.ph       $t4, $t8, $t4          \n"  // |G1|g1|B1|b1|
+      "precr.qb.ph       $t5, $t9, $t5          \n"  // |G0|g0|B0|b0|
+      "addiu             %[width], -4           \n"
+      "precrq.qb.ph      $t8, $t4, $t5          \n"  // |G1|B1|G0|B0|
+      "precr.qb.ph       $t9, $t4, $t5          \n"  // |g1|b1|g0|b0|
+      "precr.qb.ph       $t2, $t1, $t2          \n"  // |R1|r1|R0|r0|
+      "addiu             %[y_buf], 4            \n"
+      "preceu.ph.qbla    $t1, $t2               \n"  // |0 |R1|0 |R0|
+      "preceu.ph.qbra    $t2, $t2               \n"  // |0 |r1|0 |r0|
+      "or                $t1, $t1, $s6          \n"  // |ff|R1|ff|R0|
+      "or                $t2, $t2, $s6          \n"  // |ff|r1|ff|r0|
+      "precrq.ph.w       $t0, $t2, $t9          \n"  // |ff|r1|g1|b1|
+      "precrq.ph.w       $t3, $t1, $t8          \n"  // |ff|R1|G1|B1|
+      "sll               $t9, $t9, 16           \n"
+      "sll               $t8, $t8, 16           \n"
+      "packrl.ph         $t2, $t2, $t9          \n"  // |ff|r0|g0|b0|
+      "packrl.ph         $t1, $t1, $t8          \n"  // |ff|R0|G0|B0|
+// Store results.
+      "sw                $t2, 0(%[rgb_buf])     \n"
+      "sw                $t0, 4(%[rgb_buf])     \n"
+      "sw                $t1, 8(%[rgb_buf])     \n"
+      "sw                $t3, 12(%[rgb_buf])    \n"
+      "bnez              %[width], 1b           \n"
+      " addiu            %[rgb_buf], 16         \n"
+    "2:                                         \n"
+      ".set pop                                 \n"
+      :[y_buf] "+r" (y_buf),
+       [u_buf] "+r" (u_buf),
+       [v_buf] "+r" (v_buf),
+       [width] "+r" (width),
+       [rgb_buf] "+r" (rgb_buf)
+      :
+      : "t0", "t1",  "t2", "t3",  "t4", "t5",
+        "t6", "t7", "t8", "t9",
+        "s0", "s1", "s2", "s3",
+        "s4", "s5", "s6"
+  );
+void I422ToABGRRow_MIPS_DSPR2(const uint8* y_buf,
+                              const uint8* u_buf,
+                              const uint8* v_buf,
+                              uint8* rgb_buf,
+                              int width) {
+  __asm__ __volatile__ (
+      ".set push                                \n\t"
+      ".set noreorder                           \n\t"
+      "beqz              %[width], 2f           \n\t"
+      " repl.ph          $s0, 74                \n\t"  // |YG|YG| = |74|74|
+      "repl.ph           $s1, -25               \n\t"  // |UG|UG| = |-25|-25|
+      "repl.ph           $s2, -52               \n\t"  // |VG|VG| = |-52|-52|
+      "repl.ph           $s3, 102               \n\t"  // |VR|VR| = |102|102|
+      "repl.ph           $s4, 16                \n\t"  // |0|16|0|16|
+      "repl.ph           $s5, 128               \n\t"  // |128|128|
+      "lui               $s6, 0xff00            \n\t"
+      "ori               $s6, 0xff00            \n\t"  // |ff|00|ff|00|
+    "1:                                         \n"
+      I422ToTransientMipsRGB
+// Arranging into abgr format
+      "precr.qb.ph      $t0, $t8, $t1           \n\t"  // |G1|g1|R1|r1|
+      "precr.qb.ph      $t3, $t9, $t2           \n\t"  // |G0|g0|R0|r0|
+      "precrq.qb.ph     $t8, $t0, $t3           \n\t"  // |G1|R1|G0|R0|
+      "precr.qb.ph      $t9, $t0, $t3           \n\t"  // |g1|r1|g0|r0|
+      "precr.qb.ph       $t2, $t4, $t5          \n\t"  // |B1|b1|B0|b0|
+      "addiu             %[width], -4           \n\t"
+      "addiu             %[y_buf], 4            \n\t"
+      "preceu.ph.qbla    $t1, $t2               \n\t"  // |0 |B1|0 |B0|
+      "preceu.ph.qbra    $t2, $t2               \n\t"  // |0 |b1|0 |b0|
+      "or                $t1, $t1, $s6          \n\t"  // |ff|B1|ff|B0|
+      "or                $t2, $t2, $s6          \n\t"  // |ff|b1|ff|b0|
+      "precrq.ph.w       $t0, $t2, $t9          \n\t"  // |ff|b1|g1|r1|
+      "precrq.ph.w       $t3, $t1, $t8          \n\t"  // |ff|B1|G1|R1|
+      "sll               $t9, $t9, 16           \n\t"
+      "sll               $t8, $t8, 16           \n\t"
+      "packrl.ph         $t2, $t2, $t9          \n\t"  // |ff|b0|g0|r0|
+      "packrl.ph         $t1, $t1, $t8          \n\t"  // |ff|B0|G0|R0|
+// Store results.
+      "sw                $t2, 0(%[rgb_buf])     \n\t"
+      "sw                $t0, 4(%[rgb_buf])     \n\t"
+      "sw                $t1, 8(%[rgb_buf])     \n\t"
+      "sw                $t3, 12(%[rgb_buf])    \n\t"
+      "bnez              %[width], 1b           \n\t"
+      " addiu            %[rgb_buf], 16         \n\t"
+    "2:                                         \n\t"
+      ".set pop                                 \n\t"
+      :[y_buf] "+r" (y_buf),
+       [u_buf] "+r" (u_buf),
+       [v_buf] "+r" (v_buf),
+       [width] "+r" (width),
+       [rgb_buf] "+r" (rgb_buf)
+      :
+      : "t0", "t1",  "t2", "t3",  "t4", "t5",
+        "t6", "t7", "t8", "t9",
+        "s0", "s1", "s2", "s3",
+        "s4", "s5", "s6"
+  );
+void I422ToBGRARow_MIPS_DSPR2(const uint8* y_buf,
+                              const uint8* u_buf,
+                              const uint8* v_buf,
+                              uint8* rgb_buf,
+                              int width) {
+  __asm__ __volatile__ (
+      ".set push                                \n"
+      ".set noreorder                           \n"
+      "beqz              %[width], 2f           \n"
+      " repl.ph          $s0, 74                \n"  // |YG|YG| = |74 |74 |
+      "repl.ph           $s1, -25               \n"  // |UG|UG| = |-25|-25|
+      "repl.ph           $s2, -52               \n"  // |VG|VG| = |-52|-52|
+      "repl.ph           $s3, 102               \n"  // |VR|VR| = |102|102|
+      "repl.ph           $s4, 16                \n"  // |0|16|0|16|
+      "repl.ph           $s5, 128               \n"  // |128|128|
+      "lui               $s6, 0xff              \n"
+      "ori               $s6, 0xff              \n"  // |00|ff|00|ff|
+    "1:                                         \n"
+      I422ToTransientMipsRGB
+      // Arranging into bgra format
+      "precr.qb.ph      $t4, $t4, $t8           \n"  // |B1|b1|G1|g1|
+      "precr.qb.ph      $t5, $t5, $t9           \n"  // |B0|b0|G0|g0|
+      "precrq.qb.ph     $t8, $t4, $t5           \n"  // |B1|G1|B0|G0|
+      "precr.qb.ph      $t9, $t4, $t5           \n"  // |b1|g1|b0|g0|
+      "precr.qb.ph       $t2, $t1, $t2          \n"  // |R1|r1|R0|r0|
+      "addiu             %[width], -4           \n"
+      "addiu             %[y_buf], 4            \n"
+      "preceu.ph.qbla    $t1, $t2               \n"  // |0 |R1|0 |R0|
+      "preceu.ph.qbra    $t2, $t2               \n"  // |0 |r1|0 |r0|
+      "sll               $t1, $t1, 8            \n"  // |R1|0 |R0|0 |
+      "sll               $t2, $t2, 8            \n"  // |r1|0 |r0|0 |
+      "or                $t1, $t1, $s6          \n"  // |R1|ff|R0|ff|
+      "or                $t2, $t2, $s6          \n"  // |r1|ff|r0|ff|
+      "precrq.ph.w       $t0, $t9, $t2          \n"  // |b1|g1|r1|ff|
+      "precrq.ph.w       $t3, $t8, $t1          \n"  // |B1|G1|R1|ff|
+      "sll               $t1, $t1, 16           \n"
+      "sll               $t2, $t2, 16           \n"
+      "packrl.ph         $t2, $t9, $t2          \n"  // |b0|g0|r0|ff|
+      "packrl.ph         $t1, $t8, $t1          \n"  // |B0|G0|R0|ff|
+// Store results.
+      "sw                $t2, 0(%[rgb_buf])     \n"
+      "sw                $t0, 4(%[rgb_buf])     \n"
+      "sw                $t1, 8(%[rgb_buf])     \n"
+      "sw                $t3, 12(%[rgb_buf])    \n"
+      "bnez              %[width], 1b           \n"
+      " addiu            %[rgb_buf], 16         \n"
+    "2:                                         \n"
+      ".set pop                                 \n"
+      :[y_buf] "+r" (y_buf),
+       [u_buf] "+r" (u_buf),
+       [v_buf] "+r" (v_buf),
+       [width] "+r" (width),
+       [rgb_buf] "+r" (rgb_buf)
+      :
+      : "t0", "t1",  "t2", "t3",  "t4", "t5",
+        "t6", "t7", "t8", "t9",
+        "s0", "s1", "s2", "s3",
+        "s4", "s5", "s6"
+  );
 #endif  // __mips__
 #ifdef __cplusplus