Update Opus to 1.0.2.

This update contains improvements for PLC, and various other fixes.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/12388030

git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/deps/third_party/opus@185324 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
diff --git a/silk/resampler_rom.c b/silk/resampler_rom.c
index a09d188..b50af2e 100644
--- a/silk/resampler_rom.c
+++ b/silk/resampler_rom.c
@@ -34,18 +34,10 @@
 #include "resampler_private.h"
-/* Tables for 2x downsampler */
-const opus_int16 silk_resampler_down2_0 = 9872;
-const opus_int16 silk_resampler_down2_1 = 39809 - 65536;
-/* Tables for 2x upsampler, high quality */
-const opus_int16 silk_resampler_up2_hq_0[ 3 ] = { 1746, 14986, 39083 - 65536 };
-const opus_int16 silk_resampler_up2_hq_1[ 3 ] = { 6854, 25769, 55542 - 65536 };
 /* Matlab code for the notch filter coefficients: */
 /* B = [1, 0.147, 1];  A = [1, 0.107, 0.89]; G = 0.93; freqz(G * B, A, 2^14, 16e3); axis([0, 8000, -10, 1]) */
 /* fprintf('\t%6d, %6d, %6d, %6d\n', round(B(2)*2^16), round(-A(2)*2^16), round((1-A(3))*2^16), round(G*2^15)) */
-const opus_int16 silk_resampler_up2_hq_notch[ 4 ] = { 9634,  -7012,   7209,  30474 };
+/* const opus_int16 silk_resampler_up2_hq_notch[ 4 ] = { 9634,  -7012,   7209,  30474 }; */
 /* Tables with IIR and FIR coefficients for fractional downsamplers (123 Words) */
 silk_DWORD_ALIGN const opus_int16 silk_Resampler_3_4_COEFS[ 2 + 3 * RESAMPLER_DOWN_ORDER_FIR0 / 2 ] = {