Support stand-alone build.

Separated gyp file for chromium build and stand-alone build.
A test tool (idempotent) would be able to build on Windows by applying this CL.

TEST=Executed idempotent.exe with some malformed/unmalformed fonts and ensured the results. 

git-svn-id: a4e77c2c-9104-11de-800e-5b313e0d2bf3
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 232307e..48408bf 100644
@@ -3,3 +3,23 @@
  $ cd ots/test/
  $ sudo apt-get install scons g++ libfreetype6-dev
  $ scons
+How to build (on Windows) (experimental):
+  1. Download zlib compiled DLL from and install them
+     following the instruction described in the document.
+  2. Install gyp (Generate Your Projects) from
+     You will need a subversion client to install gyp.
+     See to install gyp.
+  3. Generate MSVS project file.
+    $ gyp --depth=. -f msvs ots-standalone.gyp
+  4. Open the generated project file (ots-standalone.sln) and build it.
+     Make sure that zlib.h and zconf.h are located in a directory found in
+     the INCLUDE path list.
+  5. Test binary (only idempotent.exe for now) will be located in Default/
+     directory.