initial commit.

git-svn-id: a4e77c2c-9104-11de-800e-5b313e0d2bf3
diff --git a/src/ots.h b/src/ots.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d026d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ots.h
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef OTS_H_
+#define OTS_H_
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include "opentype-sanitiser.h"
+namespace ots {
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || !defined(OTS_DEBUG)
+#define OTS_FAILURE() false
+#define OTS_FAILURE() ots::Failure(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
+bool Failure(const char *f, int l, const char *fn);
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+// MSVC supports C99 style variadic macros.
+#define OTS_WARNING(format, ...)
+// GCC
+#if defined(OTS_DEBUG)
+#define OTS_WARNING(format, args...) \
+    ots::Warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, format, ##args)
+void Warning(const char *f, int l, const char *format, ...)
+     __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4)));
+#define OTS_WARNING(format, args...)
+// want to omit TrueType hinting instructions and variables in glyf, fpgm, prep,
+// and cvt tables.
+const bool g_transcode_hints = false;
+const bool g_transcode_hints = true;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Buffer helper class
+// This class perform some trival buffer operations while checking for
+// out-of-bounds errors. As a family they return false if anything is amiss,
+// updating the current offset otherwise.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Buffer {
+ public:
+  Buffer(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t len)
+      : buffer_(buffer),
+        length_(len),
+        offset_(0) { }
+  bool Skip(size_t n_bytes) {
+    return Read(NULL, n_bytes);
+  }
+  bool Read(uint8_t *buffer, size_t n_bytes) {
+    if (n_bytes > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
+      return OTS_FAILURE();
+    }
+    if ((offset_ + n_bytes > length_) ||
+        (offset_ > length_ - n_bytes)) {
+      return OTS_FAILURE();
+    }
+    if (buffer) {
+      std::memcpy(buffer, buffer_ + offset_, n_bytes);
+    }
+    offset_ += n_bytes;
+    return true;
+  }
+  inline bool ReadU8(uint8_t *value) {
+    if (offset_ + 1 > length_) {
+      return OTS_FAILURE();
+    }
+    *value = buffer_[offset_];
+    ++offset_;
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool ReadU16(uint16_t *value) {
+    if (offset_ + 2 > length_) {
+      return OTS_FAILURE();
+    }
+    std::memcpy(value, buffer_ + offset_, sizeof(uint16_t));
+    *value = ntohs(*value);
+    offset_ += 2;
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool ReadS16(int16_t *value) {
+    return ReadU16(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(value));
+  }
+  bool ReadU32(uint32_t *value) {
+    if (offset_ + 4 > length_) {
+      return OTS_FAILURE();
+    }
+    std::memcpy(value, buffer_ + offset_, sizeof(uint32_t));
+    *value = ntohl(*value);
+    offset_ += 4;
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool ReadS32(int32_t *value) {
+    return ReadU32(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(value));
+  }
+  bool ReadTag(uint32_t *value) {
+    if (offset_ + 4 > length_) {
+      return OTS_FAILURE();
+    }
+    std::memcpy(value, buffer_ + offset_, sizeof(uint32_t));
+    offset_ += 4;
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool ReadR64(uint64_t *value) {
+    if (offset_ + 8 > length_) {
+      return OTS_FAILURE();
+    }
+    std::memcpy(value, buffer_ + offset_, sizeof(uint64_t));
+    offset_ += 8;
+    return true;
+  }
+  size_t offset() const { return offset_; }
+  size_t length() const { return length_; }
+  void set_offset(size_t newoffset) { offset_ = newoffset; }
+ private:
+  const uint8_t * const buffer_;
+  const size_t length_;
+  size_t offset_;
+  F(cff, CFF) \
+  F(cmap, CMAP) \
+  F(cvt, CVT) \
+  F(fpgm, FPGM) \
+  F(gasp, GASP) \
+  F(glyf, GLYF) \
+  F(hdmx, HDMX) \
+  F(head, HEAD) \
+  F(hhea, HHEA) \
+  F(hmtx, HMTX) \
+  F(loca, LOCA) \
+  F(ltsh, LTSH) \
+  F(maxp, MAXP) \
+  F(name, NAME) \
+  F(os2, OS2) \
+  F(post, POST) \
+  F(prep, PREP) \
+  F(vdmx, VDMX) \
+  F(vorg, VORG)
+#define F(name, capname) struct OpenType##capname;
+#undef F
+struct OpenTypeFile {
+  OpenTypeFile() {
+#define F(name, capname) name = NULL;
+#undef F
+  }
+  uint32_t version;
+  uint16_t num_tables;
+  uint16_t search_range;
+  uint16_t entry_selector;
+  uint16_t range_shift;
+#define F(name, capname) OpenType##capname *name;
+#undef F
+}  // namespace ots
+#endif  // OTS_H_