blob: 9a37d9bc5fe7dcc2f7f41eed76e45b81d059b850 [file] [log] [blame]
/* include/corecg/SkInterpolator.h
** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#ifndef SkInterpolator_DEFINED
#define SkInterpolator_DEFINED
#include "SkMath.h"
class SkInterpolatorBase {
enum Result {
void reset(int elemCount, int frameCount);
/** Return the start and end time for this interpolator.
If there are no key frames, return false.
@param startTime If no nil, returns the time (in milliseconds) of the
first keyframe. If there are no keyframes, this parameter
is ignored (left unchanged).
@param endTime If no nil, returns the time (in milliseconds) of the
last keyframe. If there are no keyframes, this parameter
is ignored (left unchanged).
@return True if there are key frames, or false if there are none.
bool getDuration(SkMSec* startTime, SkMSec* endTime) const;
/** Set the whether the repeat is mirrored.
@param If true, the odd repeats interpolate from the last key frame and the first.
void setMirror(bool mirror) { fFlags = SkToU8(fFlags & ~kMirror | (int) mirror); }
/** Set the repeat count. The repeat count may be fractional.
@param repeatCount Multiplies the total time by this scalar.
void setRepeatCount(SkScalar repeatCount) { fRepeat = repeatCount; }
/** Set the whether the repeat is mirrored.
@param If true, the odd repeats interpolate from the last key frame and the first.
void setReset(bool reset) { fFlags = SkToU8(fFlags & ~kReset | (int) reset); }
Result timeToT(SkMSec time, SkScalar* T, int* index, SkBool* exact) const;
enum Flags {
kMirror = 1,
kReset = 2,
kHasBlend = 4
static SkScalar ComputeRelativeT(SkMSec time, SkMSec prevTime, SkMSec nextTime, const SkScalar blend[4] = NULL);
int16_t fFrameCount;
uint8_t fElemCount;
uint8_t fFlags;
SkScalar fRepeat;
struct SkTimeCode {
SkMSec fTime;
SkScalar fBlend[4];
SkTimeCode* fTimes; // pointer into fStorage
void* fStorage;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
SkTimeCode(* fTimesArray)[10];
class SkInterpolator : public SkInterpolatorBase {
SkInterpolator(int elemCount, int frameCount);
void reset(int elemCount, int frameCount);
/** Add or replace a key frame, copying the values[] data into the interpolator.
@param index The index of this frame (frames must be ordered by time)
@param time The millisecond time for this frame
@param values The array of values [elemCount] for this frame. The data is copied
into the interpolator.
@param blend A positive scalar specifying how to blend between this and the next key frame.
[0...1) is a cubic lag/log/lag blend (slow to change at the beginning and end)
1 is a linear blend (default)
bool setKeyFrame(int index, SkMSec time, const SkScalar values[], const SkScalar blend[4] = NULL);
Result timeToValues(SkMSec time, SkScalar values[]) const;
SkDEBUGCODE(static void UnitTest();)
SkScalar* fValues; // pointer into fStorage
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
SkScalar(* fScalarsArray)[10];
typedef SkInterpolatorBase INHERITED;
/** Given all the parameters are [0...1], apply the cubic specified by (0,0) (bx,by) (cx,cy) (1,1)
to value, returning the answer, also [0...1].
SkScalar SkUnitCubicInterp(SkScalar value, SkScalar bx, SkScalar by, SkScalar cx, SkScalar cy);