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/* include/corecg/SkMath.h
** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#ifndef SkMath_DEFINED
#define SkMath_DEFINED
#include "SkTypes.h"
/** \file SkMath.h
This file defines various math types and functions. It also introduces
SkScalar, the type used to describe fractional values and coordinates.
SkScalar is defined at compile time to be either an IEEE float, or a
16.16 fixed point integer. Various macros and functions in SkMath.h
allow arithmetic operations to be performed on SkScalars without known
which representation is being used. e.g. SkScalarMul(a, b) multiplies
two SkScalar values, and returns a SkScalar, and this works with either
float or fixed implementations.
int SkCLZ_portable(uint32_t); //<! Returns the number of leading zero bits (0...32)
/** Computes the 64bit product of a * b, and then shifts the answer down by
shift bits, returning the low 32bits. shift must be [0..63]
e.g. to perform a fixedmul, call SkMulShift(a, b, 16)
int32_t SkMulShift(int32_t a, int32_t b, unsigned shift);
/** Computes numer1 * numer2 / denom in full 64 intermediate precision.
It is an error for denom to be 0. There is no special handling if
the result overflows 32bits.
int32_t SkMulDiv(int32_t numer1, int32_t numer2, int32_t denom);
/** Computes (numer1 << shift) / denom in full 64 intermediate precision.
It is an error for denom to be 0. There is no special handling if
the result overflows 32bits.
int32_t SkDivBits(int32_t numer, int32_t denom, int shift);
int32_t SkSqrtBits(int32_t value, int bits);
#define SkSqrt32(n) SkSqrtBits(n, 15)
int32_t SkCubeRootBits(int32_t value, int bits);
/** Returns -1 if n < 0, else returns 0
#define SkExtractSign(n) ((int32_t)(n) >> 31)
/** If sign == -1, returns -n, else sign must be 0, and returns n.
Typically used in conjunction with SkExtractSign().
inline int32_t SkApplySign(int32_t n, int32_t sign)
SkASSERT(sign == 0 || sign == -1);
return (n ^ sign) - sign;
/** Returns max(value, 0)
inline int SkClampPos(int value)
return value & ~(value >> 31);
/** Given an integer and a positive (max) integer, return the value
pinned against 0 and max, inclusive.
Note: only works as long as max - value doesn't wrap around
@param value The value we want returned pinned between [0...max]
@param max The positive max value
@return 0 if value < 0, max if value > max, else value
inline int SkClampMax(int value, int max)
// ensure that max is positive
SkASSERT(max >= 0);
// ensure that if value is negative, max - value doesn't wrap around
SkASSERT(value >= 0 || max - value > 0);
if (value < 0)
value = 0;
if (value > max)
value = max;
return value;
int diff = max - value;
// clear diff if diff is positive
diff &= diff >> 31;
// clear the result if value < 0
return (value + diff) & ~(value >> 31);
/** Given a positive value and a positive max, return the value
pinned against max.
Note: only works as long as max - value doesn't wrap around
@return max if value >= max, else value
inline unsigned SkClampUMax(unsigned value, unsigned max)
if (value > max)
value = max;
return value;
int diff = max - value;
// clear diff if diff is positive
diff &= diff >> 31;
return value + diff;
#if defined(__arm__)
#define SkCLZ(x) __builtin_clz(x)
#ifndef SkCLZ
#define SkCLZ(x) SkCLZ_portable(x)
#include "SkFixed.h"
#include "SkScalar.h"
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
class SkMath {
static void UnitTest();