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/* include/graphics/SkPaint.h
** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#ifndef SkPaint_DEFINED
#define SkPaint_DEFINED
#include "SkColor.h"
#include "SkMath.h"
#include "SkPorterDuff.h"
class SkColorFilter;
struct SkGlyph;
class SkGlyphCache;
class SkMaskFilter;
class SkMatrix;
class SkPath;
class SkPathEffect;
class SkRasterizer;
class SkShader;
class SkTypeface;
class SkXfermode;
typedef const SkGlyph& (*SkGlyphCacheProc)(SkGlyphCache*, const char**);
/** \class SkPaint
The SkPaint class holds the style and color information about how to draw geometries, text and bitmaps.
class SkPaint {
SkPaint(const SkPaint& paint);
SkPaint& operator=(const SkPaint&);
friend int operator==(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b);
friend int operator!=(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) { return !(a == b); }
/** Restores the paint to its initial settings.
void reset();
/** FlagShift enum specifies the amount to bit-shift for a given flag setting.
Can be used to slide a boolean value into the correct position (e.g.
flags |= isAntiAlias << kAntiAlias_Shift;
enum FlagShift {
kAntiAlias_Shift, //!< bit position for the flag enabling antialiasing
kLinearText_Shift , //!< bit position for the flag enabling linear-text (no gridding)
kUnderlineText_Shift, //!< bit position for the flag enabling underline text
kStrikeThruText_Shift, //!< bit position for the flag enabling strike-thru text
kFakeBoldText_Shift, //!< bit position for the flag enabling fake-bold text
/** Flag enum specifies the bit values that are stored in the paint's flags.
enum Flag {
kAntiAlias_Flag = 1 << kAntiAlias_Shift, //!< bit mask for the flag enabling antialiasing
kLinearText_Flag = 1 << kLinearText_Shift, //!< bit mask for the flag enabling linear-text (no gridding)
kUnderlineText_Flag = 1 << kUnderlineText_Shift, //!< bit mask for the flag enabling underline text
kStrikeThruText_Flag= 1 << kStrikeThruText_Shift, //!< bit mask for the flag enabling strike-thru text
kFakeBoldText_Flag = 1 << kFakeBoldText_Shift, //!< bit mask for the flag enabling fake-bold text
kLCDText_Flag = 1 << kLCDText_Shift,
kNativeHintsText_Flag = 1 << kNativeHintsText_Shift,
kAllFlags = (1 << kFlagShiftCount) - 1
/** Return the paint's flags. Use the Flag enum to test flag values.
@return the paint's flags (see enums ending in _Flag for bit masks)
uint32_t getFlags() const { return fFlags; }
/** Set the paint's flags. Use the Flag enum to specific flag values.
@param flags The new flag bits for the paint (see enums ending in _Flag for bit masks)
void setFlags(uint32_t flags);
/** Helper for getFlags(), returning true if kAntiAlias_Flag bit is set
@return true if the antialias bit is set in the paint's flags.
bool isAntiAliasOn() const { return SkToBool(this->getFlags() & kAntiAlias_Flag); }
/** Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the kAntiAlias_Flag bit
@param aa true to set the antialias bit in the flags, false to clear it
void setAntiAliasOn(bool aa);
/** Helper for getFlags(), returning true if kLinearText_Flag bit is set
@return true if the lineartext bit is set in the paint's flags
bool isLinearTextOn() const { return SkToBool(this->getFlags() & kLinearText_Flag); }
/** Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the kLinearText_Flag bit
@param linearText true to set the linearText bit in the paint's flags, false to clear it.
void setLinearTextOn(bool linearText);
/** Helper for getFlags(), returning true if kUnderlineText_Flag bit is set
@return true if the underlineText bit is set in the paint's flags.
bool isUnderlineTextOn() const { return SkToBool(this->getFlags() & kUnderlineText_Flag); }
/** Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the kUnderlineText_Flag bit
@param underlineText true to set the underlineText bit in the paint's flags, false to clear it.
void setUnderlineTextOn(bool underlineText);
/** Helper for getFlags(), returning true if kStrikeThruText_Flag bit is set
@return true if the strikeThruText bit is set in the paint's flags.
bool isStrikeThruTextOn() const { return SkToBool(this->getFlags() & kStrikeThruText_Flag); }
/** Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the kStrikeThruText_Flag bit
@param strikeThruText true to set the strikeThruText bit in the paint's flags, false to clear it.
void setStrikeThruTextOn(bool strikeThruText);
/** Helper for getFlags(), returning true if kFakeBoldText_Flag bit is set
@return true if the fakeBoldText bit is set in the paint's flags.
bool isFakeBoldTextOn() const { return SkToBool(this->getFlags() & kFakeBoldText_Flag); }
/** Helper for setFlags(), setting or clearing the kStrikeThruText_Flag bit
@param fakeBoldText true to set the fakeBoldText bit in the paint's flags, false to clear it.
void setFakeBoldTextOn(bool fakeBoldText);
/** Styles apply to rect, oval, path, and text.
Bitmaps are always drawn in "fill", and lines are always drawn in "stroke"
enum Style {
kFill_Style, //!< fill with the paint's color
kStroke_Style, //!< stroke with the paint's color
kStrokeAndFill_Style, //!< fill and stroke with the paint's color
kDefault_Style = kFill_Style, //!< the default style setting in the paint
/** Return the paint's style, used for controlling how primitives'
geometries are interpreted (except for drawBitmap, which always assumes
@return the paint's style setting (Fill, Stroke, StrokeAndFill)
Style getStyle() const { return (Style)fStyle; }
/** Set the paint's style, used for controlling how primitives'
geometries are interpreted (except for drawBitmap, which always assumes
@param style The new style to set in the paint (Fill, Stroke, StrokeAndFill)
void setStyle(Style style);
/** Return the paint's color. Note that the color is a 32bit value containing alpha
as well as r,g,b. This 32bit value is not premultiplied, meaning that
its alpha can be any value, regardless of the values of r,g,b.
@return the paint's color (and alpha).
SkColor getColor() const { return fColor; }
/** Helper to getColor() that just returns the color's alpha value.
@return the alpha component of the paint's color.
uint8_t getAlpha() const { return SkToU8(SkColorGetA(fColor)); }
/** Set the paint's color. Note that the color is a 32bit value containing alpha
as well as r,g,b. This 32bit value is not premultiplied, meaning that
its alpha can be any value, regardless of the values of r,g,b.
@param color The new color (including alpha) to set in the paint.
void setColor(SkColor color);
/** Helper to setColor(), that only assigns the color's alpha value, leaving its
r,g,b values unchanged.
@param a set the alpha component (0..255) of the paint's color.
void setAlpha(U8CPU a);
/** Helper to setColor(), that takes a,r,g,b and constructs the color value using SkColorSetARGB()
@param a The new alpha component (0..255) of the paint's color.
@param r The new red component (0..255) of the paint's color.
@param g The new green component (0..255) of the paint's color.
@param b The new blue component (0..255) of the paint's color.
void setARGB(U8CPU a, U8CPU r, U8CPU g, U8CPU b);
/** Return the width for stroking.
<p />
A value of 0 strokes in hairline mode.
Hairlines always draws a single pixel independent of the canva's matrix.
@return the paint's stroke width, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
SkScalar getStrokeWidth() const { return fWidth; }
/** Set the width for stroking.
Pass 0 to stroke in hairline mode.
Hairlines always draws a single pixel independent of the canva's matrix.
@param width set the paint's stroke width, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
void setStrokeWidth(SkScalar width);
/** Return the paint's stroke miter value. This is used to control the behavior
of miter joins when the joins angle is sharp.
@return the paint's miter limit, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
SkScalar getStrokeMiter() const { return fMiterLimit; }
/** Set the paint's stroke miter value. This is used to control the behavior
of miter joins when the joins angle is sharp. This value must be >= 0.
@param miter set the miter limit on the paint, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
void setStrokeMiter(SkScalar miter);
/** Cap enum specifies the settings for the paint's strokecap. This is the treatment
that is applied to the beginning and end of each non-closed contour (e.g. lines).
enum Cap {
kButt_Cap, //!< begin and end a contour with no extension
kRound_Cap, //!< begin and end a contour with a semi-circle extension
kSquare_Cap, //!< begin and end a contour with a half square extension
kDefault_Cap = kButt_Cap
/** Join enum specifies the settings for the paint's strokejoin. This is the treatment
that is applied to corners in paths and rectangles.
enum Join {
kMiter_Join, //!< connect path segments with a sharp join (respects miter-limit)
kRound_Join, //!< connect path segments with a round join
kBevel_Join, //!< connect path segments with a flat bevel join
kDefault_Join = kMiter_Join
/** Return the paint's stroke cap type, controlling how the start and end of stroked lines and paths
are treated.
@return the line cap style for the paint, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
Cap getStrokeCap() const { return (Cap)fCapType; }
/** Set the paint's stroke cap type.
@param cap set the paint's line cap style, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
void setStrokeCap(Cap cap);
/** Return the paint's stroke join type.
@return the paint's line join style, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
Join getStrokeJoin() const { return (Join)fJoinType; }
/** Set the paint's stroke join type.
@param join set the paint's line join style, used whenever the paint's style is Stroke or StrokeAndFill.
void setStrokeJoin(Join join);
/** Applies any/all effects (patheffect, stroking) to src, returning the result in dst.
The result is that drawing src with this paint will be the same as drawing dst
with a default paint (at least from the geometric perspective).
@param src input path
@param dst output path (may be the same as src)
@return true if the path should be filled, or false if it should be drawn with a hairline (width == 0)
bool getFillPath(const SkPath& src, SkPath* dst) const;
enum FilterType {
kNo_FilterType, //!< draw bitmaps using nearest-neighbor sampling
kBilinear_FilterType, //!< draw bitmaps using bilinear sampling
/** Return the paint's bitmap filter type. This setting affects drawBitmap() and bitmaps
that appear inside a bitmap shader.
@return the paint's filter type, used when drawing bitmaps.
FilterType getFilterType() const { return (FilterType)fFilterType; }
/** Set the paint's bitmap filter type. This setting affects drawBitmap() and bitmaps
that appear inside a bitmap shader.
@param filterType set the new filter type on the paint, used when drawing a bitmap
void setFilterType(FilterType filterType);
/** Get the paint's shader object.
<p />
The shader's reference count is not affected.
@return the paint's shader (or NULL)
SkShader* getShader() const { return fShader; }
/** Set or clear the shader object.
<p />
Pass NULL to clear any previous shader.
As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
If a previous shader exists, its reference count is decremented.
If shader is not NULL, its reference count is incremented.
@param shader May be NULL. the new shader to be installed in the paint
@return shader
SkShader* setShader(SkShader* shader);
/** Get the paint's colorfilter (or NULL). If there is a colorfilter, its reference
count is not changed.
@return the paint's colorfilter (or NULL)
SkColorFilter* getColorFilter() const { return fColorFilter; }
/** Set or clear the paint's colorfilter, returning the parameter.
<p />
If the paint already has a filter, its reference count is decremented.
If filter is not NULL, its reference count is incremented.
@param filter May be NULL. The new filter to be installed in the paint
@return filter
SkColorFilter* setColorFilter(SkColorFilter* filter);
/** Get the paint's xfermode object.
<p />
The xfermode's reference count is not affected.
@return the paint's xfermode (or NULL)
SkXfermode* getXfermode() const { return fXfermode; }
/** Set or clear the xfermode object.
<p />
Pass NULL to clear any previous xfermode.
As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
If a previous xfermode exists, its reference count is decremented.
If xfermode is not NULL, its reference count is incremented.
@param xfermode May be NULL. The new xfermode to be installed in the paint
@return xfermode
SkXfermode* setXfermode(SkXfermode* xfermode);
/** Helper for setXfermode, passing the corresponding xfermode object returned from the
PorterDuff factory.
@param mode The porter-duff mode used to create an xfermode for the paint.
@return the resulting xfermode object (or NULL if the mode is SrcOver)
SkXfermode* setPorterDuffXfermode(SkPorterDuff::Mode mode);
/** Get the paint's patheffect object.
<p />
The patheffect reference count is not affected.
@return the paint's patheffect (or NULL)
SkPathEffect* getPathEffect() const { return fPathEffect; }
/** Set or clear the patheffect object.
<p />
Pass NULL to clear any previous patheffect.
As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
If a previous patheffect exists, its reference count is decremented.
If patheffect is not NULL, its reference count is incremented.
@param effect May be NULL. The new patheffect to be installed in the paint
@return effect
SkPathEffect* setPathEffect(SkPathEffect* effect);
/** Get the paint's maskfilter object.
<p />
The maskfilter reference count is not affected.
@return the paint's maskfilter (or NULL)
SkMaskFilter* getMaskFilter() const { return fMaskFilter; }
/** Set or clear the maskfilter object.
<p />
Pass NULL to clear any previous maskfilter.
As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
If a previous maskfilter exists, its reference count is decremented.
If maskfilter is not NULL, its reference count is incremented.
@param maskfilter May be NULL. The new maskfilter to be installed in the paint
@return maskfilter
SkMaskFilter* setMaskFilter(SkMaskFilter* maskfilter);
// These attributes are for text/fonts
/** Get the paint's typeface object.
<p />
The typeface object identifies which font to use when drawing or measuring text.
The typeface reference count is not affected.
@return the paint's typeface (or NULL)
SkTypeface* getTypeface() const { return fTypeface; }
/** Set or clear the typeface object.
<p />
Pass NULL to clear any previous typeface.
As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
If a previous typeface exists, its reference count is decremented.
If typeface is not NULL, its reference count is incremented.
@param typeface May be NULL. The new typeface to be installed in the paint
@return typeface
SkTypeface* setTypeface(SkTypeface* typeface);
/** Get the paint's rasterizer (or NULL).
<p />
The raster controls/modifies how paths/text are turned into alpha masks.
@return the paint's rasterizer (or NULL)
SkRasterizer* getRasterizer() const { return fRasterizer; }
/** Set or clear the rasterizer object.
<p />
Pass NULL to clear any previous rasterizer.
As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
If a previous rasterizer exists in the paint, its reference count is decremented.
If r is not NULL, its reference count is incremented.
@param rasterizer May be NULL. The new rasterizer to be installed in the paint.
@return rasterizer
SkRasterizer* setRasterizer(SkRasterizer* rasterizer);
enum Align {
/** Return the paint's Align value for drawing text.
@return the paint's Align value for drawing text.
Align getTextAlign() const { return (Align)fTextAlign; }
/** Set the paint's text alignment.
@param align set the paint's Align value for drawing text.
void setTextAlign(Align align);
/** Return the paint's text size.
@return the paint's text size.
SkScalar getTextSize() const { return fTextSize; }
/** Set the paint's text size. This value must be > 0
@param textSize set the paint's text size.
void setTextSize(SkScalar textSize);
/** Return the paint's horizontal scale factor for text. The default value
is 1.0.
@return the paint's scale factor in X for drawing/measuring text
SkScalar getTextScaleX() const { return fTextScaleX; }
/** Set the paint's horizontal scale factor for text. The default value
is 1.0. Values > 1.0 will stretch the text wider. Values < 1.0 will
stretch the text narrower.
@param scaleX set the paint's scale factor in X for drawing/measuring text.
void setTextScaleX(SkScalar scaleX);
/** Return the paint's horizontal skew factor for text. The default value
is 0.
@return the paint's skew factor in X for drawing text.
SkScalar getTextSkewX() const { return fTextSkewX; }
/** Set the paint's horizontal skew factor for text. The default value
is 0. For approximating oblique text, use values around -0.25.
@param skewX set the paint's skew factor in X for drawing text.
void setTextSkewX(SkScalar skewX);
enum TextEncoding {
TextEncoding getTextEncoding() const { return (TextEncoding)fTextEncoding; }
void setTextEncoding(TextEncoding encoding);
/** Convert the specified text into glyph IDs, returning the number of glyphs ID written.
If glyphs is NULL, it is ignore and only the count is returned.
int textToGlyphs(const void* text, size_t byteLength, uint16_t glyphs[]) const;
int countText(const void* text, size_t byteLength) const
return this->textToGlyphs(text, byteLength, NULL);
/** Return the distance above (negative) the baseline (ascent) based on the current typeface and text size.
@return the distance above (negative) the baseline (ascent) based on the current typeface and text size.
SkScalar ascent() const;
/** Return the distance below (positive) the baseline (descent) based on the current typeface and text size.
@return the distance below (positive) the baseline (descent) based on the current typeface and text size.
SkScalar descent() const;
/** Return the width of the text.
@param text Address of the text
@param byteLength Number of bytes of text to measure
@param above If not NULL, returns the distance above the baseline (ascent)
@param below If not NULL, returns the distance below the baseline (descent)
@return The width of the text
SkScalar measureText(const void* text, size_t byteLength,
SkScalar* above, SkScalar* below) const;
/** Return the width of the text.
@param text Address of the text
@param byteLength Number of bytes of text to measure
@return The width of the text
SkScalar measureText(const void* text, size_t byteLength) const
return this->measureText(text, byteLength, NULL, NULL);
/** Return the advance widths for the characters in the string.
@param text UTF8 text
@param byteLength number of bytes to read from the UTF8 text parameter
@param widths array of SkScalars to receive the advance widths of the characters.
May be NULL. If not NULL, must be at least a large as the number
of unichars in the specified text.
@return the number of unichars in the specified text.
int getTextWidths(const void* text, size_t byteLength, SkScalar widths[]) const;
/** Return the path (outline) for the specified text.
Note: just like SkCanvas::drawText, this will respect the Align setting in the paint.
void getTextPath(const void* text, size_t length, SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkPath* path) const;
SkTypeface* fTypeface;
SkScalar fTextSize;
SkScalar fTextScaleX;
SkScalar fTextSkewX;
SkPathEffect* fPathEffect;
SkShader* fShader;
SkXfermode* fXfermode;
SkMaskFilter* fMaskFilter;
SkColorFilter* fColorFilter;
SkRasterizer* fRasterizer;
SkColor fColor;
SkScalar fWidth;
SkScalar fMiterLimit;
unsigned fFlags : kFlagShiftCount;
unsigned fFilterType : 1;
unsigned fTextAlign : 2;
unsigned fCapType : 2;
unsigned fJoinType : 2;
unsigned fStyle : 2;
unsigned fTextEncoding : 2; // 3 values
SkGlyphCacheProc getGlyphCacheProc() const;
SkScalar measure_text(SkGlyphCache*, const char* text, size_t length, int* count) const;
SkGlyphCache* detachCache(const SkMatrix*) const;
enum {
kCanonicalTextSizeForPaths = 64
friend class SkCanvas;
friend class SkDraw;
friend class SkGlyphCache;
friend class SkTextToPathIter;
class SkAutoRestorePaintFlags {
SkAutoRestorePaintFlags(const SkPaint& paint, uint32_t newFlags)
fPaint = (SkPaint*)&paint; // remove constness
fOldFlags = paint.getFlags();
SkPaint* fPaint;
uint32_t fOldFlags;
#include "SkPathEffect.h"
/** \class SkStrokePathEffect
SkStrokePathEffect simulates stroking inside a patheffect, allowing the caller to have explicit
control of when to stroke a path. Typically this is used if the caller wants to stroke before
another patheffect is applied (using SkComposePathEffect or SkSumPathEffect).
class SkStrokePathEffect : public SkPathEffect {
SkStrokePathEffect(const SkPaint&);
SkStrokePathEffect(SkScalar width, SkPaint::Style, SkPaint::Join, SkPaint::Cap, SkScalar miterLimit = -1);
// overrides
// This method is not exported to java.
virtual bool filterPath(SkPath* dst, const SkPath& src, SkScalar* width);
// overrides for SkFlattenable
// This method is not exported to java.
virtual void flatten(SkWBuffer&);
// This method is not exported to java.
virtual Factory getFactory();
SkScalar fWidth, fMiter;
uint8_t fStyle, fJoin, fCap;
static SkFlattenable* CreateProc(SkRBuffer&);
typedef SkPathEffect INHERITED;
// illegal
SkStrokePathEffect(const SkStrokePathEffect&);
SkStrokePathEffect& operator=(const SkStrokePathEffect&);