blob: b9bee6d44fd54a739e01aec8791c67ca7cd4377e [file] [log] [blame]
/* libs/graphics/sgl/SkScan_Antihair.cpp
** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include "SkScan.h"
#include "SkBlitter.h"
#include "SkRegion.h"
#include "SkFDot6.h"
//#define TEST_GAMMA
static U8 gGammaTable[256];
#define ApplyGamma(table, alpha) (table)[alpha]
static void build_gamma_table()
static bool gInit = false;
if (gInit == false)
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
SkFixed n = i * 257;
n += n >> 15;
SkASSERT(n >= 0 && n <= SK_Fixed1);
n = SkFixedSqrt(n);
n = n * 255 >> 16;
// SkDebugf("morph %d -> %d\n", i, n);
gGammaTable[i] = SkToU8(n);
gInit = true;
#define ApplyGamma(table, alpha) SkToU8(alpha)
static void call_hline_blitter(SkBlitter* blitter, int x, int y, int count, U8 alpha)
SkASSERT(count > 0);
aa[0] = ApplyGamma(gGammaTable, alpha);
do {
int n = count;
runs[0] = SkToS16(n);
runs[n] = 0;
blitter->blitAntiH(x, y, aa, runs);
x += n;
count -= n;
} while (count > 0);
static void hline(int x, int stopx, SkFixed fy, SkFixed /*slope*/, SkBlitter* blitter)
SkASSERT(x < stopx);
int count = stopx - x;
fy += SK_Fixed1/2;
int y = fy >> 16;
U8 a = (U8)(fy >> 8);
// lower line
if (a)
call_hline_blitter(blitter, x, y, count, a);
// upper line
a = (U8)(255 - a);
if (a)
call_hline_blitter(blitter, x, y - 1, count, a);
static void horish(int x, int stopx, SkFixed fy, SkFixed dy, SkBlitter* blitter)
SkASSERT(x < stopx);
const U8* gamma = gGammaTable;
S16 runs[2];
U8 aa[1];
runs[0] = 1;
runs[1] = 0;
fy += SK_Fixed1/2;
do {
int lower_y = fy >> 16;
U8 a = (U8)(fy >> 8);
if (a)
aa[0] = ApplyGamma(gamma, a);
blitter->blitAntiH(x, lower_y, aa, runs);
// the clipping blitters might edit runs, but should not affect us
SkASSERT(runs[0] == 1);
SkASSERT(runs[1] == 0);
a = (U8)(255 - a);
if (a)
aa[0] = ApplyGamma(gamma, a);
blitter->blitAntiH(x, lower_y - 1, aa, runs);
// the clipping blitters might edit runs, but should not affect us
SkASSERT(runs[0] == 1);
SkASSERT(runs[1] == 0);
fy += dy;
} while (++x < stopx);
static void vline(int y, int stopy, SkFixed fx, SkFixed /*slope*/, SkBlitter* blitter)
SkASSERT(y < stopy);
fx += SK_Fixed1/2;
int x = fx >> 16;
int a = (U8)(fx >> 8);
if (a)
blitter->blitV(x, y, stopy - y, ApplyGamma(gGammaTable, a));
a = 255 - a;
if (a)
blitter->blitV(x - 1, y, stopy - y, ApplyGamma(gGammaTable, a));
static void vertish(int y, int stopy, SkFixed fx, SkFixed dx, SkBlitter* blitter)
SkASSERT(y < stopy);
const U8* gamma = gGammaTable;
S16 runs[3];
U8 aa[2];
runs[0] = 1;
runs[2] = 0;
fx += SK_Fixed1/2;
do {
int x = fx >> 16;
U8 a = (U8)(fx >> 8);
aa[0] = ApplyGamma(gamma, 255 - a);
aa[1] = ApplyGamma(gamma, a);
// the clippng blitters might overwrite this guy, so we have to reset it each time
runs[1] = 1;
blitter->blitAntiH(x - 1, y, aa, runs);
// the clipping blitters might edit runs, but should not affect us
SkASSERT(runs[0] == 1);
SkASSERT(runs[2] == 0);
fx += dx;
} while (++y < stopy);
typedef void (*LineProc)(int istart, int istop, SkFixed fstart, SkFixed slope, SkBlitter*);
static inline SkFixed fastfixdiv(SkFDot6 a, SkFDot6 b)
SkASSERT((a << 16 >> 16) == a);
SkASSERT(b != 0);
return (a << 16) / b;
static inline SkFDot6 fastfixmul(SkFixed fixed, SkFDot6 b)
SkASSERT(SkAbs32(fixed) <= SK_Fixed1 && SkAbs32(b) <= SkIntToFDot6(511));
return (fixed * b + 0x8000) >> 16;
static void do_anti_hairline(SkFDot6 x0, SkFDot6 y0, SkFDot6 x1, SkFDot6 y1,
const SkRect16* clip, SkBlitter* blitter)
// check that we're no larger than 511 pixels (so we can do a faster div).
// if we are, subdivide and call again
if (SkAbs32(x1 - x0) > SkIntToFDot6(511) || SkAbs32(y1 - y0) > SkIntToFDot6(511))
int hx = (x0 + x1) >> 1;
int hy = (y0 + y1) >> 1;
do_anti_hairline(x0, y0, hx, hy, clip, blitter);
do_anti_hairline(hx, hy, x1, y1, clip, blitter);
int istart, istop;
SkFixed fstart, slope;
LineProc proc;
if (SkAbs32(x1 - x0) > SkAbs32(y1 - y0)) // mostly horizontal
if (x0 > x1) // we want to go left-to-right
SkTSwap<SkFDot6>(x0, x1);
SkTSwap<SkFDot6>(y0, y1);
istart = SkFDot6Round(x0);
istop = SkFDot6Round(x1);
if (istart == istop) // too short to draw
if (y0 == y1) // completely horizontal, take fast case
slope = 0;
fstart = SkFDot6ToFixed(y0);
proc = hline;
slope = fastfixdiv(y1 - y0, x1 - x0);
SkASSERT(slope >= -SK_Fixed1 && slope <= SK_Fixed1);
fstart = SkFDot6ToFixed(y0 + fastfixmul(slope, (32 - x0) & 63));
proc = horish;
if (clip)
if (istart >= clip->fRight || istop <= clip->fLeft)
if (istart < clip->fLeft)
fstart += slope * (clip->fLeft - istart);
istart = clip->fLeft;
if (istop > clip->fRight)
istop = clip->fRight;
SkASSERT(istart <= istop);
if (istart == istop)
// now test if our Y values are completely inside the clip
int top, bottom;
if (slope >= 0) // T2B
top = SkFixedFloor(fstart - SK_FixedHalf);
bottom = SkFixedCeil(fstart + (istop - istart - 1) * slope + SK_FixedHalf);
else // B2T
bottom = SkFixedCeil(fstart + SK_FixedHalf);
top = SkFixedFloor(fstart + (istop - istart - 1) * slope - SK_FixedHalf);
if (top >= clip->fBottom || bottom <= clip->fTop)
if (clip->fTop <= top && clip->fBottom >= bottom)
clip = nil;
else // mostly vertical
if (y0 > y1) // we want to go top-to-bottom
SkTSwap<SkFDot6>(x0, x1);
SkTSwap<SkFDot6>(y0, y1);
istart = SkFDot6Round(y0);
istop = SkFDot6Round(y1);
if (istart == istop) // too short to draw
if (x0 == x1)
slope = 0;
fstart = SkFDot6ToFixed(x0);
proc = vline;
slope = fastfixdiv(x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
SkASSERT(slope <= SK_Fixed1 && slope >= -SK_Fixed1);
fstart = SkFDot6ToFixed(x0 + fastfixmul(slope, (32 - y0) & 63));
proc = vertish;
if (clip)
if (istart >= clip->fBottom || istop <= clip->fTop)
if (istart < clip->fTop)
fstart += slope * (clip->fTop - istart);
istart = clip->fTop;
if (istop > clip->fBottom)
istop = clip->fBottom;
SkASSERT(istart <= istop);
if (istart == istop)
// now test if our X values are completely inside the clip
int left, right;
if (slope >= 0) // L2R
left = SkFixedFloor(fstart - SK_FixedHalf);
right = SkFixedCeil(fstart + (istop - istart - 1) * slope + SK_FixedHalf);
else // R2L
right = SkFixedCeil(fstart + SK_FixedHalf);
left = SkFixedFloor(fstart + (istop - istart - 1) * slope - SK_FixedHalf);
if (left >= clip->fRight || right <= clip->fLeft)
if (clip->fLeft <= left && clip->fRight >= right)
clip = nil;
SkRectClipBlitter rectClipper;
if (clip)
rectClipper.init(blitter, *clip);
blitter = &rectClipper;
proc(istart, istop, fstart, slope, blitter);
void SkScan::AntiHairLine(const SkPoint& pt0, const SkPoint& pt1,
const SkRegion* clip, SkBlitter* blitter)
if (clip && clip->isEmpty())
SkASSERT(clip == nil || !clip->getBounds().isEmpty());
SkFDot6 x0 = SkScalarToFDot6(pt0.fX);
SkFDot6 y0 = SkScalarToFDot6(pt0.fY);
SkFDot6 x1 = SkScalarToFDot6(pt1.fX);
SkFDot6 y1 = SkScalarToFDot6(pt1.fY);
if (clip)
SkFDot6 left = SkMin32(x0, x1);
SkFDot6 top = SkMin32(y0, y1);
SkFDot6 right = SkMax32(x0, x1);
SkFDot6 bottom = SkMax32(y0, y1);
SkRect16 ir;
ir.set( SkFDot6Round(left) - 1,
SkFDot6Round(top) - 1,
SkFDot6Round(right) + 1,
SkFDot6Round(bottom) + 1);
if (clip->quickReject(ir))
if (!clip->quickContains(ir))
SkRegion::Cliperator iter(*clip, ir);
const SkRect16* r = &iter.rect();
while (!iter.done())
do_anti_hairline(x0, y0, x1, y1, r, blitter);;
// fall through to no-clip case
do_anti_hairline(x0, y0, x1, y1, nil, blitter);
void SkScan::AntiHairRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkRegion* clip, SkBlitter* blitter)
if (clip)
SkRect16 ir;
SkRect r = rect;
r.inset(-SK_Scalar1/2, -SK_Scalar1/2);
if (clip->quickReject(ir))
if (clip->quickContains(ir))
clip = nil;
SkPoint p0, p1;
p0.set(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop);
p1.set(rect.fRight, rect.fTop);
SkScan::AntiHairLine(p0, p1, clip, blitter);
p0.set(rect.fRight, rect.fBottom);
SkScan::AntiHairLine(p0, p1, clip, blitter);
p1.set(rect.fLeft, rect.fBottom);
SkScan::AntiHairLine(p0, p1, clip, blitter);
p0.set(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop);
SkScan::AntiHairLine(p0, p1, clip, blitter);