Add lua scripts to scrape dashing info



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git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
diff --git a/tools/lua/agg_dash.lua b/tools/lua/agg_dash.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..37dffe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lua/agg_dash.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+    This file is used as the aggregator file when using telemetry for
+    scrape_dashing_full.lua
+dashCount = 0
+dashTable = {}
+function increment_inner(table, key, value)
+    table[key] = (table[key] or 0) + value
+function increment(table, tableKey, key, value)
+    if (table[tableKey] == nil) then
+        table[tableKey] = {}
+    end
+    increment_inner(table[tableKey], key, value)
+io.write("Total dashed effects is: ", dashCount, "\n")
+for k1, v1 in next, dashTable do
+    io.write("\nTable: ", k1, "\n") 
+    for k, v in next, v1 do
+        io.write("\"", k, "\": ", v, "\n")
+    end
diff --git a/tools/lua/scrape_dashing_full.lua b/tools/lua/scrape_dashing_full.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5719e26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lua/scrape_dashing_full.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+local canvas        -- holds the current canvas (from startcanvas())
+    startcanvas() is called at the start of each picture file, passing the
+    canvas that we will be drawing into, and the name of the file.
+    Following this call, there will be some number of calls to accumulate(t)
+    where t is a table of parameters that were passed to that draw-op.
+        t.verb is a string holding the name of the draw-op (e.g. "drawRect")
+    when a given picture is done, we call endcanvas(canvas, fileName)
+function sk_scrape_startcanvas(c, fileName)
+    canvas = c
+    Called when the current canvas is done drawing.
+function sk_scrape_endcanvas(c, fileName)
+    canvas = nil
+    Use to initialize all keys passed in keyTable to zero in table.
+    Useful so that keys that are never get incremented still output zero at end
+function resetTableKeys(table, keyTable)
+    for k, v in next, keyTable do
+        table[v] = 0
+    end
+function increment(table, key)
+    table[key] = (table[key] or 0) + 1
+local dashCount = 0
+local total_found = {}
+local drawPoints_count = {}
+local drawPoints_direction = {}
+resetTableKeys(drawPoints_direction, {"hori", "vert", "other"})
+local dashInterval_count = {}
+local dashInterval_pattern = {}
+resetTableKeys(dashInterval_pattern, {"one_one", "zero_on", "other"})
+local dash_phase = {}
+resetTableKeys(dash_phase, {"zero", "other"})
+local dash_cap = {}
+resetTableKeys(dash_cap, {"butt", "round", "square"})
+local dashTable = {}
+dashTable.total_found = total_found
+dashTable.drawPoints_count = drawPoints_count
+dashTable.drawPoints_direction = drawPoints_direction
+dashTable.dashInterval_count = dashInterval_count
+dashTable.dashInterval_pattern = dashInterval_pattern
+dashTable.dash_phase = dash_phase
+dashTable.dash_cap = dash_cap
+function sk_scrape_accumulate(t)
+    local p = t.paint
+    if p then
+        local pe = p:getPathEffect()
+        if pe then
+            local de = pe:asADash()
+            if de then
+                dashCount = dashCount + 1
+                increment(total_found, t.verb);
+                increment(dashInterval_count, #de.intervals)
+                if 2 == #de.intervals then
+		    if 1 == de.intervals[1] and 1 == de.intervals[2] then
+                        increment(dashInterval_pattern, "one_one")
+                    elseif 0 == de.intervals[1] then
+                        increment(dashInterval_pattern, "zero_on")
+                    else
+                        increment(dashInterval_pattern, "other")
+                    end
+                end
+                if 0 == de.phase then
+                    increment(dash_phase, "zero")
+                else
+                    increment(dash_phase, "other")
+                end
+                local cap = p:getStrokeCap()
+                if 0 == cap then
+                    increment(dash_cap, "butt")
+                elseif 1 == cap then
+                    increment(dash_cap, "round")
+                else
+                    increment(dash_cap, "square")
+                end
+                if "drawPoints" == t.verb then
+                    local points = t.points
+                    increment(drawPoints_count, #points)
+                    if 2 == #points then
+                        if points[1].y == points[2].y then
+                            increment(drawPoints_direction, "hori")
+                        elseif points[1].x == points[2].x then
+                            increment(drawPoints_direction, "vert")
+                        else
+                            increment(drawPoints_direction, "other")
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+                --[[
+                    eventually would like to print out info on drawPath verbs with dashed effect
+                ]]
+                if "drawPath" == t.verb then
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    lua_pictures will call this function after all of the pictures have been
+    "accumulated".
+function sk_scrape_summarize()
+-- use for non telemetry
+    io.write("Total dashed effects is: ", dashCount, "\n");
+    for k1, v1 in next, dashTable do
+        io.write("\nTable: ", k1, "\n") 
+        for k, v in next, v1 do
+            io.write("\"", k, "\": ", v, "\n")
+        end
+    end
+-- use for telemetry
+    io.write("\ndashCount = dashCount + ", tostring(dashCount), "\n")
+    for k1, v1 in next, dashTable do
+        for k, v in next, v1 do
+            io.write("\nincrement(dashTable, \"", k1, "\", \"", k, "\", ", v, ")\n")
+        end
+    end