Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource".

This also includes some changes to the xfermodeimagefilter and tileimagefilter GMs to properly handle the CTM. This worked before only because SkBitmapSource was ignoring the CTM. Now that it respects it, we need to give the correct transform. This also means the GMs now work while zoomed. It also implements CTM support for SkTileImageFilter.

NOTE: this will require rebaselining a number of imagefilter GMs on Nexus4, since they render in perspective (using the CTM). The changes to the results should all be improvements.,

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git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
7 files changed