Revert 6090 "Removes parts of the webrtc::VoEHardwareMedia sub A..."

> Removes parts of the webrtc::VoEHardwareMedia sub API as part of a clean-up operation where the goal is to remove unused APIs.
> BUG=3206
> Review URL:

Review URL:

git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
diff --git a/voice_engine/include/voe_hardware.h b/voice_engine/include/voe_hardware.h
index caea208..5c247d7 100644
--- a/voice_engine/include/voe_hardware.h
+++ b/voice_engine/include/voe_hardware.h
@@ -70,6 +70,12 @@
     virtual int GetPlayoutDeviceName(int index, char strNameUTF8[128],
                                      char strGuidUTF8[128]) = 0;
+    // Checks if the sound card is available to be opened for recording.
+    virtual int GetRecordingDeviceStatus(bool& isAvailable) = 0;
+    // Checks if the sound card is available to be opened for playout.
+    virtual int GetPlayoutDeviceStatus(bool& isAvailable) = 0;
     // Sets the audio device used for recording.
     virtual int SetRecordingDevice(
         int index, StereoChannel recordingChannel = kStereoBoth) = 0;
@@ -83,24 +89,47 @@
     // Gets the currently used (active) audio device layer.
     virtual int GetAudioDeviceLayer(AudioLayers& audioLayer) = 0;
+    // Gets the VoiceEngine's current CPU consumption in terms of the percent
+    // of total CPU availability. [Windows only]
+    virtual int GetCPULoad(int& loadPercent) = 0;
+    // Not supported
+    virtual int ResetAudioDevice() = 0;
+    // Not supported
+    virtual int AudioDeviceControl(
+        unsigned int par1, unsigned int par2, unsigned int par3) = 0;
+    // Not supported
+    virtual int SetLoudspeakerStatus(bool enable) = 0;
+    // Not supported
+    virtual int GetLoudspeakerStatus(bool& enabled) = 0;
     // Native sample rate controls (samples/sec)
     virtual int SetRecordingSampleRate(unsigned int samples_per_sec) = 0;
     virtual int RecordingSampleRate(unsigned int* samples_per_sec) const = 0;
     virtual int SetPlayoutSampleRate(unsigned int samples_per_sec) = 0;
     virtual int PlayoutSampleRate(unsigned int* samples_per_sec) const = 0;
-    // To be removed. Don't use.
-    virtual int EnableBuiltInAEC(bool enable) { return -1; }
-    virtual bool BuiltInAECIsEnabled() const { return -1; }
-    virtual int GetRecordingDeviceStatus(bool& isAvailable) { return -1; }
-    virtual int GetPlayoutDeviceStatus(bool& isAvailable) { return -1; }
-    virtual int ResetAudioDevice() { return -1; }
-    virtual int AudioDeviceControl(unsigned int par1, unsigned int par2,
-            unsigned int par3) { return -1; }
-    virtual int SetLoudspeakerStatus(bool enable) { return -1; }
-    virtual int GetLoudspeakerStatus(bool& enabled) { return -1; }
-    virtual int GetCPULoad(int& loadPercent) { return -1; }
+    // *Experimental - not recommended for use.*
+    // Enables the Windows Core Audio built-in AEC. Fails on other platforms.
+    //
+    // Currently incompatible with the standard VoE AEC and AGC; don't attempt
+    // to enable them while this is active.
+    //
+    // Must be called before VoEBase::StartSend(). When enabled:
+    // 1. VoEBase::StartPlayout() must be called before VoEBase::StartSend().
+    // 2. VoEBase::StopSend() should be called before VoEBase::StopPlayout().
+    //    The reverse order may cause garbage audio to be rendered or the
+    //    capture side to halt until StopSend() is called.
+    //
+    //    As a consequence, SetPlayoutDevice() should be used with caution
+    //    during a call. It will function, but may cause the above issues for
+    //    the duration it takes to complete. (In practice, it should complete
+    //    fast enough to avoid audible degradation).
+    virtual int EnableBuiltInAEC(bool enable) = 0;
+    virtual bool BuiltInAECIsEnabled() const = 0;
     VoEHardware() {}
diff --git a/voice_engine/test/auto_test/standard/ b/voice_engine/test/auto_test/standard/
index 0887fd5..e8863c5 100644
--- a/voice_engine/test/auto_test/standard/
+++ b/voice_engine/test/auto_test/standard/
@@ -51,6 +51,20 @@
     "Either you have no recording / playout device "
     "on your system, or the method failed.";
+TEST_F(HardwareBeforeStreamingTest, GetPlayoutDeviceStatusReturnsTrue) {
+  bool play_available = false;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->GetPlayoutDeviceStatus(play_available));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(play_available) <<
+      "Ensures that the method works and that hardware is in the right state.";
+TEST_F(HardwareBeforeStreamingTest, GetRecordingDeviceStatusReturnsTrue) {
+  bool recording_available = false;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->GetRecordingDeviceStatus(recording_available));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(recording_available) <<
+      "Ensures that the method works and that hardware is in the right state.";
   // Win, Mac and Linux sound device tests.
        GetRecordingDeviceNameRetrievesDeviceNames) {
diff --git a/voice_engine/test/auto_test/standard/ b/voice_engine/test/auto_test/standard/
index eceef54..fabdf0c 100644
--- a/voice_engine/test/auto_test/standard/
+++ b/voice_engine/test/auto_test/standard/
@@ -67,3 +67,89 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(-1, voe_hardware_->GetCPULoad(load));
+// Flakily hangs on Windows:
+       DISABLED_ON_WIN(BuiltInWasapiAECWorksForAudioWindowsCoreAudioLayer)) {
+#ifdef WEBRTC_IOS
+  // Ensure the sound device is reset on iPhone.
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->ResetAudioDevice());
+  Sleep(2000);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StopSend(channel_));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StopPlayout(channel_));
+  webrtc::AudioLayers given_layer;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->GetAudioDeviceLayer(given_layer));
+  if (given_layer != webrtc::kAudioWindowsCore) {
+    // Not Windows Audio Core - then it shouldn't work.
+    EXPECT_EQ(-1, voe_hardware_->EnableBuiltInAEC(true));
+    EXPECT_EQ(-1, voe_hardware_->EnableBuiltInAEC(false));
+    return;
+  }
+  TEST_LOG("Testing AEC for Audio Windows Core.\n");
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StartSend(channel_));
+  // Can't be set after StartSend().
+  EXPECT_EQ(-1, voe_hardware_->EnableBuiltInAEC(true));
+  EXPECT_EQ(-1, voe_hardware_->EnableBuiltInAEC(false));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StopSend(channel_));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->EnableBuiltInAEC(true));
+  // Can't be called before StartPlayout().
+  EXPECT_EQ(-1, voe_base_->StartSend(channel_));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StartPlayout(channel_));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StartSend(channel_));
+  TEST_LOG("Processing capture data with built-in AEC...\n");
+  Sleep(2000);
+  TEST_LOG("Looping through capture devices...\n");
+  int num_devs = 0;
+  char dev_name[128] = { 0 };
+  char guid_name[128] = { 0 };
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->GetNumOfRecordingDevices(num_devs));
+  for (int dev_index = 0; dev_index < num_devs; ++dev_index) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->GetRecordingDeviceName(dev_index,
+                                                       dev_name,
+                                                       guid_name));
+    TEST_LOG("%d: %s\n", dev_index, dev_name);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->SetRecordingDevice(dev_index));
+    Sleep(2000);
+  }
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->SetPlayoutDevice(-1));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->SetRecordingDevice(-1));
+  TEST_LOG("Looping through render devices, restarting for each "
+      "device...\n");
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->GetNumOfPlayoutDevices(num_devs));
+  for (int dev_index = 0; dev_index < num_devs; ++dev_index) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->GetPlayoutDeviceName(dev_index,
+                                                     dev_name,
+                                                     guid_name));
+    TEST_LOG("%d: %s\n", dev_index, dev_name);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->SetPlayoutDevice(dev_index));
+    Sleep(2000);
+  }
+  TEST_LOG("Using default devices...\n");
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->SetRecordingDevice(-1));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->SetPlayoutDevice(-1));
+  Sleep(2000);
+  // Possible, but not recommended before StopSend().
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StopPlayout(channel_));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StopSend(channel_));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StopPlayout(channel_));
+  Sleep(2000);  // To verify that there is no garbage audio.
+  TEST_LOG("Disabling built-in AEC.\n");
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_hardware_->EnableBuiltInAEC(false));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StartSend(channel_));
+  EXPECT_EQ(0, voe_base_->StartPlayout(channel_));
diff --git a/voice_engine/ b/voice_engine/
index eaf2a28..896572f 100644
--- a/voice_engine/
+++ b/voice_engine/
@@ -528,6 +528,219 @@
     return 0;
+int VoEHardwareImpl::GetRecordingDeviceStatus(bool& isAvailable)
+    WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceApiCall, kTraceVoice, VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
+                 "GetRecordingDeviceStatus()");
+    if (!_shared->statistics().Initialized())
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_NOT_INITED, kTraceError);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // We let the module do isRecording sanity
+    bool available(false);
+    // Check availability
+    if (_shared->audio_device()->RecordingIsAvailable(&available) != 0)
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_UNDEFINED_SC_REC_ERR, kTraceError,
+            "  Audio Device error");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    isAvailable = available;
+    WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceStateInfo, kTraceVoice,
+        VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
+        "  Output: isAvailable = %d)", (int) isAvailable);
+    return 0;
+int VoEHardwareImpl::GetPlayoutDeviceStatus(bool& isAvailable)
+    WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceApiCall, kTraceVoice, VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
+                 "GetPlayoutDeviceStatus()");
+    if (!_shared->statistics().Initialized())
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_NOT_INITED, kTraceError);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // We let the module do isPlaying sanity
+    bool available(false);
+    // Check availability
+    if (_shared->audio_device()->PlayoutIsAvailable(&available) != 0)
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_PLAY_UNDEFINED_SC_ERR, kTraceError,
+            "  Audio Device error");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    isAvailable = available;
+    WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceStateInfo, kTraceVoice,
+        VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
+        "  Output: isAvailable = %d)", (int) isAvailable);
+    return 0;
+int VoEHardwareImpl::ResetAudioDevice()
+    WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceApiCall, kTraceVoice, VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
+                 "ResetAudioDevice()");
+    if (!_shared->statistics().Initialized())
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_NOT_INITED, kTraceError);
+        return -1;
+    }
+#if defined(WEBRTC_IOS)
+    if (_shared->audio_device()->ResetAudioDevice() < 0)
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_SOUNDCARD_ERROR, kTraceError,
+            "  Failed to reset sound device");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+    _shared->SetLastError(VE_FUNC_NOT_SUPPORTED, kTraceError,
+        "  no support for resetting sound device");
+    return -1;
+int VoEHardwareImpl::AudioDeviceControl(unsigned int par1, unsigned int par2,
+                                        unsigned int par3)
+    WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceApiCall, kTraceVoice, VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
+                 "AudioDeviceControl(%i, %i, %i)", par1, par2, par3);
+    if (!_shared->statistics().Initialized())
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_NOT_INITED, kTraceError);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    _shared->SetLastError(VE_FUNC_NOT_SUPPORTED, kTraceError,
+        "  no support for resetting sound device");
+    return -1;
+int VoEHardwareImpl::SetLoudspeakerStatus(bool enable)
+    WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceApiCall, kTraceVoice, VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
+                 "SetLoudspeakerStatus(enable=%i)", (int) enable);
+    if (!_shared->statistics().Initialized())
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_NOT_INITED, kTraceError);
+        return -1;
+    }
+#if defined(WEBRTC_ANDROID)
+    if (_shared->audio_device()->SetLoudspeakerStatus(enable) < 0)
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_IGNORED_FUNCTION, kTraceError,
+            "  Failed to set loudspeaker status");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+    _shared->SetLastError(VE_FUNC_NOT_SUPPORTED, kTraceError,
+        "  no support for setting loudspeaker status");
+    return -1;
+int VoEHardwareImpl::GetLoudspeakerStatus(bool& enabled)
+    WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceApiCall, kTraceVoice, VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
+                 "GetLoudspeakerStatus()");
+#if defined(WEBRTC_ANDROID)
+    if (!_shared->statistics().Initialized())
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_NOT_INITED, kTraceError);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (_shared->audio_device()->GetLoudspeakerStatus(&enabled) < 0)
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_IGNORED_FUNCTION, kTraceError,
+            "  Failed to get loudspeaker status");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+    _shared->SetLastError(VE_FUNC_NOT_SUPPORTED, kTraceError,
+      "  no support for setting loudspeaker status");
+    return -1;
+int VoEHardwareImpl::GetCPULoad(int& loadPercent)
+    WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceApiCall, kTraceVoice, VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
+                 "GetCPULoad()");
+    if (!_shared->statistics().Initialized())
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_NOT_INITED, kTraceError);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // Get CPU load from ADM
+    uint16_t load(0);
+    if (_shared->audio_device()->CPULoad(&load) != 0)
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_CPU_INFO_ERROR, kTraceError,
+            "  error getting system CPU load");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    loadPercent = static_cast<int> (load);
+    WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceStateInfo, kTraceVoice,
+        VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
+        "  Output: loadPercent = %d", loadPercent);
+    return 0;
+int VoEHardwareImpl::EnableBuiltInAEC(bool enable)
+    WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceApiCall, kTraceVoice, VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
+        "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+    if (!_shared->statistics().Initialized())
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_NOT_INITED, kTraceError);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return _shared->audio_device()->EnableBuiltInAEC(enable);
+bool VoEHardwareImpl::BuiltInAECIsEnabled() const
+    WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceApiCall, kTraceVoice, VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
+        "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+    if (!_shared->statistics().Initialized())
+    {
+        _shared->SetLastError(VE_NOT_INITED, kTraceError);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return _shared->audio_device()->BuiltInAECIsEnabled();
 int VoEHardwareImpl::SetRecordingSampleRate(unsigned int samples_per_sec) {
   WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceApiCall, kTraceVoice, VoEId(_shared->instance_id(), -1),
                "%s", __FUNCTION__);
diff --git a/voice_engine/voe_hardware_impl.h b/voice_engine/voe_hardware_impl.h
index f3537ef..4e06f97 100644
--- a/voice_engine/voe_hardware_impl.h
+++ b/voice_engine/voe_hardware_impl.h
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
                                      char strNameUTF8[128],
                                      char strGuidUTF8[128]);
+    virtual int GetRecordingDeviceStatus(bool& isAvailable);
+    virtual int GetPlayoutDeviceStatus(bool& isAvailable);
     virtual int SetRecordingDevice(
         int index,
         StereoChannel recordingChannel = kStereoBoth);
@@ -43,6 +47,21 @@
     virtual int GetAudioDeviceLayer(AudioLayers& audioLayer);
+    virtual int GetCPULoad(int& loadPercent);
+    virtual int ResetAudioDevice();
+    virtual int AudioDeviceControl(unsigned int par1,
+                                   unsigned int par2,
+                                   unsigned int par3);
+    virtual int SetLoudspeakerStatus(bool enable);
+    virtual int GetLoudspeakerStatus(bool& enabled);
+    virtual int EnableBuiltInAEC(bool enable);
+    virtual bool BuiltInAECIsEnabled() const;
     virtual int SetRecordingSampleRate(unsigned int samples_per_sec);
     virtual int RecordingSampleRate(unsigned int* samples_per_sec) const;
     virtual int SetPlayoutSampleRate(unsigned int samples_per_sec);