Isolate GYP target and .isolate files for tests

This is a re-land attempt of
It now includes a build/isolate.gypi in WebRTC that includes the same
file as the one that would be included when WebRTC is used in a Chromium
checkout. It is needed since it is not possible to use variables in GYP's
includes sections.

Implemented according to the instructions at

Workflow has been like this:
1. create _run GYP target
2. create a stripped down .isolate file
3. export GYP_DEFINES="$GYP_DEFINES test_isolation_mode=check"
4. runhooks
5. compile
6. test if the test would run (i.e. find it's dependencies) without
   actually executing it:
   tools/swarm_client/ run --isolated out/Release/testname.isolated
7. If failing, run the script like this:
   tools/swarm_client/googletest/ --isolated out/Release/testname.isolated

All tests that run on the bots for WebRTC has got _run target
and .isolate file created.

"Normal tests" that run fine on any machine:
* audio_decoder_unittests
* common_audio_unittests
* common_video_unittests
* metrics_unittests
* modules_tests
* modules_unittests
* neteq_unittests
* system_wrappers_unittests
* test_support_unittests
* tools_unittests
* video_engine_core_unittests
* voice_engine_unittests

Tests that requires bare-metal and audio/video devices:
* audio_device_tests
* video_capture_tests

I also added the isolate boilerplate code for the following
tests that are not yet pure gtest binaries (which means they
cannot run isolated yet):
* video_render_tests
* vie_auto_test
* voe_auto_test

TEST=running as described above. WebRTC trybots passing. Created a Chromium checkout with third_party/webrtc ToT and this patch applied, passing the runhooks step.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
diff --git a/common_video/common_video.gyp b/common_video/common_video.gyp
index 554333c..f92563a 100644
--- a/common_video/common_video.gyp
+++ b/common_video/common_video.gyp
@@ -122,6 +122,24 @@
+        ['test_isolation_mode != "noop"', {
+          'targets': [
+            {
+              'target_name': 'common_video_unittests_run',
+              'type': 'none',
+              'dependencies': [
+                '<(import_isolate_path):import_isolate_gypi',
+                'common_video_unittests',
+              ],
+              'includes': [
+                'common_video_unittests.isolate',
+              ],
+              'sources': [
+                'common_video_unittests.isolate',
+              ],
+            },
+          ],
+        }],
     }],  # include_tests