Adds a modified copy of talk/base to webrtc/base. It is the first step in
migrating talk/base to webrtc/base.


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git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
diff --git a/base/win32regkey.h b/base/win32regkey.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b33d4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/win32regkey.h
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+ *  Copyright 2003 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+// Registry configuration wrappers class
+// Offers static functions for convenient
+// fast access for individual values
+// Also provides a wrapper class for efficient
+// batch operations on values of a given registry key.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "webrtc/base/basictypes.h"
+#include "webrtc/base/win32.h"
+namespace rtc {
+// maximum sizes registry key and value names
+const int kMaxKeyNameChars = 255 + 1;
+const int kMaxValueNameChars = 16383 + 1;
+class RegKey {
+ public:
+  // constructor
+  RegKey();
+  // destructor
+  ~RegKey();
+  // create a reg key
+  HRESULT Create(HKEY parent_key, const wchar_t* key_name);
+  HRESULT Create(HKEY parent_key,
+                 const wchar_t* key_name,
+                 wchar_t* reg_class,
+                 DWORD options,
+                 REGSAM sam_desired,
+                 LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lp_sec_attr,
+                 LPDWORD lp_disposition);
+  // open an existing reg key
+  HRESULT Open(HKEY parent_key, const wchar_t* key_name);
+  HRESULT Open(HKEY parent_key, const wchar_t* key_name, REGSAM sam_desired);
+  // close this reg key
+  HRESULT Close();
+  // check if the key has a specified value
+  bool HasValue(const wchar_t* value_name) const;
+  // get the number of values for this key
+  uint32 GetValueCount();
+  // Called to get the value name for the given value name index
+  // Use GetValueCount() to get the total value_name count for this key
+  // Returns failure if no key at the specified index
+  // If you modify the key while enumerating, the indexes will be out of order.
+  // Since the index order is not guaranteed, you need to reset your counting
+  // loop.
+  // 'type' refers to REG_DWORD, REG_QWORD, etc..
+  // 'type' can be NULL if not interested in the value type
+  HRESULT GetValueNameAt(int index, std::wstring* value_name, DWORD* type);
+  // check if the current key has the specified subkey
+  bool HasSubkey(const wchar_t* key_name) const;
+  // get the number of subkeys for this key
+  uint32 GetSubkeyCount();
+  // Called to get the key name for the given key index
+  // Use GetSubkeyCount() to get the total count for this key
+  // Returns failure if no key at the specified index
+  // If you modify the key while enumerating, the indexes will be out of order.
+  // Since the index order is not guaranteed, you need to reset your counting
+  // loop.
+  HRESULT GetSubkeyNameAt(int index, std::wstring* key_name);
+  // set an int32 value - use when reading multiple values from a key
+  HRESULT SetValue(const wchar_t* value_name, DWORD value) const;
+  // set an int64 value
+  HRESULT SetValue(const wchar_t* value_name, DWORD64 value) const;
+  // set a string value
+  HRESULT SetValue(const wchar_t* value_name, const wchar_t* value) const;
+  // set binary data
+  HRESULT SetValue(const wchar_t* value_name,
+                   const uint8* value,
+                   DWORD byte_count) const;
+  // set raw data, including type
+  HRESULT SetValue(const wchar_t* value_name,
+                   const uint8* value,
+                   DWORD byte_count,
+                   DWORD type) const;
+  // get an int32 value
+  HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* value_name, DWORD* value) const;
+  // get an int64 value
+  HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* value_name, DWORD64* value) const;
+  // get a string value - the caller must free the return buffer
+  HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* value_name, wchar_t** value) const;
+  // get a string value
+  HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* value_name, std::wstring* value) const;
+  // get a std::vector<std::wstring> value from REG_MULTI_SZ type
+  HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* value_name,
+                   std::vector<std::wstring>* value) const;
+  // get binary data - the caller must free the return buffer
+  HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* value_name,
+                   uint8** value,
+                   DWORD* byte_count) const;
+  // get raw data, including type - the caller must free the return buffer
+  HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* value_name,
+                   uint8** value,
+                   DWORD* byte_count,
+                   DWORD* type) const;
+  // flush
+  static HRESULT FlushKey(const wchar_t* full_key_name);
+  // check if a key exists
+  static bool HasKey(const wchar_t* full_key_name);
+  // check if the key has a specified value
+  static bool HasValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name, const wchar_t* value_name);
+  // STATIC int32 set
+  static HRESULT SetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          DWORD value);
+  // STATIC int64 set
+  static HRESULT SetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          DWORD64 value);
+  // STATIC float set
+  static HRESULT SetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          float value);
+  // STATIC double set
+  static HRESULT SetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          double value);
+  // STATIC string set
+  static HRESULT SetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value);
+  // STATIC binary data set
+  static HRESULT SetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          const uint8* value,
+                          DWORD byte_count);
+  // STATIC multi-string set
+  static HRESULT SetValueMultiSZ(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                                 const TCHAR* value_name,
+                                 const uint8* value,
+                                 DWORD byte_count);
+  // STATIC int32 get
+  static HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          DWORD* value);
+  // STATIC int64 get
+  //
+  // Note: if you are using time64 you should
+  // likely use GetLimitedTimeValue (util.h) instead of this method.
+  static HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          DWORD64* value);
+  // STATIC float get
+  static HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          float* value);
+  // STATIC double get
+  static HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          double* value);
+  // STATIC string get
+  // Note: the caller must free the return buffer for wchar_t* version
+  static HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          wchar_t** value);
+  static HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          std::wstring* value);
+  static HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          std::vector<std::wstring>* value);
+  // STATIC get binary data - the caller must free the return buffer
+  static HRESULT GetValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                          const wchar_t* value_name,
+                          uint8** value,
+                          DWORD* byte_count);
+  // Get type of a registry value
+  static HRESULT GetValueType(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                              const wchar_t* value_name,
+                              DWORD* value_type);
+  // delete a subkey of the current key (with no subkeys)
+  HRESULT DeleteSubKey(const wchar_t* key_name);
+  // recursively delete a sub key of the current key (and all its subkeys)
+  HRESULT RecurseDeleteSubKey(const wchar_t* key_name);
+  // STATIC version of delete key - handles nested keys also
+  // delete a key and all its sub-keys recursively
+  // Returns S_FALSE if key didn't exist, S_OK if deletion was successful,
+  // and failure otherwise.
+  static HRESULT DeleteKey(const wchar_t* full_key_name);
+  // STATIC version of delete key
+  // delete a key recursively or non-recursively
+  // Returns S_FALSE if key didn't exist, S_OK if deletion was successful,
+  // and failure otherwise.
+  static HRESULT DeleteKey(const wchar_t* full_key_name, bool recursive);
+  // delete the specified value
+  HRESULT DeleteValue(const wchar_t* value_name);
+  // STATIC version of delete value
+  // Returns S_FALSE if key didn't exist, S_OK if deletion was successful,
+  // and failure otherwise.
+  static HRESULT DeleteValue(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                             const wchar_t* value_name);
+  // Peek inside (use a RegKey as a smart wrapper around a registry handle)
+  HKEY key() { return h_key_; }
+  // helper function to get the HKEY and the root key from a string
+  // modifies the argument in place and returns the key name
+  // e.g. HKLM\\Software\\Google\... returns HKLM, "Software\\Google\..."
+  // Necessary for the static versions that use the full name of the reg key
+  static HKEY GetRootKeyInfo(std::wstring* full_key_name);
+  // Returns true if this key name is 'safe' for deletion (doesn't specify a key
+  // root)
+  static bool SafeKeyNameForDeletion(const wchar_t* key_name);
+  // save the key and all of its subkeys and values to a file
+  static HRESULT Save(const wchar_t* full_key_name, const wchar_t* file_name);
+  // restore the key and all of its subkeys and values which are saved into a
+  // file
+  static HRESULT Restore(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                         const wchar_t* file_name);
+  // Is the key empty: having no sub-keys and values
+  static bool IsKeyEmpty(const wchar_t* full_key_name);
+ private:
+  // helper function to get any value from the registry
+  // used when the size of the data is unknown
+  HRESULT GetValueHelper(const wchar_t* value_name,
+                         DWORD* type, uint8** value,
+                         DWORD* byte_count) const;
+  // helper function to get the parent key name and the subkey from a string
+  // modifies the argument in place and returns the key name
+  // Necessary for the static versions that use the full name of the reg key
+  static std::wstring GetParentKeyInfo(std::wstring* key_name);
+  // common SET Helper for the static case
+  static HRESULT SetValueStaticHelper(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                                      const wchar_t* value_name,
+                                      DWORD type,
+                                      LPVOID value,
+                                      DWORD byte_count = 0);
+  // common GET Helper for the static case
+  static HRESULT GetValueStaticHelper(const wchar_t* full_key_name,
+                                      const wchar_t* value_name,
+                                      DWORD type,
+                                      LPVOID value,
+                                      DWORD* byte_count = NULL);
+  // convert REG_MULTI_SZ bytes to string array
+  static HRESULT MultiSZBytesToStringArray(const uint8* buffer,
+                                           DWORD byte_count,
+                                           std::vector<std::wstring>* value);
+  // the HKEY for the current key
+  HKEY h_key_;
+  // for unittest
+  friend void RegKeyHelperFunctionsTest();
+}  // namespace rtc