Consolidate audio conversion from Channel and TransmitMixer.

Replace the two versions with a single DownConvertToCodecFormat. As
mentioned in comments, this could be further consolidated with
RemixAndResample but we should write a full audio converter class in
that case.

Along the way:
- Fix the bug present in Channel::Demultiplex with mono input and a
stereo codec.
- Remove the 32 kHz max from the OnDataAvailable path. This avoids a
48 -> 32 -> 48 conversion when VoE is passed 48 kHz audio; instead we
get a straight pass-through to ACM. The 32 kHz conversion is still
needed in the RecordedDataIsAvailable path until APM natively supports
48 kHz.
- Merge resampler improvements from ACM1 to ACM2. This allows ACM to
handle 44.1 kHz audio passed to VoE and was originally done here:
- Reuse the RemixAndResample unit tests for DownConvertToCodecFormat.
- Remove unused functions from

TESTED=voe_cmd_test using both the OnDataAvailable and
RecordedDataIsAvailable paths, with a captured audio format of all
combinations of {44.1,48} kHz and {1,2} channels, running through all
codecs, and finally using both ACM1 and ACM2.,,

Review URL:

git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
18 files changed