Add possibility to get the last processed RTT from the call stats class (to be used by RTP/RTCP module).

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git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
diff --git a/video_engine/vie_channel_manager.h b/video_engine/vie_channel_manager.h
index 5ded956..9776435 100644
--- a/video_engine/vie_channel_manager.h
+++ b/video_engine/vie_channel_manager.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 class Config;
 class CriticalSectionWrapper;
 class ProcessThread;
-class RtcpRttObserver;
+class RtcpRttStats;
 class ViEChannel;
 class ViEEncoder;
 class VoEVideoSync;
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
                            ViEEncoder* vie_encoder,
                            RtcpBandwidthObserver* bandwidth_observer,
                            RemoteBitrateEstimator* remote_bitrate_estimator,
-                           RtcpRttObserver* rtcp_rtt_observer,
+                           RtcpRttStats* rtcp_rtt_stats,
                            RtcpIntraFrameObserver* intra_frame_observer,
                            bool sender);