Version 3.3.0

Fixed bug in floating point rounding in Crankshaft on ARM (issue 958)

Fixed a number of issues with running without VFPv3 support on ARM (issue 1315)

Introduced v8Locale.Collator, a partial implementation of Collator per last ECMAScript meeting + mailing list.

Minor performance improvements and bug fixes.

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
diff --git a/test/mjsunit/debug-evaluate-with.js b/test/mjsunit/debug-evaluate-with.js
index 9d95a9f..c19a707 100644
--- a/test/mjsunit/debug-evaluate-with.js
+++ b/test/mjsunit/debug-evaluate-with.js
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@
         // Break point in first with block.
         assertEquals(2, exec_state.frame(0).evaluate('a').value());
         assertEquals(2, exec_state.frame(0).evaluate('b').value());
-      } else {
+      } else if (breakPointCount == 2) {
         // Break point in second with block.
         assertEquals(3, exec_state.frame(0).evaluate('a').value());
         assertEquals(1, exec_state.frame(0).evaluate('b').value());
-        // Indicate that all was processed.
-        listenerComplete = true;
+      } else if (breakPointCount == 3) {
+        // Break point in eval with block.
+        assertEquals('local', exec_state.frame(0).evaluate('foo').value());
   } catch (e) {
@@ -72,6 +72,10 @@
+var foo = "global";
+eval("with({bar:'with'}) { (function g() { var foo = 'local'; debugger; })(); }");
 // Make sure that the debug event listener vas invoked.
+assertEquals(3, breakPointCount);
 assertFalse(exception, "exception in listener")