Version 1.2.11.

Improved performance on IA-32 and ARM.

Fixed profiler sampler implementation on Mac OS X.

Changed the representation of global objects to improve performance of adding a lot of new properties.

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 1b0f9b2..a8a6243 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1776,32 +1776,30 @@
       TickSample sample;
       // If profiling, we record the pc and sp of the profiled thread.
-      if (sampler_->IsProfiling()) {
-        // Pause the profiled thread and get its context.
-        SuspendThread(profiled_thread_);
+      if (sampler_->IsProfiling()
+          && SuspendThread(profiled_thread_) != (DWORD)-1) {
         context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
-        GetThreadContext(profiled_thread_, &context);
-        // Invoke tick handler with program counter and stack pointer.
+        if (GetThreadContext(profiled_thread_, &context) != 0) {
 #if V8_HOST_ARCH_X64
-        sample.pc = context.Rip;
-        sample.sp = context.Rsp;
-        sample.fp = context.Rbp;
+          UNIMPLEMENTED();
+          sample.pc = context.Rip;
+          sample.sp = context.Rsp;
+          sample.fp = context.Rbp;
-        sample.pc = context.Eip;
-        sample.sp = context.Esp;
-        sample.fp = context.Ebp;
+          sample.pc = context.Eip;
+          sample.sp = context.Esp;
+          sample.fp = context.Ebp;
+          sampler_->SampleStack(&sample);
+        }
+        ResumeThread(profiled_thread_);
       // We always sample the VM state.
       sample.state = Logger::state();
+      // Invoke tick handler with program counter and stack pointer.
-      if (sampler_->IsProfiling()) {
-        ResumeThread(profiled_thread_);
-      }
       // Wait until next sampling.