Version 3.7.1

Achieved 33% speedup in debug-mode tests.

Removed special casing of calls to RegExp test and exec methods with no
argument.  Now matches new JSC behaviour.

Return the empty string on cyclic references in toString (ES5

Fixed bug triggered by JSBeautifier.

Made Math.random state per-context instead of per-process (issue 864).

Fixed stack traces to skip native functions.

Make snapshots (new contexts) smaller and faster.

Fixed handling of Function.apply for non-array arguments.

Fixed evaluation order in defineProperties to match FireFox.

Fixed handling of non-object receivers for array builtins,

Multiple fixes to improve compliance with test262.

Fixed compatibility with older Android releases.

Fixed compilation with gcc-4.5.3.

Improved performance of WriteUtf8, issue 1665.

Made native syntax an early error in the preparser.

Fixed issues 793 and 893 relating to Function.prototype.bind.

Improved let, const, Set and Map support and other Harmony features
(behind the --harmony flag).

Changed evaluation order for > and <= to match ES5 instead of ES3.

Bug fixes and performance improvements on all platforms.
Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
diff --git a/test/mjsunit/function-bind.js b/test/mjsunit/function-bind.js
index e9d0221..4a8f2d2 100644
--- a/test/mjsunit/function-bind.js
+++ b/test/mjsunit/function-bind.js
@@ -29,29 +29,31 @@
 // Simple tests.
 function foo(x, y, z) {
-  return x + y + z;
+  return [this, arguments.length, x];
+assertEquals(3, foo.length);
 var f = foo.bind(foo);
-assertEquals(3, f(1, 1, 1));
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(1, 2, 3));
 assertEquals(3, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo, 2);
-assertEquals(4, f(1, 1));
+f = foo.bind(foo, 1);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(2, 3));
 assertEquals(2, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo, 2, 2);
-assertEquals(5, f(1));
+f = foo.bind(foo, 1, 2);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(3));
 assertEquals(1, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo, 2, 2, 2);
-assertEquals(6, f());
+f = foo.bind(foo, 1, 2, 3);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f());
 assertEquals(0, f.length);
 // Test that length works correctly even if more than the actual number
 // of arguments are given when binding.
 f = foo.bind(foo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
-assertEquals(6, f());
+assertEquals([foo, 9, 1], f());
 assertEquals(0, f.length);
 // Use a different bound object.
@@ -78,65 +80,98 @@
 // When only giving the thisArg, any number of binds should have
 // the same effect.
 f = foo.bind(foo);
-assertEquals(3, f(1, 1, 1));
-f = foo.bind(foo).bind(foo).bind(foo).bind(foo);
-assertEquals(3, f(1, 1, 1));
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(1, 2, 3));
+var not_foo = {};
+f = foo.bind(foo).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(1, 2, 3));
 assertEquals(3, f.length);
 // Giving bound parameters should work at any place in the chain.
-f = foo.bind(foo, 1).bind(foo).bind(foo).bind(foo);
-assertEquals(3, f(1, 1));
+f = foo.bind(foo, 1).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(2, 3));
 assertEquals(2, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo).bind(foo, 1).bind(foo).bind(foo);
-assertEquals(3, f(1, 1));
+f = foo.bind(foo).bind(not_foo, 1).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(2, 3));
 assertEquals(2, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo).bind(foo).bind(foo,1 ).bind(foo);
-assertEquals(3, f(1, 1));
+f = foo.bind(foo).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo,1 ).bind(not_foo);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(2, 3));
 assertEquals(2, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo).bind(foo).bind(foo).bind(foo, 1);
-assertEquals(3, f(1, 1));
+f = foo.bind(foo).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo, 1);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(2, 3));
 assertEquals(2, f.length);
-// Several parameters can be given, and given in different bind invokations.
-f = foo.bind(foo, 1, 1).bind(foo).bind(foo).bind(foo);
-assertEquals(3, f(1));
+// Several parameters can be given, and given in different bind invocations.
+f = foo.bind(foo, 1, 2).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(3));
 assertEquals(1, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo).bind(foo, 1, 1).bind(foo).bind(foo);
-assertEquals(3, f(1));
+f = foo.bind(foo).bind(not_foo, 1, 2).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(1));
 assertEquals(1, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo).bind(foo, 1, 1).bind(foo).bind(foo);
-assertEquals(3, f(1));
+f = foo.bind(foo).bind(not_foo, 1, 2).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(3));
 assertEquals(1, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo).bind(foo).bind(foo, 1, 1).bind(foo);
-assertEquals(3, f(1));
+f = foo.bind(foo).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo, 1, 2).bind(not_foo);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(1));
 assertEquals(1, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo).bind(foo).bind(foo).bind(foo, 1, 1);
-assertEquals(3, f(1));
+f = foo.bind(foo).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo, 1, 2);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(3));
 assertEquals(1, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo, 1).bind(foo, 1).bind(foo).bind(foo);
-assertEquals(3, f(1));
+f = foo.bind(foo, 1).bind(not_foo, 2).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(3));
 assertEquals(1, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo, 1).bind(foo).bind(foo, 1).bind(foo);
-assertEquals(3, f(1));
+f = foo.bind(foo, 1).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo, 2).bind(not_foo);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(3));
 assertEquals(1, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo, 1).bind(foo).bind(foo).bind(foo, 1);
-assertEquals(3, f(1));
+f = foo.bind(foo, 1).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo, 2);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(3));
 assertEquals(1, f.length);
-f = foo.bind(foo).bind(foo, 1).bind(foo).bind(foo, 1);
-assertEquals(3, f(1));
+f = foo.bind(foo).bind(not_foo, 1).bind(not_foo).bind(not_foo, 2);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(3));
 assertEquals(1, f.length);
+// The wrong number of arguments can be given to bound functions too.
+f = foo.bind(foo);
+assertEquals(3, f.length);
+assertEquals([foo, 0, undefined], f());
+assertEquals([foo, 1, 1], f(1));
+assertEquals([foo, 2, 1], f(1, 2));
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(1, 2, 3));
+assertEquals([foo, 4, 1], f(1, 2, 3, 4));
+f = foo.bind(foo, 1);
+assertEquals(2, f.length);
+assertEquals([foo, 1, 1], f());
+assertEquals([foo, 2, 1], f(2));
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(2, 3));
+assertEquals([foo, 4, 1], f(2, 3, 4));
+f = foo.bind(foo, 1, 2);
+assertEquals(1, f.length);
+assertEquals([foo, 2, 1], f());
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f(3));
+assertEquals([foo, 4, 1], f(3, 4));
+f = foo.bind(foo, 1, 2, 3);
+assertEquals(0, f.length);
+assertEquals([foo, 3, 1], f());
+assertEquals([foo, 4, 1], f(4));
+f = foo.bind(foo, 1, 2, 3, 4);
+assertEquals(0, f.length);
+assertEquals([foo, 4, 1], f());
 // Test constructor calls.
 function bar(x, y, z) {
@@ -171,13 +206,91 @@
 // Test bind chains when used as a constructor.
 f = bar.bind(bar, 1).bind(bar, 2).bind(bar, 3);
 obj2 = new f();
 assertEquals(1, obj2.x);
 assertEquals(2, obj2.y);
 assertEquals(3, obj2.z);
-// Test instanceof obj2 is bar, not f.
+// Test obj2 is instanceof both bar and f.
 assertTrue(obj2 instanceof bar);
-assertFalse(obj2 instanceof f);
+assertTrue(obj2 instanceof f);
+// This-args are not relevant to instanceof.
+f = bar.bind(foo.prototype, 1).
+    bind(String.prototype, 2).
+    bind(Function.prototype, 3);
+var obj3 = new f();
+assertTrue(obj3 instanceof bar);
+assertTrue(obj3 instanceof f);
+assertFalse(obj3 instanceof foo);
+assertFalse(obj3 instanceof Function);
+assertFalse(obj3 instanceof String);
+// thisArg is converted to object.
+f = foo.bind(undefined);
+assertEquals([this, 0, undefined], f());
+f = foo.bind(null);
+assertEquals([this, 0, undefined], f());
+f = foo.bind(42);
+assertEquals([Object(42), 0, undefined], f());
+f = foo.bind("foo");
+assertEquals([Object("foo"), 0, undefined], f());
+f = foo.bind(true);
+assertEquals([Object(true), 0, undefined], f());
+// Strict functions don't convert thisArg.
+function soo(x, y, z) {
+  "use strict";
+  return [this, arguments.length, x];
+var s = soo.bind(undefined);
+assertEquals([undefined, 0, undefined], s());
+s = soo.bind(null);
+assertEquals([null, 0, undefined], s());
+s = soo.bind(42);
+assertEquals([42, 0, undefined], s());
+s = soo.bind("foo");
+assertEquals(["foo", 0, undefined], s());
+s = soo.bind(true);
+assertEquals([true, 0, undefined], s());
+// Test that .arguments and .caller are poisoned according to the ES5 spec.
+// Check that property descriptors are correct (unconfigurable, unenumerable,
+// and both get and set is the ThrowTypeError function).
+var cdesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(f, "caller");
+var adesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(f, "arguments");
+assertSame(cdesc.get, cdesc.set);
+assertSame(cdesc.get, adesc.get);
+assertSame(cdesc.get, adesc.set);
+assertTrue(cdesc.get instanceof Function);
+assertEquals(0, cdesc.get.length);
+assertThrows(cdesc.get, TypeError);
+assertThrows(function() { return f.caller; }, TypeError);
+assertThrows(function() { f.caller = 42; }, TypeError);
+assertThrows(function() { return f.arguments; }, TypeError);
+assertThrows(function() { f.arguments = 42; }, TypeError);
+// Shouldn't throw. Accessing the functions caller must throw if
+// the caller is strict and the callee isn't. A bound function is built-in,
+// but not considered strict.
+(function foo() { return foo.caller; }).bind()();