Add CodeGenOptions::{SoftFloat,FloatABI}, and update the all the (far too many) places to use this instead of using the backend -soft-float and -float-abi= options.

git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
diff --git a/include/clang/Driver/ b/include/clang/Driver/
index eda6e4f..b34fe03 100644
--- a/include/clang/Driver/
+++ b/include/clang/Driver/
@@ -117,10 +117,14 @@
   HelpText<"Enable additional debug output">;
 def mdisable_fp_elim : Flag<"-mdisable-fp-elim">,
   HelpText<"Disable frame pointer elimination optimization">;
+def mfloat_abi : Flag<"-mfloat-abi">,
+  HelpText<"The float ABI to use">;
 def mlimit_float_precision : Separate<"-mlimit-float-precision">,
   HelpText<"Limit float precision to the given value">;
 def mno_zero_initialized_in_bss : Flag<"-mno-zero-initialized-in-bss">,
   HelpText<"Do not put zero initialized data in the BSS">;
+def msoft_float : Separate<"-msoft-float">,
+  HelpText<"Use software floating point">;
 def mrelocation_model : Separate<"-mrelocation-model">,
   HelpText<"The relocation model to use">;
 def munwind_tables : Flag<"-munwind-tables">,